This is a nice lesson. Everyone that attends the sPitt game this year needs to get photos and videos of these a-holes. Any other information would also be good...names, license plate, etc. Anything that can personally identify them so that we could then publicly call them out.
This ain't right. The past is the past. I guess he was trying to be funny.
According to The Daily Caller, the shirt orders have been cancelled..Point412 on twitter says you will never see these shirts.. Let's hope it's true..It doesn't really make any sense? So Pitt fans are going to wear shirts that are Penn State colors? Maybe they'll use it as an excuse when Penn State fans outnumber Pitt fans. They'll claim there were actually 1000s of ahole Pitt fans wearing these disgusting shirts.
I reckon they got a call from The Pitt AD. (Who went to Fresno State).
If you ever wanted to see how bad sports "journalism" is- just look at the stories/ tweets etc that have come from this. The sports media get their stories from message boards (in this case about an obscure Twitter feed that had 2-3 posts since June 6 before today). Penn live is the worst at this.
Seriously, a battle on message boards is now "news".![]()
According to The Daily Caller, the shirt orders have been cancelled..Point412 on twitter says you will never see these shirts.. Let's hope it's true..
Pitt garbage tweeting to Sandy...
Pitt Man@Pittfootballfan
@SandyB_PSUAD Hey Butch, sad to hear you didn't get Zika while in Rio. You aren't stopping the Joe Knew t-shirts. Have a horrible day. H2P!!
12:37 PM - 25 Aug 2016
Good. That's the kind of stuff we need. Maybe she will tell Pitt to look for a replacement.
Good. That's the kind of stuff we need. Maybe she will tell Pitt to look for a replacement.
AMEN. I have no interest in seeing Pitt on the schedule for a variety of reasons. The sooner we can remedy that, the better. Tweets like that, the dumb t-shirts, poor fan behavior, complaints from our fans, etc. are only going to help ensure we don't schedule them again so I hope they keep it up.Good. That's the kind of stuff we need. Maybe she will tell Pitt to look for a replacement.
Plus, somebody should tell that guy that we can find out who he is, where he is, etc.
Again, nice and friendly like.
Those of us who have attended Pitt PSU games over several decades have been trying to tell people here what this game will be like. Their fans are freaks like none other and PSU brings out the worst in them. The Sandusky matter will put their behavior on steroids.
I am fairly certain there will be fights and people will get hurt on 9/10. Hopefully the early start will minimize it.
Penn State and Pittsburgh are renewing their in-state football rivalry on Sept 10 at Heinz Field, and a Pittsburgh blog is selling a shirt in Penn State colors for $20 that simply reads, "JOE KNEW."
Wear white.![]()
I didnt chafe the topic, I responded to someone who already did. Go cry about it to that person.Which has what to do with this topic in which neither victims nor the person convicted of crimes against each of them is mentioned? You just enjoy being a trolling tw*t.
In your own special douche like way. You're the expert on crying here, cupcake.I didnt chafe the topic, I responded to someone who already did. Go cry about it to that person.
I went back and checked. August 19th is the day I learned about these T-shirts and started contacting the T-shirt company. Any sports writer attempting to spin this any other way than a concerned Texas citizen trying to stop the spread of misinformation that harms survivors of Sandusky and puts other children at risk as well deserves to have their head examined.I haven't read the thread yet, but make a similar shirt that says "JOE KNEW" on the front and "PITT ISN'T IT" (to put it nicely) on the back.
I went back and checked. August 19th is the day I learned about these T-shirts and started contacting the T-shirt company. Any sports writer attempting to spin this any other way than a concerned Texas citizen trying to stop the spread of misinformation that harms survivors of Sandusky and puts other children at risk as well deserves to have their head examined.
I'm not the one whining about how another poster decides to contribute to a thread, pumpkin.In your own special douche like way. You're the expert on crying here, cupcake.
You need to take a step and realize that the people harassing him are anonymous too.Being anonymous only appeals to those who wish to harm. It's a lot harder to stand by your actions and statements when you are known.
Besides that, he entered the information online to register the site, which is public. He chose to post slanders, hateful, victim shaming material on his twitter. Anything he gets isn't enough. Everything you put on the internet is there forever, or should be assumed as so.
Be a man and stand by your ignorance or think first.
If that's what happened don't shrug it off because he's a tasteless a-hole. He didn't threaten anyone's safety.
Because those where the pictures that came up first.Disagree. He was trying to add gasoline to what will be an already combustible situation. He knew the probable ramifications of distributing that shirt. I would say it was highly likely that he was threatening people's safety, wouldn't you?
Think it's funny that you used blurred images of people's faces to prove your point. If it's all just innocent fun then why hide their faces??
Nobody is saying it's right to sell them. It's just worse to hunt down some guy and have him threatened by crazy ass fans because he's an asshole.
I believe he was willing to take the heat of wearing one, like plenty of other people, in real life.Disagree. People today, like this guy, need to learn that there are consequences for their actions. If this weasel couldn't take the heat he shouldn't have posted what he did.
I believe he was willing to take the heat of wearing one, like plenty of other people, in real life.
What you're advocating is exactly what you and the majority of the board denounce on a daily basis, mob justice. You don't like what he did so it's ok that he gets threatened by angry fans.
And what happens if one of them makes good? That's ok too, because he put two words together on a shirt? Grow up.
Scott will be fine. I'm sure he's aware from his previous experience as a D1 AD there can be rogue elements to every fan base. There are only 120 or so at the D1 level, a small group and they have 1 or 2 conferences every year, some right here in the Dallas area. I'm sure they compare notes on how to handle these types of situations.I know Pitt has a new AD but I don't know anything about him. I'm wondering if the past 24 hours have raised his concern that there may be issues with this game he hadn't considered yet.
Before yesterday I assume they thought it was great- a rivalry renewed and their best chance to win with PSU down and the game in Pittsburgh. Now, I'm thinking they are starting to notice that there may be crowd issues if this type of Yinzer behavior is widespread on game day.
Their AD could be in for a long September 10 weekend.
My curiousity demands to know how you uncover such a plot constructed by a no name 23 year old telemarketing wanna be blogger that has 100 Twitter followers and 0 linked in connections that hasn't tweeted in 6 weeks 5-6 days in advance of posting about Joe Knew shirts. Unless you have a friend at that exact website or know someone that knows little Billy, I can't see how something like would fall into someone's lap. Not trying to discredit but that whole scenario screams WTF.
I already stated how in an earlier post and I'm not going to out the person who brought it to the public's attention on the 19th of August if they don't want it made public here and are not a member. the shirts were already up on a seller website, the Newark Pitt guy just hadn't put out his own "advertising" blast yet. The evidence of our interaction is publicly available for those who demand to know...