That is so wrong , like 100% wrong. Do you really think arc Traffickers will stop? Hadn’t worked in Amsterdam where almost one hundred percent of the prostitutes are trafficked via Eastern Europe.
Pimps and Traffickers won’t stop if it’s legslized. All you’ll do is add a layer of legality that will make it harder to get to the pimps.
Absolutely not true. If it's legalized, prostitutes would have rights. They could form unions. They could call on law enforcement when they get abused by johns or beaten up by pimps.
In fact conditions for prostitutes are MUCH MUCH better in Europe because it has been legalized. And yes, a lot of the prostitutes are Eastern European because they come from impoverished villages with no other job skills, but it doesn't mean they are working as slaves. They are sex workers because they see it as their best option -- why pass judgment.
Prostitution is SO much more dangerous in the U.S. because prostitutes and johns both can't call the police if they get hurt. Keeping it illegal is what the pimps and gangs want. It means the bad guys control the entire industry.
Of course kidnapping and trafficking are a problem but legitimizing prostitution definitely helps law enforcement focus on the bad guys.
I've never needed the services of a prostitute, but I would not pass judgement against those who do, including Mr. Kraft. There are plenty of lonely people out there. There are people who are loyal to their married partners who are nevertheless not getting sex. Hiring a prostitute should be as straightforward as hiring a dental hygienist or a message therapist. It's just a service.
Arresting people for giving a handjob makes as much sense as arresting someone for smoking a joint.
This is America, supposed to be land of the free, and yet we still have all these absurd criminal laws based on Puritan or Victorian morality.