Prosecutors Object to Ex-Penn State Administrators Request for Pre-Trial Appeal

Compare AG Schuette's press conference here with AG Kelly's in 2011.

No props next to the podium for the TV cameras. No grandstanding. No naming names other than the offender. No police commissioner running to the mic about "moral obligation".

The media even tossed the "turning a blind eye" line at AG Schuette.

He didn't fall for it and no one at MSU got thrown under the bus. Complete respect for the process.

There are young women complaining to MSU for years about an MSU employee shoving his fingers up their vagina (RAPE) while massaging their breasts and becoming sexually aroused while in MSU training facilities, and the DA failed to act back in 2014.

So tell me again how "slapping sounds" became "anal rape" and a "cover up" at PSU and why the cost to that singular lie has escalred into how many Hundreds of MILLIONS of dollars?
Each of these events just reinforces how completely F$cked up the entire PSU situation was

The MSU situation -
[which to anyone paying attention, is clearly 100 times more of an "MSU Problem" than Sandusky was a "PSU Problem"]
Is not going to result in any meaningful impact on MSU or the MSU community - - - None, and I think we can all safety bet the mortgage money on that

On the other hand:

Whether we look to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, or to the Board Room at University Park.......

From Corbett to Noonan to Kelly
From Fina to McGettigan to Beemer
From Kane to Shapiro to Steele
From Rodney to Dunham to Barron
From Frazier to Masser to Lubert
From Peetz to Dambly to Eckel
Etc etc etc.....

Thinking about the folks responsible for the destruction that has ensued vav Penn State -is enough to turn even the most forgiving liberal into an "Old Testament Christian", and wish for harsh retribution
The only way this is in any way relevant (as far as what's been alleged publicly) is if this person is connected to or is Red Hot Fire Ant (or some user with a name like that from some years ago).

That person claimed to have made allegations about Sandusky & Administration somewhat contemporaneously with the primary charges against CSS. According to their accounting of the story, there would clearly have been administrative records of actions taken.

When I heard about these things in 2012 from this person, I was skeptical & remain so. It sounded fantastical, and if true there should have been enough of a paper trail to make this very easy.

As there hasn't been much motion in the case, in fact, what motion there is, is dropping charges, I had dismissed this & completely forgotten about it.

Dismiss me if you like, but I am certain that many others know the claims I'm remembering here.

Again - I'm not making the claim, validating the claim, or even repeating the claim here.

But STD may be associated with that. For what that's worth. I still say not too much.

What allegations was this FRFA making? Can you recall?
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Each of these events just reinforces how completely F$cked up the entire PSU situation was

The MSU situation -
[which to anyone paying attention, is clearly 100 times more of an "MSU Problem" than Sandusky was a "PSU Problem"]
Is not going to result in any meaningful impact on MSU or the MSU community - - - None, and I think we can all safety bet the mortgage money on that

On the other hand:

Whether we look to Philadelphia, Harrisburg, or to the Board Room at University Park.......

From Corbett to Noonan to Kelly
From Fina to McGettigan to Beemer
From Kane to Shapiro to Steele
From Rodney to Dunham to Barron
From Frazier to Masser to Lubert
From Peetz to Dambly to Eckel
Etc etc etc.....

Thinking about the folks responsible for the destruction that has ensued vav Penn State -is enough to turn even the most forgiving liberal into an "Old Testament Christian", and wish for harsh retribution
BTW - and not surprisingly or unusual:

EVERY member of the MSU Board of Trustees is ELECTED, and comes up for re-election every two years

That alone - if PSU had a Board of Governance that was accountable to the stakeholders of the University - would have HUGELY mitigated the fallout from "Sandusky"

Any efforts to "reform" the PSU Board - that do NOT focus on, and do not make mandatory, a process of Trustee accountability to the stakeholders - is simply "rearranging the deck chairs"
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What allegations was this FRFA making? Can you recall?

Yes. Something like this...she claimed to have been a student film maker doing a project for school. She had footage of Sandusky doing *something* (I don't recall the details, not graphic stuff) with kids.

The film was confiscated and she got suspended or booted or some such thing.

I just thought she was a lunatic &didn't give it another thought.

I'm just reading between the lines of what std is claiming.

If there was academic action taken, there would be a record somewhere & it would include her version of events.
That she was (or knew someone who was) demoted or fired from Penn State for making allegations against Sandusky. Or something to that effect.

Yes, it might be more accurate that she claimed to know someone who had action taken against them. I think the thing was there was some kind of suspension that caused a scholarship/aid loss:

There are two messages I had, below. It reminds me of STD:

I think its a good idea to keep communication channels open w PSU alumns, even though many things I point out are very unpopular with most.

8 Oct 2014

I want 2 talk abt a university so corrupt, it would destroy a soldier's GI BILL entitlement window, so as 2 hide evidence of child molester.
If the administration of the school screwed up, so be it. Hang them from the nearest tree. But don't blame it on Joe instead.
The three folks facing a March 20 trial date, are all "Administrators"......... Just sayin'
Yes, it might be more accurate that she claimed to know someone who had action taken against them. I think the thing was there was some kind of suspension that caused a scholarship/aid loss:

There are two messages I had, below. It reminds me of STD:

I think its a good idea to keep communication channels open w PSU alumns, even though many things I point out are very unpopular with most.

8 Oct 2014

I want 2 talk abt a university so corrupt, it would destroy a soldier's GI BILL entitlement window, so as 2 hide evidence of child molester.

Flying_Red_Fire_Ant‏@FlyinRedFireAnt 3 Aug 2014
.WendellCourtney maliciously prosecuted PSU student writing internship fieldwork log -that included pics of Sandusky & kids aftr '98 charges

Now, the reason I dismissed all this (and there were scans of docs & such posted too) is that the apparent reason given for the film being confiscated was that the children's pictures were taken without permission. I think that is justifiable.

Whether it was the actual reason or a pretense is not clear.

Regardless STD == Fire Ant
Yes, it might be more accurate that she claimed to know someone who had action taken against them. I think the thing was there was some kind of suspension that caused a scholarship/aid loss:

There are two messages I had, below. It reminds me of STD:

I think its a good idea to keep communication channels open w PSU alumns, even though many things I point out are very unpopular with most.

8 Oct 2014

I want 2 talk abt a university so corrupt, it would destroy a soldier's GI BILL entitlement window, so as 2 hide evidence of child molester.
I remember some of those posts, but didn't really think it was JS related. I thought someone claimed JVP had them fired and they got kicked out of school or from being a GA, and it was related to day camp. its been a while for sure.
Assuming you are excluding CSS in that general 'admin' title.

Whoever was involved in this alleged event, (emphasis on "alleged"), can suffer if they truly screwed up. I don't believe it, by the way, that this person shows up with these allegations 5 years later, but I have always said I wanted the truth to come out. If someone can prove true negligence, let the chips fall where they may.

On the other hand, I'm cynical enough to believe that any person who shows up after the fact like this could easily be planted. I'm sure the attorneys will deal with it competently.

I'm also smart enough to realize that this bit of info planted here by our group of BOT bootlickers is probably all lies that they desperately wish were true.
I am just going to chime in here as I have not yet but, yes you do. This entire game of I told you so is proof enough of that.

However this all goes down, IMHO you are a piece of shit.

Why, because I have some information or turned it over to law enforcement?

I do not support covering up for Sandusky. I'd rather have that on my record.
LE has already certified JockstrapJohn as a loony tune. He and his fellow trolls and imbeciles aren't getting their wish that one of C/S & S would roll over on the others, or take a plea deal. Jacobs is plainly full of shit. They're being kept busy on Penn Naive where there is a Spanier and Kane article, both of which are off base, and off the wall nonsense. Jockstrap has switched his operation to here, and drives by on the idiot den.

His CDT "Blog" was also a joke. Ask him what happened to it.

Then there is Andrea DiMorphio was is plainly mbe34/shuttlesworth/SCHMO and a pile of other names. I spoke to the real AD before she died. She did not comment on sports sites or newspaper articles. She did not live in "Lake Hoptacong" which was a DiMorphio invention. When caught in his lie, DiMorphio claimed he was using his grandmother's name. All of it bullshit.

Paranoid much?
Whoever was involved in this alleged event, (emphasis on "alleged"), can suffer if they truly screwed up. I don't believe it, by the way, that this person shows up with these allegations 5 years later, but I have always said I wanted the truth to come out. If someone can prove true negligence, let the chips fall where they may.

On the other hand, I'm cynical enough to believe that any person who shows up after the fact like this could easily be planted. I'm sure the attorneys will deal with it competently.

I'm also smart enough to realize that this bit of info planted here by our group of BOT bootlickers is probably all lies that they desperately wish were true.

I agree with all of that, with the caveat that I'm willing to accept honest mistakes made with honest intentions without punishment. I think these guys were the wrong people to play the hand they were dealt, and tried to do the right thing. Probably like you, though, I would have to have Curley tell me himself he intentionally did something knowingly wrong to believe he could even be capable of such a thing.

I think it was WenSilver who mentioned that all of this noise about these things by the Bootlicker Contingent placed in the PennLive comments and other places could be a tactical attempt to taint the jury pool. I would not put that past them, knowing the OGBOT used their NY Times and other contacts to get their points across ahead of any counter comments. In a battle to be played out in the media, getting your point of view out there first and loudest is the best way to get the public's minds set in stone about the 'facts' of the topic. These loud, unpleasant noises coming from STD, etc. could easily be more of the same.
(Of course, STD is so insanely pleased with himself that he may be a star witness that other questions come quickly to mind about him and his purpose.... lonely and in need of self-justification leads to delusions of grandeur, perhaps?)
Whoever was involved in this alleged event, (emphasis on "alleged"), can suffer if they truly screwed up. I don't believe it, by the way, that this person shows up with these allegations 5 years later, but I have always said I wanted the truth to come out. If someone can prove true negligence, let the chips fall where they may.

On the other hand, I'm cynical enough to believe that any person who shows up after the fact like this could easily be planted. I'm sure the attorneys will deal with it competently.

I'm also smart enough to realize that this bit of info planted here by our group of BOT bootlickers is probably all lies that they desperately wish were true.

The question would not be if someone showed up here, but showed up much earlier with the information. Did someone have information that could later be verified, but was unknown to the general public when given?

As a hypothetical example, if someone knew that McQueary had witnessed something in 2001-02 prior to the presentment, then hugely likely that they knew about the incident.

Covey, that is not the incident I am referring to in my posts.
Why, because I have some information or turned it over to law enforcement?

I do not support covering up for Sandusky. I'd rather have that on my record.

STD, try not to sprain anything throughout all your self-congratulatory gyration routines in your own little Self-Importance Gymnastics meet. You feel you are a very important person, and that is your primary focus here.... proving that via the perverse wish to make others look bad. We get it. Good for you and bless your heart.

STD, try not to sprain anything throughout all your self-congratulatory gyration routines in your own little Self-Importance Gymnastics meet. You feel you are a very important person, and that is your primary focus here.... proving that via the perverse wish to make others look bad. We get it. Good for you and bless your heart.

No, you all have been looking bad for about 6 years. I am trying to, at least, moderate that. As for "Self-Importance," the key point isn't that I did it; it is that someone associated with Penn State did it.

And further, if you knew the story, and you will, you will find that congratulations are neither necessary nor appropriate.

The question is why it is so important for the Bootlickers that our own administrators be found guilty.

Well, because they probably are guilty. I would say that they are guilty of knowing that Sandusky had a "problem," and not doing anything about keeping him off campus. Further, the were not the only ones. I will note, however, that at least some of it was not illegal.
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No, you all have been looking bad for about 6 years. I am trying to, at least, moderate that. As for "Self-Importance," the key point isn't that I did it; it is that someone associated with Penn State did it.

And further, if you knew the story, and you will, you will find that congratulations are neither necessary nor appropriate.
Retiring at 38 is quite a feat. Congratulations on that.
Hard to say. I'm so bad at names. How did you like working (sometimes) with Lauro and Houston?

Well, I will go as far to say I never worked with or for either man and have no idea who Houston is.

I do who Whitney Houston and Sam Houston were, and who Thelma Houston is. I take it none of these were related to your comment?
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Well, I will go as far to say I never worked with or for either man and have no idea who Houston is.

I do who Whitney Houston and Sam Houston were, and who Thelma Houston is. I take it none of these were related to your comment?
You forgot to "name-drop" Donna Summer :)
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Thank you for connecting the dots. Need I restate the question?

That I do know a number of people named Mary, sure. I have even met a Kunta. I know a lot of people, but not a Richard Houston. I know who Jerry Lauro is, but I've never met him, talked to him on the phone or exchanged messages with him.

Conceivably, you could be Jerry Lauro, and I'm having interactions like that with him. I've always been surprised at who reads stuff I type on the Internet.
I've always been surprised at who reads stuff I type on the Internet.

What???? Surprised???

You are the MESSIAH!

The WORLD breathlessly awaits:

your latest pontification of propaganda.

your bloviations of bullshit.

your self-serving evaluations of eminence.

You the man!!!!!! Man(?)!!!!
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With STD and his devastating information looming over the CSS trial, I suppose the lawyers for CSS are begging the prosecutors for a deal.

I'm sure they know about it, or at least the result. If they don't they are morons.

What???? Surprised???

You are the MESSIAH!

The WORLD breathlessly awaits:

your latest pontification of propaganda.

your bloviations of bullshit.

your self-serving evaluations of eminence.

You the man!!!!!! Man(?)!!!!

No, you said I was the Messiah. While I won't reveal my identity at this point (and if all goes according to schedule, I will in about 6 weeks), I can assure you that I am not the anointed one. I indicated that I had information that could be damaging to CSS and that it was turned over to law enforcement.

I have fund that, at times, I set some things off and I don't know what the results would be. You may think of it as a piece of a puzzle. Was it a key piece? Maybe, but I won't know how until the trial, but to date, it sure looks like it.
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Well, I do know numerous Mary's. It is not exactly an uncommon name.

That would be an odd way to spell Houston. Not good for a Penn state Alumnus.

....Said the man who does not understand how and when to use apostrophes.
I'm sure they know about it, or at least the result. If they don't they are morons.

No, you said I was the Messiah. While I won't reveal my identity at this point (and if all goes according to schedule, I will in about 6 weeks), I can assure you that I am not the anointed one. I indicated that I had information that could be damaging to CSS and that it was turned over to law enforcement.

I have fund that, at times, I set some things off and I don't know what the results would be. You may think of it as a piece of a puzzle. Was it a key piece? Maybe, but I won't know how until the trial, but to date, it sure looks like it.
Six weeks?

Mystery solved !!!!!!!! With the entire world (or at least 2 or 3 folks on the BWI board :) ) waiting anxiously for weeks...... Now, finally, all is revealed!

STD = Punxsutawney Phil!!!!!!!

The world's most famous varmint!
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I'm sure they know about it, or at least the result. If they don't they are morons.

No, you said I was the Messiah. While I won't reveal my identity at this point (and if all goes according to schedule, I will in about 6 weeks), I can assure you that I am not the anointed one. I indicated that I had information that could be damaging to CSS and that it was turned over to law enforcement.

I have fund that, at times, I set some things off and I don't know what the results would be. You may think of it as a piece of a puzzle. Was it a key piece? Maybe, but I won't know how until the trial, but to date, it sure looks like it.
They haven't subpoenaed someone as important as you yet? Maybe busy working on the appeal, or maybe the nice folks at OAG haven't shared it yet. If I was representing any one of them I'd know who you were and if you had any skeletons in the closet that might call your integrity as a witness into question I'd find them. I'm pretty sure they will do the same. Perhaps you are just unimpeachable, but I rather doubt it.
They haven't subpoenaed someone as important as you yet? Maybe busy working on the appeal, or maybe the nice folks at OAG haven't shared it yet. If I was representing any one of them I'd know who you were and if you had any skeletons in the closet that might call your integrity as a witness into question I'd find them. I'm pretty sure they will do the same. Perhaps you are just unimpeachable, but I rather doubt it.

Not so much that I'm unimpeachable, but that the record is.

Probably because I would be "best evidence" as it where.

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