Piazza family wants sims and bream fired

It's not

Penn State's (Sims') fault is an entirely different issue - for entirely different reasons, which have been well delineated

Unfortunately, as is usually the case with situations like these, no one really takes a logical look at the situation - - - it just becomes an "I walked 3 miles each way to school, both uphill" type of thing
I think it's more an "I took responsibility for my actions" type of thing.
I think it's more an "I took responsibility for my actions" type of thing.
Either way, that's not the point - at all.

That's the problem.

And if one feels that folks should "take responsibility for their actions"...... it is illogical to then not apply those same expectations to a grown, sober, highly-paid, executive who completely FUBARs his responsibilities....... right?

How is it possible to hold that ideal (responsibility for ones actions) so staunchly for one person - - - - and abdicate it COMPLETELY for another?
It is not possible - not if one is aware of the circumstances (which many may not be), and one is honest.


It don't matter
Either way, that's not the point - at all.

That's the problem.

And if one feels that folks should "take responsibility for their actions"...... it is illogical to then not apply those same expectations to a grown, sober, highly-paid, executive who completely FUBARs his responsibilities....... right?


It don't matter
So the Piazzas should go after that one person and not the entire university, right? And they should want justice and not money, right?
I'm sorry they lost their son. But these two do not get to dictate University HR policy.

Why should Bream be fired? Maybe Sims ... but even that's a very large reach.

I just noticed the Piazzas are using wording like "beloved football team" and "Penn State also has a long history of looking the other way at difficult situations.".

Ugh, guess we know where this is going to be going. They're going to play this case in the media, and rally the "Screw Penn State" crowd to their side! Excuse my language, but give me a ****ing break. This has nothing to do with Sandusky or any of that nonsense.

Shame on the Piazzas for playing this card.

Let's be real here. After the way the university handled things previously, what did you expect?

And I will focus on one thing, and one only here. They threw their alums under the bus by accepting collective guilt in the Sandusky case. This is perhaps the most egregious example of their failure. That will be the gift that keeps on giving--for a very long time to come. No matter on which side of the case you might stand. The world now believes that it was our culture and fan base that caused this and that we (and that includes YOU) are responsible.

Thus any time any issue with PSU comes up, this will always come up as well. For at least the next 30-40 years. And it was avoidable.
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Let's be real here. After the way the university handled things previously, what did you expect?

And I will focus on one thing, and one only here. They threw their alums under the bus by accepting collective guilt in the Sandusky case. This is perhaps the most egregious example of their failure. That will be the gift that keeps on giving--for a very long time to come. No matter on which side of the case you might stand. The world now believes that it was our culture and fan base that caused this and that we (and that includes YOU) are responsible.

Thus any time any issue with PSU comes up, this will always come up as well. For at least the next 30-40 years. And it was avoidable.

Exactly! Which is why the idea that we can "move on" is absurd. We (PSU) will NEVER get past this. Until someone stands up and defends the university and us. I believe that day will come. But I fear we're a long way from it yet.
Tom Kline is playing chess right now. All of this is posturing for the inevitable lawsuit.
Exactly! Which is why the idea that we can "move on" is absurd. We (PSU) will NEVER get past this. Until someone stands up and defends the university and us. I believe that day will come. But I fear we're a long way from it yet.

I no longer expect to see that day, alive anyway.

As a person of faith, however, I do expect to know the truth--someday. And I expect justice. Just not in this world.
As I am now learning, Penn State has a long history of harsh hazing, excessive drinking and sexual assaults in its Greek Life. Penn State also has a long history of looking the other way at difficult situations. This must stop and all those who are part of turning a blind eye must be held accountable

To me this statement paints this young adult's parents as lazy, disengenuous or both.

They have a right to be upset and angry. They have a right to want people charged that may have had a hand in this. They don't have a right to act like they didn't know what goes on at fraternities or just universities in general, including Penn State, before their son died. Sorry, we live in the information age, with a 24 hour news cycle. There has been, in recent years, plenty of coverage on drinking, hazing and sexual assaults both within frats and on campuses, PSU included.

You would've had to turn a blind eye to not notice these things or to not bother researching them with a college bound son. I understand their grief and anger, I disagree with their attempt at claiming ignorance while denying their own personal accountability to their son.

Agree. Drinking and hazing goes on at PSU.
Wow, someone let them know water is wet as well:rolleyes:
The statement in bold says it all. They're trying to tie this to Sandusky. "Penn State also has a history of looking the other way... ." Their argument is going to be that Penn State's "culture" is to not address issues head on and instead to stick their head in the sand ala the Sandusky narrative. Someone's looking for a big pay day.

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I no longer expect to see that day, alive anyway.

As a person of faith, however, I do expect to know the truth--someday. And I expect justice. Just not in this world.

Depending on how old you are, sadly, you may be right. I just believe that there will be some incident someday in the future and someone will try to cash in by claiming PSU is responsible as evidenced by the culture that enabled Sandusky and that will be the final straw, that PSU leadership at that time will finally stand up and say, "you're nuts!" But maybe I'm just dreaming.
Bream obviously isn't responsible for Piazza's death.

But he put himself in a really stupid situation by living in a frat in the first place. He would have a hard time convincingly anyone that he didn't know there was underage drinking occurring as part of the pledge process.

He's an adult, and a university employee. I don't care what his personal circumstances were, but as a university employee he shouldn't be living in a household where law breaking and university rules violations is likley going to happen. Most of us drank underage, but I don't think it's hypocritical to say as a grown adult I want nothing to do with living in a house where it happens every weekend and I could get caught in the crossfire of dumb youthful mistakes.
He was not charged. If he has a felony charge and conviction, maybe yes. The Piazza's can charge him civilly for manslaughter. Then they can ask, not before. I believe he was going through a divorce and was the reason he was living in frat house.
He was not charged. If he has a felony charge and conviction, maybe yes. The Piazza's can charge him civilly for manslaughter. Then they can ask, not before. I believe he was going through a divorce and was the reason he was living in frat house.
The Piazzas could sue him in civil court for wrongful death, but they could not charge anyone for manslaughter. Manslaughter is a criminal offense, and the state, not individual victims or their survivors, decides whether to bring criminal charges .
The Piazzas could sue him in civil court for wrongful death, but they could not charge anyone for manslaughter. Manslaughter is a criminal offense, and the state, not individual victims or their survivors, decides whether to bring criminal charges .
With SPM on the way out, I doubt she does much During the rest of her reign, aside from schedule plastic surgery appointments and hang out at GiGis......

But, it would be interesting to see what would happen if the Piazzas used their bully pulpit to question why Sims has not been charged.

That would be an action worth taking.