Football Penn State Set To Name Beaver Stadium Field - West Shore Home Field

I know and that will never happen. As years go by the powers that be won't even ever remember being alive when Paterno was alive and he is simply some coach we had a long time ago, nothing more than that except he was part of some scandal. Sad but the harsh reality. But hey we sure as hell now have a bathroom remodeling company attached to the name of the stadium. Nice job BoT.

How many other iconic stadiums have these names attached to them? Michigan Stadium? No Ohio Stadium? No. Notre Dame Stadium? No. USC Coliseum? No. But of course we need to do it because we spent too much money on renovation of the stadium and desperately need money. Why these other storied stadiums and programs don't have to name their stadium after a bathroom and home remodeling type company I don't know. They probably don't think it is necessary or appropriate.
LA Coliseum- United Airlines Field
Judging by the social media posts I’m convinced most of the general public has an IQ of 80.

1.). It’s still Beaver Stadium
2.) Naming rights are nearly ubiquitous these days and does it really matter the field is named after a corporation? It free money.
3.) It was never going to be named Paterno Field. Joe’s been dead for 13 years and it would’ve happened by now if it were going to happen.
4.) The stadium renovation has nothing to do with closing of the branch campuses. If I see one more person make a comment that they should give it to the branches I’ll lose my mind. It makes zero sense to maintain branches with less than 500 students are dropping. If people thought the branches campuses were viable options in 2025 they’d have better enrollment. The same people bitching about the stadium are the same folks that will bitch when PSU goes 9-3 because they can’t snag some big time recruits or transfers. You want PSU to be big time they need to make the commitment to be big time.
Judging by the social media posts I’m convinced most of the general public has an IQ of 80.

1.). It’s still Beaver Stadium
2.) Naming rights are nearly ubiquitous these days and does it really matter the field is named after a corporation? It free money.
3.) It was never going to be named Paterno Field. Joe’s been dead for 13 years and it would’ve happened by now if it were going to happen.
4.) The stadium renovation has nothing to do with closing of the branch campuses. If I see one more person make a comment that they should give it to the branches I’ll lose my mind. It makes zero sense to maintain branches with less than 500 students are dropping. If people thought the branches campuses were viable options in 2025 they’d have better enrollment. The same people bitching about the stadium are the same folks that will bitch when PSU goes 9-3 because they can’t snag some big time recruits or transfers. You want PSU to be big time they need to make the commitment to be big time.
You know they are taking money from the branch campi to pay for the stadium renovations!
Judging by the social media posts I’m convinced most of the general public has an IQ of 80.

1.). It’s still Beaver Stadium
2.) Naming rights are nearly ubiquitous these days and does it really matter the field is named after a corporation? It free money.
3.) It was never going to be named Paterno Field. Joe’s been dead for 13 years and it would’ve happened by now if it were going to happen.
4.) The stadium renovation has nothing to do with closing of the branch campuses. If I see one more person make a comment that they should give it to the branches I’ll lose my mind. It makes zero sense to maintain branches with less than 500 students are dropping. If people thought the branches campuses were viable options in 2025 they’d have better enrollment. The same people bitching about the stadium are the same folks that will bitch when PSU goes 9-3 because they can’t snag some big time recruits or transfers. You want PSU to be big time they need to make the commitment to be big time.
I don't love it, and I'm not all that thrilled about the overall direction of college football. I also understand that any expectation of major success moving forward will require increasing amounts of money for players, coaching staffs, and facilities. No program is going to be competitive trying to do it on the cheap, so the choice is either accepting that every effort to increase revenue must be made or accepting that the program isn't going to be what you want it to be.
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I don't love it, and I'm not all that thrilled about the overall direction of college football. I also understand that any expectation of major success moving forward will require increasing amounts of money for players, coaching staffs, and facilities. No program is going to be competitive trying to do it on the cheap, so I'm the choice is either accepting that every effort to increase revenue must be made or accepting that the program isn't going to be what you want to it.
I understand the economics of the situation, and if it's going to financially solidify the Atheltic Department I can accept it. However, I'm saddened that it appears as if Paterno's name never will grace either the name of the stadium or the field, which is a shame and disgrace because the most important figure in the school is being forgotten intentionally.

I know and that will never happen. As years go by the powers that be won't even ever remember being alive when Paterno was alive and he is simply some coach we had a long time ago, nothing more than that except he was part of some scandal. Sad but the harsh reality. But hey we sure as hell now have a bathroom remodeling company attached to the name of the stadium. Nice job BoT.

How many other iconic stadiums have these names attached to them? Michigan Stadium? No Ohio Stadium? No. Notre Dame Stadium? No. USC Coliseum? No. But of course we need to do it because we spent too much money on renovation of the stadium and desperately need money. Why these other storied stadiums and programs don't have to name their stadium after a bathroom and home remodeling type company I don't know. They probably don't think it is necessary or appropriate.
I wouldn't say never. Though I understand the pessimism.

Ideally things like the field name wouldn't be for sale, but if it helps PSU football compete at a high level and there aren't better options so be it. How many billionaires and ulta-high net worth individuals do these schools have attached to them? We might be competitive with Ohio State, at best.
Whatever yada yada it does not change the fact that it is not a lot of money. Are they that desperate for $3 mil a year? Probably the biggest deal ever because no other good programs are doing this.
I thought it was $5m per year for $10 years. We could probably raise $3.3 mil annually in with a go-fund-me.
Can we at least salvage or recreate one of the urinal troughs and name it after that Jackass that fired Joe over the phone that night? It should be placed outside the main gate entering Beaver Stadium.
Put his face in it. $20/piss. The stadium upgrades would be paid by the end of next season! 😻
Can we at least salvage or recreate one of the urinal troughs and name it after that Jackass that fired Joe over the phone that night? It should be placed outside the main gate entering Beaver Stadium.
If someone could make this happen, I'd toss in a few bucks to help defray the cost of keeping the restroom open 24/365.
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You know they are taking money from the branch campi to pay for the stadium renovations!

I'm on a lot of college planning sites and am always laughing at the number of people who think that the "high price" of college is directly related to all the money spent on college sports. (even though plenty of colleges like Ivies or MIT/CalTech etc that don't have expensive sports programs still have very high tuition and cost of attendance.) Like if only PSU would cut the football program than tuition would be able to be lowered.
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Well, the color scheme is close.


Judging by the social media posts I’m convinced most of the general public has an IQ of 80.

1.). It’s still Beaver Stadium
2.) Naming rights are nearly ubiquitous these days and does it really matter the field is named after a corporation? It free money.
3.) It was never going to be named Paterno Field. Joe’s been dead for 13 years and it would’ve happened by now if it were going to happen.
4.) The stadium renovation has nothing to do with closing of the branch campuses. If I see one more person make a comment that they should give it to the branches I’ll lose my mind. It makes zero sense to maintain branches with less than 500 students are dropping. If people thought the branches campuses were viable options in 2025 they’d have better enrollment. The same people bitching about the stadium are the same folks that will bitch when PSU goes 9-3 because they can’t snag some big time recruits or transfers. You want PSU to be big time they need to make the commitment to be big time.
Scandals have half lives. I put this one at about 20 years.
I agree. Just implying that few outside of marketing people and the contractually obligated will ever refer to the field name. Take the $$$
WSH doesn’t care what you call it but it will be referenced always in print and on the broadcast but the logo will be seen on the field for pretty much the whole game 7-8 times a year. $475k for that per game seems cheap.
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How do you have a bigger EGO and think your Name is more important than the winningest Coach in NCAA College Football ?

Big Mistake BOT - money is not the answer when you eliminate actual 'Service' to the University !
How do you have a bigger EGO and think your Name is more important than the winningest Coach in NCAA College Football ?

Big Mistake BOT - money is not the answer when you eliminate actual 'Service' to the University !
You act as if it was an either or scenario. Joe died 13 years ago and when exactly was “Paterno Field” going to come to fruition. Hint, it wasn’t.

Didn’t Joe himself resist such plans?
May have already been mentioned, 50M for 15 years, 3.3 per, chump change. From the PHL INQ.
It's actually worse than that. $10 million is due in the first 10 years and the remaining $40 million is to be paid over the next 50 years!

Kraft was trying to have it both ways--touting it as the largest gift to the athletic department and a sponsorship. In both cases, it's an awful deal. No advancement/development unit in higher education would accept those conditions for a gift. Fairly likely, they never see the full $50 million.
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It's actually worse than that. $10 million is due in the first 10 years and the remaining $40 million is to be paid over the next 50 years!

Kraft was trying to have it both ways--touting it as the largest gift to the athletic department and a sponsorship. In both cases, it's an awful deal. No advancement/development unit in higher education would accept those conditions for a gift. Fairly likely, they never see the full $50 million.
Agree and disagree. There are limited options in State College PA versus Pittsburgh or Philly, etc. And it is still the largest in all of college football.

And I don't get the the Paterno stuff. Obviously, it locks out the field being named for Joe but there are several opportunities to honor Joe in other ways.
Agree and disagree. There are limited options in State College PA versus Pittsburgh or Philly, etc. And it is still the largest in all of college football.

And I don't get the the Paterno stuff. Obviously, it locks out the field being named for Joe but there are several opportunities to honor Joe in other ways.
My point is that there is a very good chance Penn State never sees that $50 million and even if it does, a fair chance the last installment does not arrive to Penn State until 2085.
  • Based on the "gift" perimeters, $10 million comes within the first 10 years. That could mean $1 million a year for next 10 years, $5 million in 5 years and another $5 million at the 10 year mark, or possibly all $10 million coming at the 10 year mark.
  • Then, according to the gift agreement, the "donor" has the next 50 years to give the remaining $40 million. Who's to say how that $40 million will be paid over that 50 years.
  • The naming agreement is for 15 years. So the donor fulfills the first part and ensures $10 million by the 10th year, he has 50 more years to "give" the next $40 million so at the 15 year mark when "West Shore Home" is no longer the name, what incentive does the donor have to complete the gift?
It happens more than you think where a donor does not fulfill the gift agreement. My wife and I both work in higher ed though she works on the advancement/development side and she's never seen a gift agreement structured this way. In her words, "I don't know a development officer who would agree to those terms."

Kraft is booking all $50 million as a gift towards the stadium which is fine. Most universities will announce a gift and book the full amount towards that year's fundraising goal. That's standard practice but the length of time to pay off what isn't a lot of money when you consider the length of time. What happens if West Shore Homes goes under in 7 years? Yes, the CEO of West Shore Homes is a PSU alum but the gift is not from him but from West Shore Homes.

As for the folks who are getting upset about Paterno not being named, sorry but get over it. Michael Mauti put it best--want to honor him? Go win a national championship. His name on or off the field doesn't take away what he's done for the school and program. I'm willing to bet having a library named after him vs the field is the way he would want it.