PSU at the open

I always get pancake moves off these positions confused because they are called different things in different areas - where I was from, a "Double Underhook" to pancake was called a "cow-catcher" and an "Over/Under" to pancake (you throw from the "under" side where you have the head under your arm-pit and leverage on arm/shoulder for throw) was simply called a "Pancake". And Overhook combined with a "Chin Whizzer" was what we called a "Cement Mixer"......and all of them were loosely called "pancake combinations" due to the position you ended up after completion (i.e., "pancaking" - i.e., chest-to-chest position - your opponent on his back with head isolate by "under" position pinning combo).... But I've come to learn that depending on what region you are from - even just inside PA - these pinning combinations are referred to differently (and sometimes have changed over the years - i.e., what we called things when I was a scholastic wrestler in the 70s is no longer used, etc...).
I don't think the nickname "pancakes" captures CJs spirit.
Hope Bo draws Downey
Question: I see the juniors and seniors freestyle and greco categories for the open on Flo, what are the Masters A thru E ?
... Overhook combined with a "Chin Whizzer" was what we called a "Cement Mixer"...
My HS coach called it a "head Chauncer" (spelling?) He was from Ohio.
Oops. I misread. Head Chauncer (my coach pronounced it that way) was UNDERhook + chin. The OVERhook + chin was just called a front headlock roll in our room-- it had no real name for us.
New, crazy poster on TheMat ("Iowa Fanactic" or some such misspelled name) picking the Bull to finish 3rd at 165 next year.

Cenzo "caught lightning in a bottle" and will come back down to earth per this "fanactic".

Funny stuff
If that is what happened then for the rest of his life Cenzo will know what it feels like to accomplish that.

From a different perspective, Cael's wrestlers do not seem to step up and then fall down. My guess is Cenzo did not catch lightening in a bottle, but instead through determined effort and high quality coaching he just kept getting better and better. As far as the fantastic hawk and his perceptions, Cenzo relative to the end of this season will probably continue to get better and better.
Cenzo will get better and better. A kid who holds up three fingers after his match signifying his goal is three more titles isn't going to rest on his laurels. 165 will be a meat grinder but he will be right there in the mix for number two.
If that is what happened then for the rest of his life Cenzo will know what it feels like to accomplish that.

From a different perspective, Cael's wrestlers do not seem to step up and then fall down. My guess is Cenzo did not catch lightening in a bottle, but instead through determined effort and high quality coaching he just kept getting better and better. As far as the fantastic hawk and his perceptions, Cenzo relative to the end of this season will probably continue to get better and better.
cenzo won because he wrestled an almost perfect technical match and was rarely out of position. that seems to be true of most of our wrestlers. wonder where that comes from :rolleyes:? he will only get better.
New, crazy poster on TheMat ("Iowa Fanactic" or some such misspelled name) picking the Bull to finish 3rd at 165 next year.

Cenzo "caught lightning in a bottle" and will come back down to earth per this "fanactic".

Funny stuff

If that is what happened then for the rest of his life Cenzo will know what it feels like to accomplish that.

From a different perspective, Cael's wrestlers do not seem to step up and then fall down. My guess is Cenzo did not catch lightening in a bottle, but instead through determined effort and high quality coaching he just kept getting better and better. As far as the fantastic hawk and his perceptions, Cenzo relative to the end of this season will probably continue to get better and better.
Agree nit, it's a process... and using the past as evidence, all the guys will continue to improve. Doesn't mean every guy will win every match next year, as there's a pesky opponent staring back at our guys, and they can be pretty good too.

As far as what others say on other boards...meh. Ignore it and focus on what's important.
You have to be impressed by the trajectory of Tank and Magic man. Tank went from a National champ that was decent freestyler in to a match away from an Olympic medal. DT from the third best at his weight, giving Burroughs and Dke there due, to beating two Olympic champions.
My wife just asked me about my availability for a work phone call on Friday. I said wait let me check the Open schedule. Friday... friday...let's see Juniors and seniors wrestling pretty much all nope no availability Friday how about Monday?
sounds like my wife, every time she calls it is about 'work'
My wife just asked me about my availability for a work phone call on Friday. I said wait let me check the Open schedule. Friday... friday...let's see Juniors and seniors wrestling pretty much all nope no availability Friday how about Monday?

If I would have known the open was going to be this week ahead of time, I would have arranged for my wife to go visit her parents with the kids. Now I just have to just stay in the basement pretending to do work with the computer running FLO.
This might be the most famous spladle of all time.

Funny story about it: apparently the foreign ref had never seen one before and gave exposure points to the other guy. Simmons had to tell the ref to check for the pin.

Well, funny if you're not the opponent stuck in that position while the ref tries to figure out which way is up.