This was posted via FaceBook and Twitter to the current Trustees.... wrt the LAST meeting (back in February):
"When I first posted on this issue - back in February - Bob Jubelirer responded with:
"Your comment is not true regarding forty second meetings but nevertheless less the public meeting have been short and uneventful ........ . I hope to be posting something soon regarding recent BoT meeting two weeks ago"
So.... I waited. And waited. And waited.
For Mr Jubelirer - or ANY of the Trustees - to speak to us on the elimination of public governance.
2 Months later? Not a word (TTBOMK)….
Well, not a word, aside from the triennial appeal from those up for election.
The triennial appeal to:
"Vote for me - because I am working so hard for you"
What say you:
Robert Jubelirer, Alice Pope, Ted Brown, Barbara Doran, Bill Oldsey, Rob Tribeck, Laurie Anne Stanell, Brandon Short, Jay Paterno?"
What happened at the last PSU BOT Meeting:
AKA: Penn State's BLACK BOX of Dysfunctional Governance.
How can any of the 38 members of the PSU BOT ask you for your blessing, while allowing this to continue?
"When I first posted on this issue - back in February - Bob Jubelirer responded with:
"Your comment is not true regarding forty second meetings but nevertheless less the public meeting have been short and uneventful ........ . I hope to be posting something soon regarding recent BoT meeting two weeks ago"
So.... I waited. And waited. And waited.
For Mr Jubelirer - or ANY of the Trustees - to speak to us on the elimination of public governance.
2 Months later? Not a word (TTBOMK)….
Well, not a word, aside from the triennial appeal from those up for election.
The triennial appeal to:
"Vote for me - because I am working so hard for you"

What say you:
Robert Jubelirer, Alice Pope, Ted Brown, Barbara Doran, Bill Oldsey, Rob Tribeck, Laurie Anne Stanell, Brandon Short, Jay Paterno?"
What happened at the last PSU BOT Meeting:
AKA: Penn State's BLACK BOX of Dysfunctional Governance.
How can any of the 38 members of the PSU BOT ask you for your blessing, while allowing this to continue?