Malik McClain TEARIN IT UP is another rumor right now...
It does seem odd that Yurchich wouldn't mention Cephas when he seemed to go through the WR's competing for serious PT in camp. But didn't Yurcich mention that he didn't really want to name names, doesn't want to forget someone?No mention of Cephas by Yurcich. He mentioned like 4 or 5 guys even the other transfer, McClain, but not him. I thought that was strange especially if he could challenge KLS for the #1 WR role.
I remember watching the limited highlights on McClain and he really showed some talent on not only the difficult catches he made but the strong moves he made after the catch. I was looking for McClain to show up big in the B/W game but he didn't get targeted too much. McClain is a really big target and would be a great compliment to KLS and Wallace, even if he's the 4th WR that plays on the outside as the first in the game for the two outside starters. But I'm still hoping he wins the 3 starter position. WR could be a positive surprise this season and the comments from the 3 B10 guys support that outcome.
Just hope that the staff can manage the snaps and keep all of the top 5 or 6 WR's happy with snaps so that they all come back for 2024 that can come back.