Ray Blehar on Curley & Schultz plea deals

He was on the stand at some point, but basically slid away. I forget exactly what was said, but it was basically he knew about 98 and Gricar made the decision not to prosecute. He then said Schultz never told him about 2001, but there was more to that as some here have this stuff memorized. I'm sure they will fill you in.
Harmon knows a great deal more than he as admitted to under oath IMO. Perhaps that is because The Commonwealth has kept him under its guard all shield. Without trials, I doubt we ever get close to the facts.
This comment under Ray's blogpost nails it...

Three University administrators that have nothing to do with supervising at-risk children were scapegoated for the Second Mile's negligence. The Second Mile has everything to do with supervising children in their programs. Their pedophile founder's "supervision" of Second Mile children is not a PSU athletics issue. It's not rocket science to understand this is not about PSU football, Paterno or the three scapegoated PSU administrators. Did PSU roll up their tents and flee to another town like the Second Mile did when Sandusky was arrested? No, of course not. That is the behavior of those that are guilty. It's just like the old corrupt carnivals that had all the games rigged in their favor. When the public began to catch on, they rolled up their tents and left town in the middle of the night. PSU didn't hide anything or run away. They were just falsely accused by Louis Freeh so The Second Mile could sneak out of town. While the complicit PA Mafia Media created the distraction with Paterno and football, the dirty Second Mile pedo-carnies shredded all records and left town.

Josh Shapiro is obviously completely fine with this as he refuses to investigate The Second Mile. He and Governor Wolf even ignore direct requests to do so from concerned members of the public.

So sad to see Curley and Schultz sell out their integrity with the plea deal. They stood strong with Spanier for six years against false charges. I hope Dr. Spanier will continue to be a model of integrity and never accept less than innocent of all charges. A lot of good people have their eyes on him as he battles the organized crime that is the Pennsylvania government.

As we all know the standard for a conviction in criminal court is proof beyond a reasonable doubt. Of course, that does not apply to cases in The Commonwealth where other interests take priority. We have seen judges make some pretty incredible decisions in the course of trials and this is not an "excited utterance." How these decisions stand is "known only to God." Kane opened Pandora's Box and gave us a glimpse of the underbelly of justice in Pa. Prosecutors and judges are very cozy. While she may have issues, one must still be hysterical that grand jury leaks brought any concern with anyone in the great state of Pa.
Curley and Schultz beat the Felony charges, they would not go away unscathed. Not in the totalitarian courts of The Commonwealth Syndicate.
If Ray had a clue he would've been talking about the pleas. Others were.
Of course I would have...just like I rushed to tell everyone about Erickson's notebook when I got it in November 2012....

....truth be told, I had so many checks to cash that I didn't have enough time to mention the notebook!
Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.

I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.

Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.

As more evidence comes available, views change.

Once Sandusky's PCRA was released, that was the final nail in the coffin for AM being the real Victim 2 -- it confirmed that he fabricated much of his November 9, 2011 interview with Amendola's investigators. Those are the facts - for people willing to accept them.

It is a fact I distanced myself from John in 2014 when he was convinced Jerry was telling the truth, never lies, and is completely innocent. I put that out on a blog. However, the truth is that John wasn't a pariah of the PSU community at the point we severed ties. For the record, I don't have an ax to grind with John and am quite pleased to see that he has gotten some gigs writing for LawNewz and Mediaite.

Next, I don't think I've ever used the term "overcharged." My take is that the charges were correct based on the allegations made by the victims -- but that some victims exaggerated what happened to them (and some downplayed things). Qualified investigators would have written a different AOPC for the arrest of Sandsuky -- likely omitting some of the charges and discounting at least one witness completely.

At the outset, when the media was leading us to believe Fisher was an unreliable witness, John and I had serious doubts about whether Sandusky was a "penetrating" pedophile. The stories of Victims, 4, 9, and 10 had problems --- and still do. However, the fact that Sandusky admitted to blowing raspberries (while he was really blowing something else) and other evidence convinced me that he was committing acts of oral sex and vice versa. As for Fisher, the Moulton Report revealed that the delays in the case were not related to Fisher being unreliable. Rather, they were because NO INVESTIGATION was going on.

It is an oversimplification to believe that the only way to clear PSU is for a sexual/indecent assault to not have occurred in 2001 (or for Sandusky to be innocent). I have been consistent since July 2012 that PSU was/is being scapegoated for the failures of the Child Protection System in 1998 and in 2001. In other words, PSU appropriately reported both incidents. That is a lot easier argument to prove than that Jerry is innocent or that Jerry showering naked with a kid alone in a vacant campus building is okay. I am not the originator of the name nor do I "own" the blog. It is my understanding the name originated because the blog owner, Barry Bozeman, is a University of Tennessee graduate and wanted to make it clear to readers he wasn't writing about the scandal from a biased perspective. In his bio, he stated that he had no love for Paterno or PSU when the scandal broke.

Defend A Child is a child protection organization. Go to their web-site. Logic dictates that a child protection organization is going to dislike/hate pedophiles. That this group supports me is because I am an advocate improving the child protection system.
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Yes, but several people on here have indicated that Harmon was called, so the police were notified. I have followed this fairly closely but am not on top of all the facts. I don't believe he has ever been on the stand. Did he testify in front of the grand jury? If he was called, then it was reported and shouldn't the buck stop there?
Harmon testified at the grand jury, December 2011 prelim, and July 2013 prelim that he was not informed about 2001. When asked why he sent an email to Schultz on 12 Feb 2001 stating that he located the 1998 police report, he responded that he couldn't recall Schultz asking for the file or that he ever gave it to Schultz.

He also couldn't remember the takeover of the HUB during a riot in April 2001.

He was not a good witness then -- and won't be if he testifies at the upcoming trial.
Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.

I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.

Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.
Hello, you seem to be new here.

In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray.

Most on Twitter and here know who/what this account/organization is.

If you don't know what org DefendAChild is, you should probably ask Matt Sandusky to explain it to you. They partner org fairly often... In fact, if you are "perusing" twitter, (maybe that is a new place for you as well?) Defend has a link to their website for you to satisfy your curiosity... How you tell if a Twitter account is legit? The quality, not the quantity of who follows them.

Does my account RTing both of them frequently mean anything? Maybe...
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He seems to know a lot more than most, certainly more than me. There seems to be a black hole floating around this whole case, sucking the light right out of it. Lynne A., nothing, Barron didn't even get started, C/S beat down, A9? guess the same. Spanier ?
When Ray finds out what the black hole is, he'll probably clam up, too
One of the reasons was that the mother of the second kid (BK) wouldn't allow him to testify.

We have to wonder whether Gricar ever even met with BK or his mother. You'd think he'd want to try to change her mind if he was really interested in pursuing the case...
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We have to wonder whether Gricar ever even met with BK or his mother. You'd think he'd want to try to change her mind if he was really interested in pursuing the case...

Ray has no internal information from the investigation.
It was little boys for your "victim" Jerry.
There were people that did know they were coming ( hint, Curley, Schultz, OAG, and the judge knew).
More people than that knew.

I can think of at least five of them was Frank Sheeran. :)
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Ray has no internal information from the investigation.

I find it quite amusing when people talk about what they know about what information I possess and/or what/who I have access to.

I am the only one who knows that and I don't make disclosures about it.
He seems to know a lot more than most, certainly more than me. There seems to be a black hole floating around this whole case, sucking the light right out of it. Lynne A., nothing, Barron didn't even get started, C/S beat down, A9? guess the same. Spanier ?
When Ray finds out what the black hole is, he'll probably clam up, too

If you pay close attention, you can figure out what the "black hole" is. Others have.
I find it quite amusing when people talk about what they know about what information I possess and/or what/who I have access to.

I am the only one who knows that and I don't make disclosures about it.

Sure , because it looks bad if say lubrano slipped your Erickson's notes.

So give us a prediction , what will they say in regards to Mike? 98? What did they tell Joe?
What did he tell them ? Harmon, 98 and 01?
It's a lot easier to write a blog postulating why after the fact, give us your call here and now .
What will these men testify to?
"It's funny the guy should write fiction novels."

Quote from a few days ago.
We have to wonder whether Gricar ever even met with BK or his mother. You'd think he'd want to try to change her mind if he was really interested in pursuing the case...
I am sure he spoke with the mother. Not sure if he talked with BK.

I don't have any information about whether he attempted to change her mind.

For the record, BK & his mother lived in Nittany Gardens, which was/is owned by Bruce Heim.

If you remember, Ganim wrote that the mother did not know what her son said to the police because she wasn't present at the interview and didn't ask him about it. I don't find Ganim's report to be credible in the least.
Sure , because it looks bad if say lubrano slipped your Erickson's notes.

So give us a prediction , what will they say in regards to Mike? 98? What did they tell Joe?
What did he tell them ? Harmon, 98 and 01?
It's a lot easier to write a blog postulating why after the fact, give us your call here and now .
What will these men testify to?

I didn't even know Lubrano at the time I received the notes. I first met him at Franco's Town Hall in November 2012 -- and I had the notes before I spoke at that event. I probably had them in mid-late October 2012 and I could figure that date exactly from records.

For the record, I publicly disclosed their existence on May 22, 2015.

That goes to the point that this isn't about me or making a name for myself -- or to see how much traffic I can get to a blog. I don't get paid for this and do it in my free time -- at night after I get home from work or on my days off.

Right now, I've taken the morning off of work but will go in later and work until about 7PM tonight. Most days, I work 7AM to 7PM with hour long commutes to and from. That doesn't leave a lot of time for this kind of stuff. BTW, I love to hunt and fish and make sure I take time to do both.

So, as you can see I have a complete life outside of this stuff and I really don't NEED to do this for any kind of fulfillment. I do it because I want to know what the truth is and also want the public to know that the child protection system in PA is abysmal and needs to be fixed.

I do something entirely different in my day job, but it is analytic work.

I'm an analyst -- not a prognosticator.

There are things Curley and Schultz are likely to say, but predicting exactly what they will testify to is nothing more than speculation. The best news about this flip is that it puts Schultz's and Curley's grand jury testimony back in play.
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Of course I would have...just like I rushed to tell everyone about Erickson's notebook when I got it in November 2012....

....truth be told, I had so many checks to cash that I didn't have enough time to mention the notebook!

Not exactly what a truth seeker would do...

This link from of all places Zig, lists any number of serious issues with credibility.

Notably, you actually were cashing checks at that time, according to Zig. And haven't come clean on that until now.
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If you don't know what org DefendAChild is, you should probably ask Matt Sandusky to explain it to you.

I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing Matt Sandusky is credible. Its not just Ziegler who doubts him. Elieen Morgan wrote an article a few years back that Ray Blehar posted on his website.

If anything has changed in 4 years that has made Matt Sandusky more likely to be telling the truth, I would be happy to hear it. I know he started a charity, but saying Matt Sandusky must be for real because he started Peaceful Hearts is the same logic as saying Jerry Sandusky can't be a pedophile cause he started the Second Mile.
Once Sandusky's PCRA was released, that was the final nail in the coffin for AM being the real Victim 2 -- it confirmed that he fabricated much of his November 9, 2011 interview with Amendola's investigators. Those are the facts - for people willing to accept them.

Thanks for the response Ray.

How exactly did the PCRA confirm that Myers interview with Amendola was made up? Also, if Myers is not victim 2, i wouldn't think it would be horribly difficult to determine who was. Jim Clemente states that Jerry's m.o. was to gradually groom these boys for many years, before engaging with them sexually. This would have required much one-on-one time between Sandusky and Victim 2. The list of boys who were spending that much time with Jerry circa (2000-2002) could not have been a long one, and had to have been known to people closest to Jerry. Of course I will give you credit in that I am absolutely sure Raykowitz and Heim know exactly who the real Victim 2 is. Nobody seems to be talking about that.
I'm sorry, but I have a hard time believing Matt Sandusky is credible. Its not just Ziegler who doubts him. Elieen Morgan wrote an article a few years back that Ray Blehar posted on his website.

If anything has changed in 4 years that has made Matt Sandusky more likely to be telling the truth, I would be happy to hear it. I know he started a charity, but saying Matt Sandusky must be for real because he started Peaceful Hearts is the same logic as saying Jerry Sandusky can't be a pedophile cause he started the Second Mile.

Matt is a liar, sociopath and and a worthless lying turd.
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Thanks for the response Ray.

How exactly did the PCRA confirm that Myers interview with Amendola was made up? Also, if Myers is not victim 2, i wouldn't think it would be horribly difficult to determine who was. Jim Clemente states that Jerry's m.o. was to gradually groom these boys for many years, before engaging with them sexually. This would have required much one-on-one time between Sandusky and Victim 2. The list of boys who were spending that much time with Jerry circa (2000-2002) could not have been a long one, and had to have been known to people closest to Jerry. Of course I will give you credit in that I am absolutely sure Raykowitz and Heim know exactly who the real Victim 2 is. Nobody seems to be talking about that.

This is another example of Ray not exactly being a truth seeker. Because he does claim to know who "the real" V2 is. But he won't say, while railing against everyone else in this mess who keeps secrets.

He's in this to write a book. And Tim & Gary just burned up his premise. If there was ever a time to lay all the cards out on the table, it's right now. Since he won't, you can be sure it's all hogwash.
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Hello, you seem to be new here.

In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray.

Most on Twitter and here know who/what this account/organization is.

If you don't know what org DefendAChild is, you should probably ask Matt Sandusky to explain it to you. They partner org fairly often... In fact, if you are "perusing" twitter, (maybe that is a new place for you as well?) Defend has a link to their website for you to satisfy your curiosity... How you tell if a Twitter account is legit? The quality, not the quantity of who follows them.

Does my account RTing both of them frequently mean anything? Maybe...

If you are saying you and Ray are the same person that would make a lot of sense. It would be the first time you've ever made any sense. Go steal some more Fetty Wap beats.
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This is another example of Ray not exactly being a truth seeker. Because he does claim to know who "the real" V2 is. But he won't say, while railing against everyone else in this mess who keeps secrets.

He's in this to write a book. And Tim & Gary just burned up his premise. If there was ever a time to lay all the cards out on the table, it's right now. Since he won't, you can be sure it's all hogwash.
I no longer believe much of anything anyone says from either side about this whole mess. Yep, JZ and Ray engage in a large amount of speculation and connecting the dots. That said, so did the OAG, Louis Freeh, the media and countless others. So my question to you, a rational poster, is how is what Ray, in particular, is doing any different? Also, if he were to write a book, he's not going to make any money on it. Other than the PSU community no one cares anymore.
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This is another example of Ray not exactly being a truth seeker. Because he does claim to know who "the real" V2 is. But he won't say, while railing against everyone else in this mess who keeps secrets.

He's in this to write a book. And Tim & Gary just burned up his premise. If there was ever a time to lay all the cards out on the table, it's right now. Since he won't, you can be sure it's all hogwash.
To be fair there's no legitimate reason to name a victim publicly unless you're scum like Ziegler.

If he does know who victim 2 is keeping it a secret is the right thing to do. It should be up to the victims if they want to go public.
Harmon testified at the grand jury, December 2011 prelim, and July 2013 prelim that he was not informed about 2001. When asked why he sent an email to Schultz on 12 Feb 2001 stating that he located the 1998 police report, he responded that he couldn't recall Schultz asking for the file or that he ever gave it to Schultz.

He also couldn't remember the takeover of the HUB during a riot in April 2001.

He was not a good witness then -- and won't be if he testifies at the upcoming trial.
Harmon appears to suffer a case of Commonwealth Dementia.