Honestly, Ray Blehar's views of the past few years have confused me. It's interesting that prior to 2014, Blehar and John Ziegler had essentially the same view. That being that Sandusky was a pedophile but was greatly overcharged. He believed Allen Myers was victim 2 (and was never abused) and that Matt Sandusky and Victims 5, 9, & 10 were full of shit.
I think after Ziegler became a pariah when he came out in favor of Sandusky's innocence, Ray tried to distance himself from him as much as possible. Ray has certainly doubled down on the whole Second Mile, CYS, and Tom Corbett are the guilty ones. In fact, there is a twitter account called "Defend a Child" that is always liking/retweeting Ray. Not sure if this account is Ray himself or someone close to Ray, but he definitely seems to be taking an "I hate pedophiles more than you" virtue signaling attitude. He now believes Matt Sandusky is telling the truth. Nevertheless, he has still attempted to claim nobody at Penn State was guilty. Him doing so while not accepting Ziegler's main conclusions, has lead to some theories that just do not make sense.
Blehar now claims Allen Myers is not the real Victim 2. I think that view has many problems, but if Sandusky really did try to pull off a kid switcheroo, it could only be because he really was assaulting a kid in the shower when McQueary walked in. And if McQueary really did witness an assault, for Curley to merely notify Jack Raykowitz is simply not enough, especially since Curley admits he only told Raykowitz about inappropriate behavior, not a sexual assault. I am not saying that Raykowitz is innocent, he may well be guilty as well as Curley and Shultz. But I think the only narrative that clears PSU in the 2001 incident is if no sexual assault occurred. Blehar seems to reject that view, but still claims notpsu in the URL of his website.
As more evidence comes available, views change.
Once Sandusky's PCRA was released, that was the final nail in the coffin for AM being the real Victim 2 -- it confirmed that he fabricated much of his November 9, 2011 interview with Amendola's investigators. Those are the facts - for people willing to accept them.
It is a fact I distanced myself from John in 2014 when he was convinced Jerry was telling the truth, never lies, and is completely innocent. I put that out on a blog. However, the truth is that John wasn't a pariah of the PSU community at the point we severed ties. For the record, I don't have an ax to grind with John and am quite pleased to see that he has gotten some gigs writing for LawNewz and Mediaite.
Next, I don't think I've ever used the term "overcharged." My take is that the charges were correct based on the allegations made by the victims -- but that some victims exaggerated what happened to them (and some downplayed things). Qualified investigators would have written a different AOPC for the arrest of Sandsuky -- likely omitting some of the charges and discounting at least one witness completely.
At the outset, when the media was leading us to believe Fisher was an unreliable witness, John and I had serious doubts about whether Sandusky was a "penetrating" pedophile. The stories of Victims, 4, 9, and 10 had problems --- and still do. However, the fact that Sandusky admitted to blowing raspberries (while he was really blowing something else) and other evidence convinced me that he was committing acts of oral sex and vice versa. As for Fisher, the Moulton Report revealed that the delays in the case were not related to Fisher being unreliable. Rather, they were because NO INVESTIGATION was going on.
It is an oversimplification to believe that the only way to clear PSU is for a sexual/indecent assault to not have occurred in 2001 (or for Sandusky to be innocent). I have been consistent since July 2012 that PSU was/is being scapegoated for the failures of the Child Protection System in 1998 and in 2001. In other words, PSU appropriately reported both incidents. That is a lot easier argument to prove than that Jerry is innocent or that Jerry showering naked with a kid alone in a vacant campus building is okay.
notpsu.blogspot.com: I am not the originator of the name nor do I "own" the blog. It is my understanding the name originated because the blog owner, Barry Bozeman, is a University of Tennessee graduate and wanted to make it clear to readers he wasn't writing about the scandal from a biased perspective. In his bio, he stated that he had no love for Paterno or PSU when the scandal broke.
Defend A Child is a child protection organization. Go to their web-site. Logic dictates that a child protection organization is going to dislike/hate pedophiles. That this group supports me is because I am an advocate improving the child protection system.