Penn State should still be safely in the top 10


Well-Known Member
Nov 29, 2021
Not that it truly matters as our playoff hopes are dead but UNC choked big time against UVa. Even if Bama jumps us that puts us at 10.
Hopefully Duke beats FSU. It's a shame Texas and OU survived today.
Penn St doesn’t deserve Top 10, I believe Utah definitely jumps and possibly Ole Miss too. Penn State and UNC will be right in front of ND since they have two losses. ND is probably better though. My guess is Penn St 13 ranked next week
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Our playoff hopes aren’t dead. There’s still a lot of football to be played this season.
But they all won
Right which is why they'll be ahead of us but who else should be? The obvious 9 then who...
Oregon State? USC/Utah winner? Ole Miss?
After that I think Mizzou is the next 1 loss team with Tennessee, Duke and ND all with 2 losses now.
No playoffs for Penn St and no Big Ten Championship game either. Only thing is another New Years 6 if lucky
They all beat better teams
Then Georgia and Michigan shouldn't be 1-2. It not just about wins
Don't get me wrong. I'm not saying Penn State is great. Rankings are just typically predictable. 13 seems unlikely for losing at 3 if not impossible.
Penn St best win is WVU which lost again today. Those other teams beat ranked teams
No Iowa is our best win which also isn't good but it's not just about wins
Michigan hasn't beat anyone and they're 2. I mean, let's use the criteria that voters use.
Have you ever seen a team go from 6/7 to 13 after losing by 8 on the road to #3? I haven't in almost 50 years.
Georgia and Michigan hasn’t lost to give them reason to drop them. And they won’t because they love those two
Georgia and Michigan hasn’t lost to give them reason to drop them. And they won’t because they love those two
That's fine--we'll see what happens and can continue it then
I can't fathom us falling to 13
If @knickslions and I agree it's probably unlikely we're both wrong since we rarely agree lol
How far USC drop after losing to ND last week? They were 18 this week
They didn't lose by 8. They got slaughtered
And they were ranked higher and lost to a 2 loss team not undefeated Ohio State.
They fell 7 and 8 spots for that so we won't fall that far.
Penn state had no shot at winning today. Trust me very disappointing, the defense is the only thing that kept it close. Plus a late TD with 30 seconds left makes it look closer than it was. Also ND played Ohio St better than Penn State and should have beat them. I know they were at home. But do you think Penn State would have had a different outcome if they played at home today? Unfortunately I don’t and not under Franklin
Penn state had no shot at winning today. Trust me very disappointing, the defense is the only thing that kept it close. Plus a late TD with 30 seconds left makes it look closer than it was. Also ND played Ohio St better than Penn State and should have beat them. I know they were at home. But do you think Penn State had a different outcome if they played at home today? Unfortunately I don’t and not under Franklin
No I don't. I'm not disagreeing with any of that. I'm just discussing based on historical results where we're going to be ranked. ND has two losses or they'd be higher that us. That Louisville loss was bad.
Which team would you have Penn St a head of out of Utah/USC winner, Oregon St, Ole Miss? Just curious
Which team would you have Penn St a head of out of Utah/USC winner, Oregon St, Ole Miss? Just curious
I don't think the voters will have any
If Utah wins this I might have them ahead or us but it's close. No chance of the other 2. Not because of how good we are but about them.
Look at their schedules though?
There's so much more to rankings than the schedule
I've bashed our SOS the entire time let's stop pretending Ole Miss and Oregon State are good teams. I mean, they both probably lose 4 this year. We lose 2. I mean, let's be honest.
We'd be favored against both on a neutral site.
Utah beats USC again. Most definitely a head of Penn St

Look at their whole schedule. They struggled with Baylor and UCLA and only put up 7 against Oregon State in a 14 point loss. Voters also don't respect USC as we saw last week. It'll be close but historically we'll be 9 or 10.
We'll see what the rankings say tomorrow--if you're right I'll fully admit I'm wrong. I'm just going with what has happened since I started watching football.
You should rank on the product you put on the field. Those 3 have played way more ranked teams and have beaten more too. What do you base ranking on?? It’s not all on eye test because we saw how Penn St looked today after playing their first ranked team.
If Penn St was a SEC team I would agree they would still be a top 10 team. Look at Bama they never drop them and keep them in the hunt. Penn St is meaningless because even the Big Ten doesn’t even care about them. Their cash cow is Michigan and Ohio St and that is all they care about
You should rank on the product you put on the field. Those 3 have played way more ranked teams and have beaten more too. What do you base ranking on?? It’s not all on eye test because we saw how Penn St looked today after playing their first ranked team.
I base ranking on who is likely to beat who and resume
I don't value beating value beating UCLA. I'm not sure I value beating USC right now. They don't play any defense
I don't value beating WVU or Iowa either
Again, if Penn State played Ole Miss or Oregon State on a neutral site we'd be favored. You're creating something that doesn't exist for beating other bad teams. You say ranked win like UCLA is good. They're not.
If Penn St was a SEC team I would agree they would still be a top 10 team. Look at Bama they never drop them and keep them in the hunt. Penn St is meaningless because even the Big Ten doesn’t even care about them. Their cash cow is Michigan and Ohio St and that is all they care about
You're not making any sense now. We were 6/7 today without playing anyone with a pulse. We get a ton of credit. Just wait until tomorrow and we'll see what happens. Again, I don't try to create what "should be" I deal with how the game is.