I always get pancake moves off these positions confused because they are called different things in different areas - where I was from, a "Double Underhook" to pancake was called a "cow-catcher" and an "Over/Under" to pancake (you throw from the "under" side where you have the head under your arm-pit and leverage on arm/shoulder for throw) was simply called a "Pancake". And Overhook combined with a "Chin Whizzer" was what we called a "Cement Mixer"......and all of them were loosely called "pancake combinations" due to the position you ended up after completion (i.e., "pancaking" - i.e., chest-to-chest position - your opponent on his back with head isolate by "under" position pinning combo).... But I've come to learn that depending on what region you are from - even just inside PA - these pinning combinations are referred to differently (and sometimes have changed over the years - i.e., what we called things when I was a scholastic wrestler in the 70s is no longer used, etc...).