Penn State Trustees call special meeting on Friday to discuss Freeh Report

Let’s look closely at history with respect to this matter.

During the Executive Session of the July 2014 meeting, Al Lord in his debut as Trustee addresses the entire Board. He was direct in his comments. They did not take kindly to his words.

He proposed a resolution to review the report and its associated materials but that was defeated and replaced by a “let’s wait and see” resolution.

At the November 2014 meeting of the Board, after months of internal squabbling, President Barron announced his intention to review the report.

At that same session of the Board, then Chairman Massey asked me if I would refrain from my request to review the Source Materials while President Barron conducted his review.

I advised that I would not.

During the months of December through March, Al Lord, Bill Oldsey and I attempted to amicably resolve the issue of access to the Source Materials. We traveled to Phil to meet with outside counsel at Saul Ewing. We learned that President Barron had authorized Saul Ewing to begin redacting documents so that President Barron could commence his review.

The University offered access to us under conditions we could not accept.

First, the documents would be redacted.

Second, we would only have access inside the offices of Saul Ewing in Phila.

Third, we could not engage independent counsel to assist us with the review.

Fourth, we could not discuss the review with our fellow Trustees.

This of course let to 7 of us making a Formal Demand to Access Corporate Records— known as a 5512 Demand.

The University denied our request which led to the filing of a Petition in Centre County Court that resulted in our access.

President Barron’s decision to break his promise, not surprising, coincided with our legal efforts.

Whether he was formally advised by GC I do not know nor could I say. However, I will submit that in the time I served as Trustee, I never found him capable of making decisions on his own. But that’s just my opinion.

Remember, he was sourced by Rod Erickson and suppprted by Keith Masser.

The BOT puppet strings are visible in every picture of old “onion dip”.
What was gained?

Independent counsel.

Unredacted documents.

Engagement of other professionals to aid in the review.

Convenient access as opposed to limited access.

I worked virtually every weekend on this. Had I been required to travel to the offices of Saul Ewing I would never have been in a position to adequately discharge my duties.

Besides, Saul Ewing works for PSU.

Trustees, under the law, are required to independently verify the veracity of the information they are provided by the University.

But if all of that "gained" stays sealed, then in reality nothing was "gained". Lots of us strongly suspect the truth, but have no concrete evidence. Now you know the truth, but cannot tell anyone. How is that different? The only (albeit very slim) chance to change the narrative is if the truth is screamed, with supporting facts and evidence, from every mountain. If you cannot do that, what is gained? We all know that any vote to release the report will be blocked by the old guard. You had to sue to see the docs... how dumb do we have to be to believe that the results of seeing those docs will ever be allowed by the Old Guard BOT?
Any way a copy of your report could “mysteriously” find its way online for about 30 minutes or so, much like the GJ did for Sarah Ganim to get her Pulitzer?
Leaks, we talkin bout leaks? There are the Fina like leaks......Niagara Falls type leaks. They get Ganim a Pulitzer. Then there are the Kathy Kane leaks.....they get you five years. We're dealing with Commonwealth justice here folks. These pricks are ruthless and unprincipled.
If anyone actually gave a crap about Lubrano “leaking” information, would Cipriano be writing this:

“That internal 200-page report and the materials it draws upon may still be privileged and confidential. But Big Trial has obtained a seven-page "Executive Summary of Findings" of that internal review dated Jan. 8, 2017, plus an attached 25-page synopsis of evidence gleaned from those confidential files still under court seal.”
My guess would be there is a difference between sharing an analysis or opinion of what is reviewed and publishing the actual documents.
But clearly no one is as correct or as intelligent as you. I bow to your omniscience.


And - maybe more “interestingly” - why do we hear “we can’t say anything” until the cows come home - - - when it comes to broad public disclosure, where it could be evaluated on a neutral basis - - - - but no concern wrt placing the information into the hands of a “friendly”, filtering oracle?

Hmmm .....
Did Cipriano write about or otherwise come Tom what was stated in the exec summ or synopsis?
I don’t recall hearing anything about it one way or the other
What was gained?

Independent counsel.

Unredacted documents.

Engagement of other professionals to aid in the review.

Convenient access as opposed to limited access.

I worked virtually every weekend on this. Had I been required to travel to the offices of Saul Ewing I would never have been in a position to adequately discharge my duties.

Besides, Saul Ewing works for PSU.

Trustees, under the law, are required to independently verify the veracity of the information they are provided by the University.
Have you [former] trustees considered this as a tact?

I just read through Cirpiano’s blog about the exec summ and synopsis. I’m guessing it’s accurate of what you did/found. Take out a full page add in Phila, Pgh, Hburg, Erie and Scranton papers and boil all that down to what can fit on one page of the newspaper. Or go wild and make it a double. Maybe the WaPo too to catch the large alumni contingent there. End it with a call for all who are concerned about truth, justice and full transparency of the deliberate and coordinated attack on innocent people to write congressmen-woman, BOT, Barron, Wolf and similar.
Have you [former] trustees considered this as a tact?

I just read through Cirpiano’s blog about the exec summ and synopsis. I’m guessing it’s accurate of what you did/found. Take out a full page add in Phila, Pgh, Hburg, Erie and Scranton papers and boil all that down to what can fit on one page of the newspaper. Or go wild and make it a double. Maybe the WaPo too to catch the large alumni contingent there. End it with a call for all who are concerned about truth, justice and full transparency of the deliberate and coordinated attack on innocent people to write congressmen-woman, BOT, Barron, Wolf and similar.

The executive summary leaked has no new info.

A bullet point summary would be useful though.

But still no smoking gun... which I and everyone hoped for. ...

Instead the only defense seems like 'no evidence" ... How will that change the narrative?

Only evidence or a flip would. 4 people have been found guilty in court.

Joe has been declared clean by prosecutors, initially & later on 60 minutes.

I don't even understand what the goal is anymore.
Leaks, we talkin bout leaks? There are the Fina like leaks......Niagara Falls type leaks. They get Ganim a Pulitzer. Then there are the Kathy Kane leaks.....they get you five years. We're dealing with Commonwealth justice here folks. These pricks are ruthless and unprincipled.
Simple. Kane’s leak was unauthorized. The FAPSTER FINA’s were all authorized per the playbook.
No, actually what I am saying is what I’ve said since the very outset of this tragedy. Our strength is in our numbers. WE, collectively, can accomplish whatever we set out to do.

Legislators under stand first and foremost the business of elections. To win an election, votes are required.

This isn’t too complicated.

I certainly don’t want to disrespect anyone, even those who don’t agree with me.

Anthony, here is the problem. People are waiting for some kind of backing to help them prove that they are right in trying to change the narrative. Many have been waiting for the review to help give them that backing with hard, tangible evidence as support.
I will speak for myself in saying that I do not want to change the narrative. I just want the truth. Get to the truth and spread the truth- with evidence- and the changing of the narrative will begin to unfold.
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Just for grins, let’s okay what if:

What if...... tomorrow, all 38 members of the Penn State BOT sign a proclamation that Joe Paterno commited no criminal acts - - - nor did he experience any ethical or moral lapses.

They do that tomorrow at 2 pm.

Then what? Specifically

The press has no motive to rewrite the false narrative as long as PSU is admitting culpability. If PSU rewrites it, they will have to report it.
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I think the truth is that there is no evidence of child molestation at Penn State and hence no coverup, but there is evidence of a smear campaign by its board against the entire Penn State community. That is what I want exposed. This simplicity gets muddled and ultimately lost by complexity in the facts.
What was gained?

Independent counsel.

Unredacted documents.

Engagement of other professionals to aid in the review.

Convenient access as opposed to limited access.

I worked virtually every weekend on this. Had I been required to travel to the offices of Saul Ewing I would never have been in a position to adequately discharge my duties.

Besides, Saul Ewing works for PSU.

Trustees, under the law, are required to independently verify the veracity of the information they are provided by the University.

I am wondering if the state Disciplinary Board can subpoena the A7 review and relevant materials within as part of their investigation into the professional misconduct and violations of the Rules of Professional Conduct by Frank Fina & Cynthia Baldwin.
I'm wondering how much time has to pass before Tom McAndrew tells us all of the "secret stuff" he knows . . .
Toss Jerry Sandusky aside.

I just read the July 2 blog from Cipriano. He deserves a Pulitzer for his work

All the other theatrics, shenanigans, lies, deceit and activities surrounding this entire ordeal really needs to be made in to a documentary. The depth of the lies and corruption is so deep it is mind boggling. There doesn't even have to be a conclusion. It can simply end as an open-ended "who are the really the criminals and who are the really the innocent people in the Sandusky scandal?"

Cipriano's July 2 blog doesn't even get to the The Second Mile aspect either. How and why they escaped and why PSU BOT protected them is another mystery that I'm sure has unexpected twists, lies, deceit and corruption.
Toss Jerry Sandusky aside.

I just read the July 2 blog from Cipriano. He deserves a Pulitzer for his work

All the other theatrics, shenanigans, lies, deceit and activities surrounding this entire ordeal really needs to be made in to a documentary. The depth of the lies and corruption is so deep it is mind boggling. There doesn't even have to be a conclusion. It can simply end as an open-ended "who are the really the criminals and who are the really the innocent people in the Sandusky scandal?"

Cipriano's July 2 blog doesn't even get to the The Second Mile aspect either. How and why they escaped and why PSU BOT protected them is another mystery that I'm sure has unexpected twists, lies, deceit and corruption.

my biggest takeaway from Cipriano's blog post is that the Freeh group spent more time communicating with Frank Fina than they did with any of the principles they accused of covering up for a serial pedophile
Just for grins, let’s play “what if”:

What if...... tomorrow, all 38 members of the Penn State BOT sign a proclamation that Joe Paterno commited no criminal acts - - - nor did he experience any ethical or moral lapses. (BTW - I think 2 or 3 of the 38 were even on the Board before J Paterno passed away)

They do that tomorrow at 2 pm.

Then what? Specifically

Who was it who had that interesting quote? Something about an “unseasoned dish”.
It would be unnecessary since most people who have followed this saga already know that. For starters how about a statement to the entire Penn State community acknowledging the malfeasance of the 2011 BoT and condemning Ken Frazier specifically for saying we were all responsible?
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Let’s look closely at history with respect to this matter.

During the Executive Session of the July 2014 meeting, Al Lord in his debut as Trustee addresses the entire Board. He was direct in his comments. They did not take kindly to his words.

He proposed a resolution to review the report and its associated materials but that was defeated and replaced by a “let’s wait and see” resolution.

At the November 2014 meeting of the Board, after months of internal squabbling, President Barron announced his intention to review the report.

At that same session of the Board, then Chairman Massey asked me if I would refrain from my request to review the Source Materials while President Barron conducted his review.

I advised that I would not.

During the months of December through March, Al Lord, Bill Oldsey and I attempted to amicably resolve the issue of access to the Source Materials. We traveled to Phil to meet with outside counsel at Saul Ewing. We learned that President Barron had authorized Saul Ewing to begin redacting documents so that President Barron could commence his review.

The University offered access to us under conditions we could not accept.

First, the documents would be redacted.

Second, we would only have access inside the offices of Saul Ewing in Phila.

Third, we could not engage independent counsel to assist us with the review.

Fourth, we could not discuss the review with our fellow Trustees.

This of course let to 7 of us making a Formal Demand to Access Corporate Records— known as a 5512 Demand.

The University denied our request which led to the filing of a Petition in Centre County Court that resulted in our access.

President Barron’s decision to break his promise, not surprising, coincided with our legal efforts.

Whether he was formally advised by GC I do not know nor could I say. However, I will submit that in the time I served as Trustee, I never found him capable of making decisions on his own. But that’s just my opinion.

Remember, he was sourced by Rod Erickson and suppprted by Keith Masser.
Thanks Anthony. As always, I appreciate your willingness to share you insights.
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Folks should also read this (which came out last night)

This one is FAR more damning (IMHO) than most of the other evidence. It proves that Freeh was acting as an arm of the prosecution, NOT as an independent investigator. This is made even more egregious by how corrupt the OAG was in all of this.
Folks should also read this (which came out last night)

This one is FAR more damning (IMHO) than most of the other evidence. It proves that Freeh was acting as an arm of the prosecution, NOT as an independent investigator. This is made even more egregious by how corrupt the OAG was in all of this.

For this case, no one on the street cares about prosecutorial procedure or even whether or not Freeh's investigation was independent. They care about whether there was a coverup (by PSU administrators and Joe Paterno) of child sex abuse. They haven't an inkling about the real coverup, i.e., the protection of Sandusky's charity (by shredding its documents, among other deeds of misdirection) while going after Penn State's administration, its football program, and essentially anyone that might be part of its "culture" -- students, faculty, alumni, even area residents -- a misdirection headed by those who, in truth, "should have done more" based on their roles in various forms of governance. If it were not so sad it would be laughable.
This one is FAR more damning (IMHO) than most of the other evidence. It proves that Freeh was acting as an arm of the prosecution, NOT as an independent investigator. This is made even more egregious by how corrupt the OAG was in all of this.
...then add in that Kenny Frazier and the entire OGBOT was in on this, and then stitch together all the NCAA lies and corruption from Emmert, Simon and crew, and you have a story in which the only innocent people are the PSU football team and coaches.

Speaking of my friend Kenny, I posted a couple weeks ago this ditty below. From this it would seem that Frazier is on-board with releasing the freeh Report Review. I mean, he does want to stop misinformation, untruth and BS.

"Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, speaking in Philly, urges people to call out 'untruth, misinformation, and just plain BS' "

Quote inside the article reads:
"We the people, regaining our moral voice to resist injustice, to call out the truth, misinformation and just plain BS, and to shout kindness."
...then add in that Kenny Frazier and the entire OGBOT was in on this, and then stitch together all the NCAA lies and corruption from Emmert, Simon and crew, and you have a story in which the only innocent people are the PSU football team and coaches.

Speaking of my friend Kenny, I posted a couple weeks ago this ditty below. From this it would seem that Frazier is on-board with releasing the freeh Report Review. I mean, he does want to stop misinformation, untruth and BS.

"Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, speaking in Philly, urges people to call out 'untruth, misinformation, and just plain BS' "

Quote inside the article reads:
"We the people, regaining our moral voice to resist injustice, to call out the truth, misinformation and just plain BS, and to shout kindness."

Laughable misdirection at its finest.
my biggest takeaway from Cipriano's blog post is that the Freeh group spent more time communicating with Frank Fina than they did with any of the principles they accused of covering up for a serial pedophile
We all misunderstood Louie the Liar. The 9,000,000 emails were the number of emails between his peeps and the OAG. Now it makes sense.
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...then add in that Kenny Frazier and the entire OGBOT was in on this, and then stitch together all the NCAA lies and corruption from Emmert, Simon and crew, and you have a story in which the only innocent people are the PSU football team and coaches.

Speaking of my friend Kenny, I posted a couple weeks ago this ditty below. From this it would seem that Frazier is on-board with releasing the freeh Report Review. I mean, he does want to stop misinformation, untruth and BS.

"Merck CEO Kenneth Frazier, speaking in Philly, urges people to call out 'untruth, misinformation, and just plain BS' "

Quote inside the article reads:
"We the people, regaining our moral voice to resist injustice, to call out the truth, misinformation and just plain BS, and to shout kindness."

When I saw this story last week prior to the presentation of our findings, I must confess the word HYPOCRITE jumped out at me.

Press the University to release our report to the public.
When I saw this story last week prior to the presentation of our findings, I must confess the word HYPOCRITE jumped out at me.

Press the University to release our report to the public.
That's your answer? The University = BOT. The BOT required a lawsuit just to let you get started. You really think they are going to give in to any kind of "pressure" from alumni? They have total disdain for most of the alumni, if you haven't noticed. Sounds to me like you wasted your time... other than being able to play "I've got a secret" now.
When I saw this story last week prior to the presentation of our findings, I must confess the word HYPOCRITE jumped out at me.

Press the University to release our report to the public.
It would be most unfortunate if Frazier's Merck or personal email address were leaked
That's your answer? The University = BOT. The BOT required a lawsuit just to let you get started. You really think they are going to give in to any kind of "pressure" from alumni? They have total disdain for most of the alumni, if you haven't noticed. Sounds to me like you wasted your time... other than being able to play "I've got a secret" now.

That’s not my final answer. That is my suggestion presently.
I'm sure alumni can pressure the BOT during the public comment session that the OGBOT has systematically removed from the meeting.
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Seems to me that the last time the alumni got uppity by electing trustees that we felt represented us, they diluted our voice by expanding the Board and handpicking cronies to fill those seats. That's the BOT we're supposed to pressure into releasing your report?
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I propose that everyone call their state representative and senator once a week (or more) and ask that they pass reforms to the Penn State BOT. If we pressure them enough, threaten the “one term Tommy” .....something they understand. That will get their attention, they want to remain in the club. Lubrano should not have to do all our thinking, he has done enough, more than all us bitchers. This may be the type of action he had in mind. If we are half as smart as we think we are on this board we should be able to come up with better suggestions or several plans of attack. I know easier to sit on your butt and bit*h. Suggestions welcome. Zips up fire suit.