Pennsylvania vs National Recruiting

Best bang for your buck in that class - Dean at #73

Eric Montoya at 193 and Brett Pfarr at 171

Generally a weak class at the top, but a spattering of quality kids throughout the list.

Cannot top Dean at #73 though!

Ty Walz - 111 AA
Jack DeChow - 90 - AA
Dylan Palacio - 66 - AA
Willie Miklus - 33 - AA
Eddie Klimara - 34 - AA
Isaac Jordan - 27 - AA
Cory Clark - 23 - Champion

Lots of AAs in the the 11-25 range too. Giilman, Brooks, Realbuto, Richards, Crutchmer, DiCamillo.

Rankings aren't perfect, but they are a good tool.
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I moved this to its own thread because I think it deserves some discussion outside the dumpster fire PIAA finals thread. It is an interesting subject because we currently have no likely PA starters from the 2016, 2017 and 2018 classes.

Dumb thread.

Some people look for things to complain about.

The OP did not include 2013, 2014 and 2015 classes that will have starters on the squad next year. He also listed incomplete classes not even on campus yet.
15.01.4 Contributions by Donor. An individual may contribute funds to finance a scholarship or grantin-
aid for a particular sport, but the decision as to how such funds are to be allocated in the sport shall rest
exclusively with the institution. It is not permissible for a donor to contribute funds to finance a scholarship or grant-in-aid for a particular student-athlete.

I personally like this rule. Other-wise, rich car-salemen will come out of the woodwork...
OMG. Somebody hit me with the DAFT button right now. I was thinking you couldn't name the DONOR. lol. Not the recipient.

Think, CowbellMan...THINK!
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Dumb thread.

Some people look for things to complain about.

The OP did not include 2013, 2014 and 2015 classes that will have starters on the squad next year. He also listed incomplete classes not even on campus yet.

And yet you still read it, replied to it and complained about it (the irony). Anyway, add Teasdale and hopefully either Beard/Hoffman, the original post is out of date anyway.
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