As I am now learning, Penn State has a long history of harsh hazing, excessive drinking and sexual assaults in its Greek Life. Penn State also has a long history of looking the other way at difficult situations. This must stop and all those who are part of turning a blind eye must be held accountable
To me this statement paints this young adult's parents as lazy, disengenuous or both.
They have a right to be upset and angry. They have a right to want people charged that may have had a hand in this. They don't have a right to act like they didn't know what goes on at fraternities or just universities in general, including Penn State, before their son died. Sorry, we live in the information age, with a 24 hour news cycle. There has been, in recent years, plenty of coverage on drinking, hazing and sexual assaults both within frats and on campuses, PSU included.
You would've had to turn a blind eye to not notice these things or to not bother researching them with a college bound son. I understand their grief and anger, I disagree with their attempt at claiming ignorance while denying their own personal accountability to their son.