Piazza family wants sims and bream fired

I'm sorry they lost their son. But these two do not get to dictate University HR policy.

Why should Bream be fired? Maybe Sims ... but even that's a very large reach.

I just noticed the Piazzas are using wording like "beloved football team" and "Penn State also has a long history of looking the other way at difficult situations.".

Ugh, guess we know where this is going to be going. They're going to play this case in the media, and rally the "Screw Penn State" crowd to their side! Excuse my language, but give me a ****ing break. This has nothing to do with Sandusky or any of that nonsense.

Shame on the Piazzas for playing this card.
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I think it's the first thing they've done right......

Now, if they would only aim a bit higher up the food (onion dip?) chain
I'm eagerly waiting your next diatribe as to how Sims and/or Bream are somehow responsible for the unfortunate death of their son.

Barry ..... You never cease to amaze me with your unending "passionate idiocy". Please don't disappoint me/us this evening.

Oh....and Jay Paterno did get successfully elected to the PSU Board of Trustees. What say you?
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I feel bad that the poor kid never had a drink before in his entire life until he got to that evil Penn State, where they forced him to join that evil fraternity. Why I bet he never knew that they drank at that fraternity and it was a total surprise. I'm sure that when he told his parents he was pledging there, they also had no idea that it was remotely possible that there would be drinking and hazing going on. I mean the parents would have told him that drinking and hazing were bad things, Right??
I have posted this before. From the Beta Wiki page:

Hazing, alcohol, and sexual assault incidentsEdit
As part of a multi-year dispute over co-ed student housing issues, the Beta Theta Pi chapter at Wesleyan University had been refusing access to campus security personnel. In March 2010, Wesleyan issued a warning to students to avoid the chapter house. In October of that year a freshman was raped by a non-member, non-student at a Beta Theta Pi Halloween party. The rapist was arrested, and both the fraternity and the university reached an out-of-court settlement with the victim in 2014. The dispute over campus housing was later resolved.[7][8][9]

In 2012, the Purdue University chapter was suspended for harming pledges and providing alcohol to minors.[10]

In March 2013, the Carnegie Mellon University chapter was suspended following a police investigation of sexually explicit videos and photographs of female students circulating among members.[4][11][12][13]

In February 2014, the fraternity's Alpha chapter at Miami University was closed in response to alcohol and hazing incidents.[14]

In October 2014, the University of Washington chapter was suspended by the university following hazing allegations.[15] The chapter was disbanded by the fraternity a month later, following an investigation.[16]

In 2016, the University of Oregon chapter was disbanded due to hazing and other "high-risk" activities.[17]

In 2017, the Pennsylvania State University chapter was permanently disbanded due to the death of a pledge, Tim Piazza, related to hazing and alcohol abuse.[18] Eighteen members of the fraternity were arrested and charged for his wrongful death.[19] The former chapter faces more than 147 charges, including involuntary manslaughter.[20][21

Maybe said parents have should have done some research.
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I'm eagerly waiting your next diatribe as to how Sims and/or Bream are somehow responsible for the unfortunate death of their son.

Barry ..... You never cease to amaze me with your unending "passionate idiocy". Please don't disappoint me/us this evening.

Oh....and Jay Paterno did get successfully elected to the PSU Board of Trustees. What say you?
LOL - I've already discussed it at length.

Not that you'd likely be intelligent enough to understand.
Well..... actually, I guess that, based on your question, that's a given :)

And if you WERE paying attention - even a little bit - and had ANY ability to process logic and reason (that's a big IF there) - even you would have "detected" the immediate rush to CYA mode from the Penn State "leadership" from the moment the Piazza event occurred.

LOL - I've already discussed it at length.

Not that you'd be intelligent enough to understand.
Well..... I guess that, based on your question, that's a given :)

The least you could have done is share a link to a post wherein you "discussed it at length".:rolleyes:

Please hurry....I'm not getting younger.

You didn't even read the linked Blog?
I actually clicked on it and saw nothing other than some red-dashed outlined text in which Piazza's father blamed Sims.

I'm still eagerly awaiting your link wherein YOU "discuss it at length". :rolleyes:
Bream obviously isn't responsible for Piazza's death.

But he put himself in a really stupid situation by living in a frat in the first place. He would have a hard time convincingly anyone that he didn't know there was underage drinking occurring as part of the pledge process.

He's an adult, and a university employee. I don't care what his personal circumstances were, but as a university employee he shouldn't be living in a household where law breaking and university rules violations is likley going to happen. Most of us drank underage, but I don't think it's hypocritical to say as a grown adult I want nothing to do with living in a house where it happens every weekend and I could get caught in the crossfire of dumb youthful mistakes.
LOL ........ open it
LOL.. I opened and read through your link awhile ago. In typical Barry F fashion, it's full of "fluffy shyt, but rather short on actual substance".

A lot of graphics and quips do not make an "at length discussion". Perhaps this satisfies your idea of "voter engagement", but then again it might also explain your "resounding defeat".

I'm still waiting for this alleged "at length discussion"
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I can't imagine losing a son like they did. However, is there maybe a tad of blame on their kid, or was he forced at gunpiint to drink? Not trying to be mean here, just saying.

Bear no personal responsibility when an entity with loads of money is involved, especially one with a recent history of pissing it away, no questions asked.
I can't imagine losing a son like they did. However, is there maybe a tad of blame on their kid, or was he forced at gunpiint to drink? Not trying to be mean here, just saying.

I don't think this is being mean at all. While what happened was horrific, there's lots of blame to go around and some of that rests with Tim.
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They have now overstepped the bounds of whatever compassion I might have held for their tragic family situation.

Like HRC, they need to "cope" and stop blaming/suing others.

i agree with first point. Leave the political crap out.
I would expect nothing less from their ambulance chasing lawyer against a university that doesn't defend itself. Certainly this is grandstanding, and throwing football under the bus isn't going to win them any fans. Might as well hold the civil trial in pedsburgh and have the university pay out 500 million for a kid who signed up to drink and then died drinking.
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LOL.. I opened and read through your link awhile ago. In typical Barry F fashion, it's full of "fluffy shyt, but rather short on actual substance".

A lot of graphics and quips do not make an "at length discussion". Perhaps this satisfies your idea of "voter engagement", but then again it might also explain your "resounding defeat".

I'm still waiting for this alleged "at length discussion"

Worthless, empty yapper ......
"But, but, but..... you're not providing me with a "link"....". LOL.
As if there was any potential for positive response from trying to "debate" with you.

And then - - - when you are spoon fed that information:
One of "those guys" - who, rather than actually attempt to utilize their intellectual reasoning capacities, instead just criticizes those who actually gonout ofntheirbway to throw them a life preserver of intelligence, insight, and wisdom .......
All because you are so comfortable inside your intellectually-inert, cozy little den of willful ignorance. (10 to 1 says that you are one of those ass clowns who is either a rabid "R" or a rabid "D" ...... so that you can have a staunch "take" on EVERY issue - without ever having to actually think and reason over ANY issue)

And here come PPB - - with absolute ( -273 celsius) ZERO wrt even pretending to provide a shred of intelligent basis for your "opinions"........ but cheap, low-level asshattery wrt the person who does.
You're a real first-class mascot for the death of reason.


Mea Culpa for wasting even this much time on you........ I won't add to that error moving forward.
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Have Mr & Mrs Piazza ever accepted any responsibility for not instilling better values -- or at least decision-making ability -- in their son? I enlisted when I was 18, and if you think there's not a lot of drinking, shenanigans and youthful indiscretions going on in the military.....well, you've never served!

However, I and the guys I hung out with had learned about boundaries, repercussions and taking responsibility for our actions. Seems like now it's always someone else's fault because dear little Johnny and Janey would never bring it on themselves.

I feel sorrow for the Piazzas for losing their son. Nobody should have to mourn the death of a child. However, turning it into a crusade wherein they place all the blame on others is not the healthiest way to grieve.
Have Mr & Mrs Piazza ever accepted any responsibility for not instilling better values -- or at least decision-making ability -- in their son? I enlisted when I was 18, and if you think there's not a lot of drinking, shenanigans and youthful indiscretions going on in the military.....well, you've never served!

However, I and the guys I hung out with had learned about boundaries, repercussions and taking responsibility for our actions. Seems like now it's always someone else's fault because dear little Johnny and Janey would never bring it on themselves.

I feel sorrow for the Piazzas for losing their son. Nobody should have to mourn the death of a child. However, turning it into a crusade wherein they place all the blame on others is not the healthiest way to grieve.
So you think the parents should just ignore the hazing that went on? They shouldn't be upset that while their son was dying people were taking snap chats with him and kicking him? They should just ignore the fact that the "brothers" were more worried about covering up what happened then is well being. Perhaps if they ignore all that the problem would get better
I bet your suggestion for the opioid problem is for those who have lost love one should just shut up and blame their dead kid?
I can't imagine losing a son like they did. However, is there maybe a tad of blame on their kid, or was he forced at gunpiint to drink? Not trying to be mean here, just saying.
I think Piazza has already faced consequences far exceeding his level of responsibility, don't you?
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i dont have any problems with SOME of the recommendations...but some of these are just not feasible and they are blaming penn state for everything instead of admitting that students are adults and can govern themselves
the concept of personal responsibility doesn't compute to most people today
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the concept of personal responsibility doesn't compute to most people today
It seems that for many on this board, the concept of helping other people when they're in need doesn't compute, either. The kid drank, so "personal responsibility" dictates that if he dies, nobody else shares any responsibility. I think we're fortunate that that's not how the world actually functions.
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It seems that for many on this board, the concept of helping other people when they're in need doesn't compute, either. The kid drank, so "personal responsibility" dictates that if he dies, nobody else shares any responsibility. I think we're fortunate that that's not how the world actually functions.
That wasn't what I meant. I think the people who were there are absolutely responsible and should be held to account. I object to blaming anyone else
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I'm sorry they lost their son. But these two do not get to dictate University HR policy.

Why should Bream be fired? Maybe Sims ... but even that's a very large reach.

I just noticed the Piazzas are using wording like "beloved football team" and "Penn State also has a long history of looking the other way at difficult situations.".

Ugh, guess we know where this is going to be going. They're going to play this case in the media, and rally the "Screw Penn State" crowd to their side! Excuse my language, but give me a ****ing break. This has nothing to do with Sandusky or any of that nonsense.

Shame on the Piazzas for playing this card.
You have to question Bream's judgement being a grown man living in a frat house. I bet his contract has a personal conduct clause just like most people do. If you are going to be a live in advisor then you to be aware of things going on in the house. He chose to be in that role and he may have consequences for it. He has to be aware that you work for a high profile organization so any decision could be placed under a microscope.
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