PSU at the open

Wow. That's a development! ... a high school junior wrestling with the seniors. I wonder if he's supposed to listed with the juniors?

Until I see him listed in the bracket, I'm going to assume this is an error and he is competing in the Junior competition.
RBY is listed on the senior open which deserves an atta boy on his part.

But thought it odd that Dark knights is listed as his team. Pretty cool on their part if not a typo.
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If its not a misprint, maybe it's all confidence. Wants to see how he does against the big boys.
Good article on Track about David Taylor.

Taylor is bigger all around. One of his fiercest opponents — his coach at the Nittany Lion Wrestling Club — has taken notice.

“It's more fun for me now that he's larger,” Cael Sanderson says with a grin. “I can wrestle a little closer to 100 percent than if he was 40-30 pounds (lighter). We can battle more and I feel like that's one of the things that I need to help him prepare for.”

Lots of good quotes in there from Taylor and Bill Zadick as well.
Now that IMar's finished his Iowa clinic on the underhook position, Vincenzo's going in to teach the same kids about overhooks and inside trips.

I'm going to just start referring to VJ as "Hooks" (or maybe "O-Hooks") in honor of his NCAA Tournament where he repeatedly threw them in to win consecutive Quarter, Semi and Finals matches to take the title!
Or, for oldsters like us to understand, CJ Hooker.
CJ Hooker could work but there is always fun to be had with a word like whiz. "I just may take the whiz after all". Or "after he met the whiz he was all wet." Or "The whiz is in the flow" a board like this could really run with it.
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Then there's hybrids like Captain whiz

A Whizzer and "Double Overhooks" aren't really the same move - i.e., I've never heard Double Overhooks referred to as a "Double Whizzer".....just as I have never heard an "Over/Under" (one arm under-hooked from front, while other arm over-hooked from front) called a "Whizzer/Under"......but maybe that's just me....
I'll go with VJ Hooker although you could interpret the VJ differently
A Whizzer and "Double Overhooks" aren't really the same move - i.e., I've never heard Double Overhooks referred to as a "Double Whizzer".....just as I have never heard an "Over/Under" (one arm under-hooked from front, while other arm over-hooked from front) called a "Whizzer/Under"......but maybe that's just me....

I always get pancake moves off these positions confused because they are called different things in different areas - where I was from, a "Double Underhook" to pancake was called a "cow-catcher" and an "Over/Under" to pancake (you throw from the "under" side where you have the head under your arm-pit and leverage on arm/shoulder for throw) was simply called a "Pancake" (or Over/Under Pancake). And Overhook combined with a "Chin Whizzer" was what we called a "Cement Mixer"......and all of them were loosely called "pancake combinations" due to the position you ended up after completion (i.e., "pancaking" your opponent in a chest-to-chest position on his back with head isolate by "under" position or chin-claw pinning combo - although on chin-whizzer combo you often tried to straddle opponent with legs on pancake rahter to the side on O/U or doube-under throw).... But I've come to learn that depending on what region you are from - even just inside PA - these pinning combinations are referred to differently (and sometimes have changed over the years - i.e., what we called things when I was a scholastic wrestler in the 70s is no longer used, etc...).
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A Whizzer and "Double Overhooks" aren't really the same move - i.e., I've never heard Double Overhooks referred to as a "Double Whizzer".....just as I have never heard an "Over/Under" (one arm under-hooked from front, while other arm over-hooked from front) called a "Whizzer/Under"......but maybe that's just me....
I am in total agreement with what you wrote above. I added whizzer not to imply that whizzers are exactly the same as what people think of as "overhooks". Rather, I added whizzer because what is most memorable to me about Joseph's style is not his overhook offense, but rather his whizzer defense (which often turns into overhook offense as the wrestlers go from side-by-side to face to face).

I did not see all the matches. For Vincenzo, I've seen only his Final match and his Semifinal match. In the trip on Massa, I most remember Vincenzo's inhuman whizzer that saved him from being taken down on his seemingly-failed trip. In the final, I seem to remember at least one fantastic shot by IMar that impressively was resisted by Cenzo's whizzer, which led to a drag-go behind takedown (or near takedown?) by Cenzo. I think.

[Edit: I guess on the seemingly-failed trip against Massa, Vincenzo's whizzer defense came straight from his "failed" overhook-trip offense. See, the "whizzer to-or-from overhook" is a recurring thing with Vincenzo.]
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