Where did you hear Nebraska at Lincoln? Thanks.
E-J is close, as long as nothing changes in the Big Ten scheduling model, we know each team's schedule into infinity and beyond
. It's that I have it memorized and have anal total recall that makes me such an odd duck.
Big Ten teams are split into pairs. Each pair make up the seven "rivalries" in the conference. They are;
-- Penn State / Ohio State
-- Maryland / Rutgers
-- Illinois / Northwestern
-- Iowa / Minnesota
-- Nebraska / Wisconsin
-- Michigan / Michigan State
-- Indiana / Purdue
You can see, for the most part, it was determined by geography.
These pairs are important in two ways;
(1) It sets the ONLY Big Ten team that is faced EVERY YEAR. For examples; Penn State vs Ohio State, Maryland vs Rutgers, etc. happen every year.
(2) It sets how other teams come onto a team's schedule, and how they rotate off the schedule. Each pair will always be, both home, both away or both off the schedule. Sooooo...for 2019-20, Penn State has;
-- Both Maryland and Rutgers at home
-- Both Illinois and Northwestern at home
-- Ohio State at home (Penn State's rivalry team)
-- Both Iowa and Minnesota away
-- Both Nebraska and Wisconsin away
Therefore, PSU will wrestle every team except Ohio State two years out of every three, and Ohio State every year. Fans can go back three years to see who we will wrestle. For this year, for example, look at 2016-17, but remember we wrestle Ohio State every year (home, away, home, away, home, away, etc.), so they will be flipped (was away in 2016-17, will be home in 2019-2020).