Ray Blehar on Curley & Schultz plea deals

Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.

I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.

Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.
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Something that doesn't involve another crazy , but not provable theory .
Elvis.... do I have to remind you that you are dead?

Hell, and here among the living we thought Ray was an investigator not a prognosticator.... how could we be so confused. Thanks for clearing that up all the way from the other side.

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Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.

I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.

Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.

Ray does a LOT of GREAT work. But my experience with him has been that he is FAR more closed minded than Zig.

As you say, Zig seems more willing to go where the facts take him. Ray, for some beyond comprehensible reason, refuses to accept the fact that AM is Victim 2 when the facts are slapping him right in the face. Almost to the point where I think he has some unknown alterior motive.

If you present Zig with a new fact or update, he listens. If you do that with Ray, and he disagrees with you, he blocks you from his Twitter account.

That being said, if you can somehow block out Ray's preconceived biases, he does GREAT work. Zig just goes above and beyond.
Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.

I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.

Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.

One tells people what the facts are as they understand them. The other plays to a crowd and tells them what they want to hear.
FYI on TOS it was suggested that since Curley was still an employee his pension was at risk [if convicted of a felony]. Different from Schultz and JS who had both retired.
Elvis.... do I have to remind you that you are dead?

Hell, and here among the living we thought Ray was an investigator not a prognosticator.... how could we be so confused. Thanks for clearing that up all the way from the other side.


He's paid disinformation, he can't investigate crap and had no access to OAG or PSP material for this case.
He's paid disinformation, he can't investigate crap and had no access to OAG or PSP material for this case.

Maybe Ray can float his latest theory here? I heard it involves off shore accounts??
FYI on TOS it was suggested that since Curley was still an employee his pension was at risk [if convicted of a felony]. Different from Schultz and JS who had both retired.
With Schultz taking a plea as well it looks they're going to testify for the state.
He's paid disinformation, he can't investigate crap and had no access to OAG or PSP material for this case.
But you did?
Again, if you had all these facts and connections, why aren't you out there publishing them under a real name? Even Sara Ganim, bless her heart doesn't hide behind a screen like you, claiming to have all kinds of knowledge.
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Ray has put a ton of time into this ordeal, and his dedication is commendable. I don't buy much of anything that he writes, but regardless, Ray has put in a ton of work.

That said, if there's a trial or not, I won't be the least bit surprised if they blame the dead guy. Think about it: Curley/Schultz say they told Spanier of Mike's story. Spanier says let's hold on for a minute. One of the 3 talk to Joe. All of a sudden, Joe recommends that they all get Jerry help and to keep this on the down low. Spanier comes back with the "humane thing to do" is to get Jerry help. All of a sudden, Joe recommended getting Jerry help, the 3 went along with it, no one reported it.

Not saying I agree with any of the above--it's just one in a long line of possibilities.
Ray has put a ton of time into this ordeal, and his dedication is commendable. I don't buy much of anything that he writes, but regardless, Ray has put in a ton of work.

That said, if there's a trial or not, I won't be the least bit surprised if they blame the dead guy. Think about it: Curley/Schultz say they told Spanier of Mike's story. Spanier says let's hold on for a minute. One of the 3 talk to Joe. All of a sudden, Joe recommends that they all get Jerry help and to keep this on the down low. Spanier comes back with the "humane thing to do" is to get Jerry help. All of a sudden, Joe recommended getting Jerry help, the 3 went along with it, no one reported it.

Not saying I agree with any of the above--it's just one in a long line of possibilities.

It's not really impossible to say that can't occur. Even more so when your butt is on the line. I think the problem with trying to pull that is where people sit in the chain of command and GS is on top. It doesn't matter what the media says about Joe running things in HV as that is more of a media made myth. The buck stops at the top and I don't see a judge saying...oh...the football coach told you the President of the school what to do, you're free to go. It doesn't take away from the ultimate responsibility the position holds. Again...that may never even happen, but would it really be a shock in this twisted ordeal? Not really IMO. The other thing is the state used Joe as a witness and stated he was credible when he was alive.
It's not really impossible to say that can't occur. Even more so when your butt is on the line. I think the problem with trying to pull that is where people sit in the chain of command and GS is on top. It doesn't matter what the media says about Joe running things in HV as that is more of a media made myth. The buck stops at the top and I don't see a judge saying...oh...the football coach told you the President of the school what to do, you're free to go. It doesn't take away from the ultimate responsibility the position holds. Again...that may never even happen, but would it really be a shock in this twisted ordeal? Not really IMO. The other thing is the state used Joe as a witness and stated he was credible when he was alive.


There's a lot of ridiculousness in this whole ordeal. The only two people who did anything at all (Joe & Mike) get the most ire while others try to deflect from Curley/Schultz/Spanier.

Should Mike have called the cops that night? Absolutely, without a doubt, yes. For some reason, he didn't and decided to go home to tell dad & Dr. Dranov. It was not the best course of action, but I sure as hell hope I'm never in a position to see a grown man in a shower with children.

Should the McQuearys/Dranov have told Mike to tell Joe? Not unless it was after calling the cops. Think about that for a second: I know Joe was an icon & such. But your response to seeing child abuse tell the head football coach? Very weak, but that's the course of action.

Joe reported it up the chain, and Curley/Schultz/Spanier did nothing.

Joe & Mike were the only two to do anything at all. In Mike's case, his course of action was not, in hindsight or any sight, the right thing to do. But again, I hope I'm never in his position.

Mike didn't call the cops, and at several points in the succeeding events, you'd think Old Main and Curley wouldn't screw it up and do the right thing. It's abundantly clear they didn't, and now they're going to face the music. There's no more or less blame for one or the other.

There were a lot of chances to do the right thing, and a lot of ****-ups. One person's action of reporting this to police could've changed the course of history. We can debate the whys/why nots and come up with all sorts of whacked out conspiracy theories, but at the end of the day, a lot of people could've done something differently.....and not one of them is better than the other. And even if they were, it's a matter of being King Turd of Shit Mountain.
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There's a lot of ridiculousness in this whole ordeal. The only two people who did anything at all (Joe & Mike) get the most ire while others try to deflect from Curley/Schultz/Spanier.

Should Mike have called the cops that night? Absolutely, without a doubt, yes. For some reason, he didn't and decided to go home to tell dad & Dr. Dranov. It was not the best course of action, but I sure as hell hope I'm never in a position to see a grown man in a shower with children.

Should the McQuearys/Dranov have told Mike to tell Joe? Not unless it was after calling the cops. Think about that for a second: I know Joe was an icon & such. But your response to seeing child abuse tell the head football coach? Very weak, but that's the course of action.

Joe reported it up the chain, and Curley/Schultz/Spanier did nothing.

Joe & Mike were the only two to do anything at all. In Mike's case, his course of action was not, in hindsight or any sight, the right thing to do. But again, I hope I'm never in his position.

Mike didn't call the cops, and at several points in the succeeding events, you'd think Old Main and Curley wouldn't screw it up and do the right thing. It's abundantly clear they didn't, and now they're going to face the music.
Pretty much it and I was giving them the benefit of the doubt until the took the plea. I still think most of this is still a PC/media driven witch hunt and that they really didn't comprehend what Jerry was doing...who really could though? He maintained a saint like image with kids and hid in plain site.

That being said when you see them plea out and go back and read some of the doesn't paint a pretty picture for them. To me Jerry ruined so many lives, so so many. The victims for starters. Think about CSS...they had to deal with this crap for a coach that retired 2 years prior. Joe had 60 years of incredible work and service basically sh!t on. MM is the devil to so many and that money doesn't mean he's walking around with a trophy after all of this, far from it. I'll bet he wished it never occurred and he was coaching somewhere. He's not even employable at this point in time and I doubt he can stick around HV when and if he ever does get that money. Oh well..hopefully this really does get resolved soon enough. I hope that there is a trial and people do testify to what occurred, but I won't be surprised if a plea ends all of this.
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Yes, but several people on here have indicated that Harmon was called, so the police were notified. I have followed this fairly closely but am not on top of all the facts. I don't believe he has ever been on the stand. Did he testify in front of the grand jury? If he was called, then it was reported and shouldn't the buck stop there?
I really was hoping there was a "golden key" out there that would unlock this whole sorted mess. After Monday, I believe we have some people in power who didn't follow through on their duties.

Now, I don't think it was some massive coverup, I just feel at the time, these guys had no idea or understanding of what they were dealing with. This does not excuse their behavior. Unfortunately, we have to deal with the fact that these guys have admitted to some wrong doing.

Now, it will be interesting to see what happens with Spanier.
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Yes, but several people on here have indicated that Harmon was called, so the police were notified. I have followed this fairly closely but am not on top of all the facts. I don't believe he has ever been on the stand. Did he testify in front of the grand jury? If he was called, then it was reported and shouldn't the buck stop there?
He was on the stand at some point, but basically slid away. I forget exactly what was said, but it was basically he knew about 98 and Gricar made the decision not to prosecute. He then said Schultz never told him about 2001, but there was more to that as some here have this stuff memorized. I'm sure they will fill you in.
Yes, but several people on here have indicated that Harmon was called, so the police were notified. I have followed this fairly closely but am not on top of all the facts. I don't believe he has ever been on the stand. Did he testify in front of the grand jury? If he was called, then it was reported and shouldn't the buck stop there?
The big question in all of this is WHY did they do what they did? What else did they know if anything. The answers to those questions could very much provide an understanding of what happened and why.

If you look at it from the perspective that they knew what JS was or even if they suspected, then the decisions they made make sense. Problem is, the PSU community does not want to accept that possibility.

Suppose PSU and Joe caught JS in the act back in the 70's? Back then these types of problems were almost always swept under the rug. 98 and 2001 come along and they are stuck. Disclose those events and the past from the 70's is exposed. PSU gets clobbered. Maybe that is what happened, they rolled the dice hoping JS could stop or at least stopped doing it on PSU's campus. It almost worked. Just a theory.

Given 98 where JS was investigated for child sex abuse and at a minimum his behavior was found to be creepy and highly questionable (to bad Gricar never commented on why he did not press charges), yet PSU gives JS emeritus status which was unheard of for a coach. Joe brings JS back to be Defensive coordinator. Those decisions make no sense unless you look it differently, such as PSU knew what JS was and was essentially blackmailed or at the very least had the classic movie scene where everybody has a gun pointed at each other's head. Again just a theory.
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The big question in all of this is WHY did they do what they did? What else did they know if anything. The answers to those questions could very much provide an understanding of what happened and why.

If you look at it from the perspective that they knew what JS was or even if they suspected, then the decisions they made make sense. Problem is, the PSU community does not want to accept that possibility.

Suppose PSU and Joe caught JS in the act back in the 70's? Back then these types of problems were almost always swept under the rug. 98 and 2001 come along and they are stuck. Disclose those events and the past from the 70's is exposed. PSU gets clobbered. Maybe that is what happened, they rolled the dice hoping JS could stop or at least stopped doing it on PSU's campus. It almost worked. Just a theory.

Given 98 where JS was investigated for child sex abuse and at a minimum his behavior was found to be creepy and highly questionable (to bad Gricar never commented on why he did not press charges), yet PSU gives JS emeritus status which was unheard of for a coach. Joe brings JS back to be Defensive coordinator. Those decisions make no sense unless you look it differently, such as PSU knew what JS was and was essentially blackmailed or at the very least had the classic movie scene where everybody has a gun pointed at each other's head. Again just a theory.

I think if Joe found out about JS in the 70's he would have gotten rid of him. Why would he keep him around?? And then watch him start a charity for at-risk kids????? I think Joe was smarter than that.
Suppose PSU and Joe caught JS in the act back in the 70's? Back then these types of problems were almost always swept under the rug. 98 and 2001 come along and they are stuck. Disclose those events and the past from the 70's is exposed. PSU gets clobbered. Maybe that is what happened, they rolled the dice hoping JS could stop or at least stopped doing it on PSU's campus. It almost worked. Just a theory.

Ray has put a ton of time into this ordeal, and his dedication is commendable. I don't buy much of anything that he writes, but regardless, Ray has put in a ton of work.

That said, if there's a trial or not, I won't be the least bit surprised if they blame the dead guy. Think about it: Curley/Schultz say they told Spanier of Mike's story. Spanier says let's hold on for a minute. One of the 3 talk to Joe. All of a sudden, Joe recommends that they all get Jerry help and to keep this on the down low. Spanier comes back with the "humane thing to do" is to get Jerry help. All of a sudden, Joe recommended getting Jerry help, the 3 went along with it, no one reported it.

Not saying I agree with any of the above--it's just one in a long line of possibilities.
I'm not sure that a guy with cancer, Curley, is going to blame a dead man, Joe, unless it is absolutely true. Not to mention that the two were very close, at least that's my understanding of their relationship.
This comment under Ray's blogpost nails it...

Three University administrators that have nothing to do with supervising at-risk children were scapegoated for the Second Mile's negligence. The Second Mile has everything to do with supervising children in their programs. Their pedophile founder's "supervision" of Second Mile children is not a PSU athletics issue. It's not rocket science to understand this is not about PSU football, Paterno or the three scapegoated PSU administrators. Did PSU roll up their tents and flee to another town like the Second Mile did when Sandusky was arrested? No, of course not. That is the behavior of those that are guilty. It's just like the old corrupt carnivals that had all the games rigged in their favor. When the public began to catch on, they rolled up their tents and left town in the middle of the night. PSU didn't hide anything or run away. They were just falsely accused by Louis Freeh so The Second Mile could sneak out of town. While the complicit PA Mafia Media created the distraction with Paterno and football, the dirty Second Mile pedo-carnies shredded all records and left town.

Josh Shapiro is obviously completely fine with this as he refuses to investigate The Second Mile. He and Governor Wolf even ignore direct requests to do so from concerned members of the public.

So sad to see Curley and Schultz sell out their integrity with the plea deal. They stood strong with Spanier for six years against false charges. I hope Dr. Spanier will continue to be a model of integrity and never accept less than innocent of all charges. A lot of good people have their eyes on him as he battles the organized crime that is the Pennsylvania government.
Given 98 where JS was investigated for child sex abuse and at a minimum his behavior was found to be creepy and highly questionable (to bad Gricar never commented on why he did not press charges),

Gricar told Schreffler why he didn't bring charges. Schreffler typed up the reasoning in his report. We just haven't seen it...yet.