Robert Windsor

The bottom line seems to be that he saw PSU hand out 5.25 MM dollars to Lynch, and likely thinks his grievance can get 20% of that. Not a bad haul.

That said, saw a clip of Aeneas Hawkins on youtube saying that Windsor misspoke. We'll see. I'm doubtful. His response to Cabinda seems to be that he was denied treatment for a sleep disorder.
Agree. But not specific to Windsor, there is such a thing as medical malpractice. And PSU/CJF have a responsibility to put player's health above everything else. Obviously, there will be disagreements. I don't know the specifics of this situation but a jury did award the Dr. over $5m.

I used to get upset about these things. But now I know that both Drs and Universities are covered by insurance. As long as they didn't break a criminal law, the insurance company will pay the lawsuit. The insurance company will make sure that those insured, in this case PSU and CJF, are following accepted practices and guidelines or they'll drop them from their policy.

The bottom line is that this is the way the system cleans itself out. If what is being said about Windsor is true, he'll end up hurting his career choices and be forgotten. Every program has these issues. In fact, every freshman class has these issues regardless of school. It is a tough time when these kids go from being coddled brats to adults.
This perspective is why insurance rates in every industry are insanely high. Frivolous suits and insane “screw the man” damages.

If there’s any merit at all to Windsor’s claims (and there doesn’t seem to be anything yet) I’m guessing it’s more of a gray area or mixed signals. Something hard to diagnose. Something that comes and goes. Something that can be taken care of now or later depending on pain threshold. Kid wants treatment but also wants to get on the field.
This perspective is why insurance rates in every industry are insanely high. Frivolous suits and insane “screw the man” damages.

If there’s any merit at all to Windsor’s claims (and there doesn’t seem to be anything yet) I’m guessing it’s more of a gray area or mixed signals. Something hard to diagnose. Something that comes and goes. Something that can be taken care of now or later depending on pain threshold. Kid wants treatment but also wants to get on the field.
Is the school even responsible for treating a players sleep issues?

I get treating an on field injury. Sleep disorder??
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Regardless of the timing (he did testify during the doctor's lawsuit), this kid has a right to speak about his experiences, especially if he has documentation to validate any negative claims.

This is yet another example where if this same scenario were playing out at another school, this board would be holding the kid up as a "whistleblower", and a "hero".

The bottom line is that Franklin also would have lost in the lawsuit had he not been saved by a missed dealine, so something not totally kosher probably happened at some point involving some kid(s).
You have to stop with this. This is what makes us look crazy. He got a free education to play football. Both sides honored that. He can now say whatever he wants. Your comment comes across as the education should buy his silence if he believes he was treated poorly by coaches or the medical staff.
Yep people are perfectly free to talk out of both sides of their mouth with impunity. Certified epidemic these days.
Regardless of the timing (he did testify during the doctor's lawsuit), this kid has a right to speak about his experiences, especially if he has documentation to validate any negative claims.

This is yet another example where if this same scenario were playing out at another school, this board would be holding the kid up as a "whistleblower", and a "hero".

The bottom line is that Franklin also would have lost in the lawsuit had he not been saved by a missed dealine, so something not totally kosher probably happened at some point involving some kid(s).
Stop the BS. Franklin had NO exposure since this was a whistleblower claim (with a questionable foundation) where plaintiff’s relief is solely against an EMPLOYER or former EMPLOYER.
Yep people are perfectly free to talk out of both sides of their mouth with impunity. Certified epidemic these days.
And them doing so only matters if we give it validation. He can say anything he wants and if people flip out, like this thread indicates they will, then he wins because it becomes a story. Same reason Michigan is stupid for bringing Harbaugh to the opener. Not bringing attention to something causes it to die.
Windsor is complaining about being denied access to his former doctor for treatment??? Welcome to the REAL world, you pampered jock. Wait until you are retired and on Medicare "Advantage" and must be referred to a healthcare provider's in-network specialist and must wait months for your sleeping disorder to be diagnosed.
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Regardless of the timing (he did testify during the doctor's lawsuit), this kid has a right to speak about his experiences, especially if he has documentation to validate any negative claims.

This is yet another example where if this same scenario were playing out at another school, this board would be holding the kid up as a "whistleblower", and a "hero".

The bottom line is that Franklin also would have lost in the lawsuit had he not been saved by a missed dealine, so something not totally kosher probably happened at some point involving some kid(s).

Did you take the same stance when people complained about Sandusky and Joe?
Did you take the same stance when people complained about Sandusky and Joe?
I know you think that was a super witty comeback, as usual, but honestly I have no idea what the hell point, if any, you were trying to make.

All I do know if that you have some kind of rare personality disorder which causes you to bring Paterno into literally ever single thread 13 years after the fact.
Stop the BS. Franklin had NO exposure since this was a whistleblower claim (with a questionable foundation) where plaintiff’s relief is solely against an EMPLOYER or former EMPLOYER.

"Franklin and the university were dismissed as defendants in the case in 2020 due to the statute of limitations, according to ESPN. Franklin was never called as a defense witness, multiple outlets reported.

Penn State Athletics did not respond to a request for comment."
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I know you think that was a super witty comeback, as usual, but honestly I have no idea what the hell point, if any, you were trying to make.

All I do know if that you have some kind of rare personality disorder which causes you to bring Paterno into literally ever single thread 13 years after the fact.
Can you answer the question?

Does YOUR example apply when people complained about Sandusky and Joe?
Can you answer the question?

Does YOUR example apply when people complained about Sandusky and Joe?
I have absolutely no idea what the question means. I provided a hypothetical example: If a kid from Michigan or Ohio State complained about the program, the people on this board would automatically latch onto his story as gospel truth, and bash that school relentlessly.

But because this is a PSU kid, and some people like you want to act like Jimmy walks on water, the kid is getting trash talked about him by people who were supposedly his fans.

He testified in the trial, so there is now a public record of his claims which the defense was unable to refute in court. That is a completely different animal from jerkoffs spouting off their baseless opinions from 13 years ago on the internet.

I swear you are Franklin, or at least his cousin or something, the way you get SO butthurt each and every time.


"Franklin and the university were dismissed as defendants in the case in 2020 due to the statute of limitations, according to ESPN. Franklin was never called as a defense witness, multiple outlets reported.

Penn State Athletics did not respond to a request for comment."
I realize Franklin was dismissed because the plaintiff blew the statute of limitations. That is irrelevant to whether a recovery could be made against him if they didn’t.
Regardless of the timing (he did testify during the doctor's lawsuit), this kid has a right to speak about his experiences, especially if he has documentation to validate any negative claims.

This is yet another example where if this same scenario were playing out at another school, this board would be holding the kid up as a "whistleblower", and a "hero".

The bottom line is that Franklin also would have lost in the lawsuit had he not been saved by a missed dealine, so something not totally kosher probably happened at some point involving some kid(s).
How would we know if he's a hero or not when he hasn't even stated what his complaint is yet? All we know is what he himself has put out there, and it makes him look silly and unworthy of any credibility. He himself admitted that when it was ruled that once when he wasn't medically cleared he went to a doctor that was a family friend in order to get cleared, and now he wants to bring up suspicious medical practices?
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