Alright I know this is all you actually care about 
125- Suriano SO
133- Cortez JR
141- Lee tFR/ Moss SR
149- Zain SR
157- Nolf JR
165- Joseph SO
174- Hall SO
184- Nickal JR
197- McCutcheon SR/ Cassar SO
HWT- Nevills JR
Line-up is basically set. Two questions - 41 and 97. I think Cael will start Nick out on RS and let senior Moss start out the year. If needed, shirt can come off, but just my hunch based on how Cael has operated the past couple of years. 97 I'm only bringing up because Cassar has got that p-o-t-e-n-t-i-a-l. Still think it's Matt's spot. Expecting others to redshirt (Manville, AJ, Berge)
125- Suriano JR
133- Cortez SR
141- Lee FR/SO
149- Berge FR/ Pipher SO
157- Nolf SR
165- Joseph JR/ Manville FR
174- Hall JR
184- Nickal SR/ Rasheed SR
197- Nickal SR/ Cassar JR/ Rasheed SR
HWT- Nevills SR
Zain leaves
. Matt leaves
. Lee hits the line-up for sure. Berge says he wants to go 49 but we'll see if he can actually stay that low. Every freshman coming in will likely redshirt, only guy I can see making the lineup is a situation where RBY comes in and beats out Lee, but that's a tough scenario to call right now and I don't know if you'd even want him to go if that did happen.
Realizing the hit in 2020 is going to hurt losing 5 awesome senior starters. However, we'll probably be able to add in some fresh talent - RBY at 33, Lee at 57. Maybe Manville gets huge and fits in at 84. Or Wittlake could just take the spot. AJ could see Heavyweight (maybe stays 97 and his brother or other heavyweight comes in to start).
Either way, two title contending (dare I say probable favorite) line-ups. Lots of firepower and it remains a great time to be a Nittany Lion fan.
125- Suriano SO
133- Cortez JR
141- Lee tFR/ Moss SR
149- Zain SR
157- Nolf JR
165- Joseph SO
174- Hall SO
184- Nickal JR
197- McCutcheon SR/ Cassar SO
HWT- Nevills JR
Line-up is basically set. Two questions - 41 and 97. I think Cael will start Nick out on RS and let senior Moss start out the year. If needed, shirt can come off, but just my hunch based on how Cael has operated the past couple of years. 97 I'm only bringing up because Cassar has got that p-o-t-e-n-t-i-a-l. Still think it's Matt's spot. Expecting others to redshirt (Manville, AJ, Berge)
125- Suriano JR
133- Cortez SR
141- Lee FR/SO
149- Berge FR/ Pipher SO
157- Nolf SR
165- Joseph JR/ Manville FR
174- Hall JR
184- Nickal SR/ Rasheed SR
197- Nickal SR/ Cassar JR/ Rasheed SR
HWT- Nevills SR
Zain leaves
Realizing the hit in 2020 is going to hurt losing 5 awesome senior starters. However, we'll probably be able to add in some fresh talent - RBY at 33, Lee at 57. Maybe Manville gets huge and fits in at 84. Or Wittlake could just take the spot. AJ could see Heavyweight (maybe stays 97 and his brother or other heavyweight comes in to start).
Either way, two title contending (dare I say probable favorite) line-ups. Lots of firepower and it remains a great time to be a Nittany Lion fan.