It'd better if you would just admit you believe, not know for a fact, that he's innocent.
Where have I said that I know for a fact that Sandusky is innocent? It seems to me that an appropriate venue for making that judgment is a new fair trial.
It'd better if you would just admit you believe, not know for a fact, that he's innocent.
Action speak louder than words. Alleged victim 7 may have testified at the evidentiary hearings that he had no involvement in repressed memory therapy, but his actions say otherwise. Alleged victim 7 in his interview with Mark Pendergrast explained how his repressed memories had returned in therapy.
“Through counseling and through talking about different events, through talking about things in my past, different things triggered different memories and have had more things come back, and it’s changed a lot about what I can remember today and what I could remember before, because I had everything negative blocked out. Now with the grand jury testimony was when I was just starting to open up that door, so to speak.”
So where in those WORDS (not actions) do you see evidence that he underwent RMT?
It wasn't used. If a story changed after therapy Ziegler automatically claimed RMT.Of course, he's being truthful. No two idiots can tout this same line of BS, so similarly.
Where did you get I was accusing you of that?Where have I said that I know for a fact that Sandusky is innocent? It seems to me that an appropriate venue for making that judgment is a new fair trial.
Wink, wink...not sure...wink wink.Where did you get I was accusing you of that?
You keep acting like all you want is a new trial. You always say you're not certain of innocence or guilt.
I submit you believe he's innocent. You never really own it, yet still bang the drum slowly for your pal in prison.
Well, I take great comfort that Soapy professes his innocence. Well all righty then. If our man Jer says so, then that's good enough for me. If you can't trust a guy who never missed a chance to get nekkid with adolescent males in the shower, then who can you trust?Yes, I believe that Jerry is most likely innocent. Jerry has professed his innocence from day 1 and continues to do so. I believe the evidence against him is underwhelming and I make no apologies for questioning the stories of the accusers who I believe are motivated by financial incentives. John doesn't know anything about me and what I care about. If Sandusky is fortunate enough to win a new trial, I believe he will be vindicated. I will base my reaction to the trial results on the facts and evidence presented as well as the process used to reach the verdicts. If Sandusky is found guilty in a fair trial then I believe he will get what he deserves.
So what? Why is it wrong to believe JS is innocent? The point of a new trial is not to set a serial pedophile free on some technicality.Where did you get I was accusing you of that?
You keep acting like all you want is a new trial. You always say you're not certain of innocence or guilt.
I submit you believe he's innocent. You never really own it, yet still bang the drum slowly for your pal in prison.
Where have I said that I know for a fact that Sandusky is innocent? It seems to me that an appropriate venue for making that judgment is a new fair trial.
So what? Why is it wrong to believe JS is innocent? The point of a new trial is not to set a serial pedophile free on some technicality.
JS' innocence is the only plausible explanation I have seen for the actions of everyone involved. And that includes the PA oag.So what? Why is it wrong to believe JS is innocent? The point of a new trial is not to set a serial pedophile free on some technicality.
Steve thinks it's wrong to say he believes Jerry is innocent. That's why he hasn't said it.
It's perfectly normal here to believe that.So what? Why is it wrong to believe JS is innocent? The point of a new trial is not to set a serial pedophile free on some technicality.
PCRAs rarely work and when they do in 2-5% of cases, there are typically only a couple of related verdicts for the same crime action. With 45 verdicts, there's hardly any scenario where this goes well for Jerry.
Now, you'll still claim that the trial was unfair. But there will be yet another layer of certainty on Jerry's fate and guilt.
Wrong. I believe that Sandusky is likely innocent. I won't state that it is a fact or that I am 100% certain because I was not directly involved.
Are you willing to say you are 100% certain that Sandusky is guilty?
Yes. And I'm backed up by the fact that he's been proven guilty in a court of law & all standard appeals, up through the PA supreme Court.
The big difference between us is that you say you were immediately convinced of his guild in 11/2011. I was skeptical from the very start and even at points during the trial at certain points I had some hope he would not be found guilty. But he was. And since then, I've accepted that he was found guilty. And since then, you've begun to read media reports (from fringe media, even more biased than the mainstream) and have begun to swing the other way.
So - you've been swung both ways by the media. I haven't been even once yet, either way. You flipflop apparently because of what the media says.
Steve thinks it's wrong to say he believes Jerry is innocent. That's why he hasn't said it.
My point is that no one even considered the possibility that JS could be innocent. The anal intercourse nonsense in the presentment eliminated that grey area between being surrogate father and grooming. Without that lie, he might have been given the benefit of the doubt until the trial. Then Joe was fired and not only was Jerry's guilt a foregone conclusion, but so was everyone associated with this. The press went with it without even the tiniest curiosity. Nobody, especially anyone outraged by the treatment of Paterno, had the nerve to defend Sandusky.
It may appear to be in poor taste to defend a man convicted of the things Sandusky has been, but it was every man for himself when this thing blew up. Very few people, other than Joe and Spanier, showed any leadership. Amendola was out of his depth. The whole thing was a cluster****.
This should be looked at with cooler heads. I understand why nobody wants another trial, but I think it's just the right thing to do. It seems unfair that this memory recovery crap is not really supported by any physical evidence at all.
This is laughable. 35% of the country probably still thinks JVP himself was accused of CSA. If you asked 100 people on the street in LA if JS raped a child in the shower at PSU, you would get 96 yeses.Please don't project your ideas on everyone. many of us have looked well past the allegation of anal rape and are still able to determine Jerrys guilt independent of what happened that night in lasch.
It seems to me that an appropriate venue for making that judgment is a new fair trial.
This is laughable. 35% of the country probably still thinks JVP himself was accused of CSA. If you asked 100 people on the street in LA if JS raped a child in the shower at PSU, you would get 96 yeses.
Why is it any of your business what others may think or believe? I certainly could give a shit about you!It'd better if you would just admit you believe, not know for a fact, that he's innocent.
Virtually all the "victims" lied under oath. Which testimony was the truth?The first, the second or perhaps the next time?It'd better if you would just admit you believe, not know for a fact, that he's innocent.
I agree except I think we can thank Corbett and his little princes, Fina and Surma for the narrative.The Sandusky media narrative has been so drilled into the national mindset that a 'new, fair trial' is a fantasy. I hope he gets lucky, but I wouldn't hold your breath. Thank the media Mind Shapers and their partners in crime, our political class, for this mess.
This is laughable. 35% of the country probably still thinks JVP himself was accused of CSA. If you asked 100 people on the street in LA if JS raped a child in the shower at PSU, you would get 96 yeses.
It's getting deeper here. Natives are finally opening up and wearing it like a badge. Took a few years, but the denial was fun to watch for a few years. The victims are the problem. LMAO
Some of the victims are telling the truth
Some of the victims are clearly liars who embellished their stories and couldn't even get dates and events right until it serves their purpose ($) with help from the POS ambulance chaser Andrew Shubin
Some of the other victims are "known only to God"
Regardless, Jerry is guilty of illegal behavior and is where he belongs, although it is far from clear how far his actual sexual behavior stretched. But too far for sure IMO.
Sorry if that is too nuanced for your simple, black and white little brain. You wear your shallow understanding of all aspects of this saga like a badge. Carry on though. You're doing God's work so maybe you can find out who Victim 2 is, and what happened with the demented janitor.
LOL. All you can try and do is hurl insults anymore as you are so GD confused. You lost your sh!t a while back apparently Mix and turned into a POS.Some of the victims are telling the truth
Some of the victims are clearly liars who embellished their stories and couldn't even get dates and events right until it serves their purpose ($) with help from the POS ambulance chaser Andrew Shubin
Some of the other victims are "known only to God"
Regardless, Jerry is guilty of illegal behavior and is where he belongs, although it is far from clear how far his actual sexual behavior stretched. But too far for sure IMO. Boundary stuff, fondling, touching, rubbing. All of that is too far even if that is where it stopped.
Sorry if that is too nuanced for your simple, black and white little brain. You wear your shallow understanding of all aspects of this saga like a badge. Carry on though. You're doing God's work so maybe you can find out who Victim 2 is, and what happened with the demented janitor.
LOL. All you can try and do is hurl insults anymore as you are so GD confused. You lost your sh!t a while back apparently Mix and turned into a POS.
You so desperately want to believe the fools but clearly know better so you keep walking on that fence talking out of both sides of your mouth. You state over and over Jerry is guilty, but are upset when I do it because I don't cater to these idiotic fantasies. Cheer on these guys getting the victims and this BS "hunt for justice". I'm just going to laugh at this BS anymore. It's a joke already. Hurl away as it is all you know anymore. Yeah this is such a mysterious case....LOL!!!
Hugs and kisses. You just keep walking that fence Mix. You are confused and yet so transparent. It's cute.Thanks for proving my point about nuance. And I notice you hurled a few insults yourself without addressing a single point I made. All of which are internally consistent. Stick to debating people in your "pay grade".
....I get you guys want it to be a bad dream, but it's not with regards to him.
Sure Indy. Keep you little dream alive.You can't possibly know that.
Pnny, but you have me on ignore!!! I get you thinking Jerry is innocent as you're f--king nuts. I think someone mentioned you in a comments section on PL, go get em!!!
There is a simple memory test that shows that lost memories can be recalled. All it takes is a tiny bit of effort and some intellectual honesty.
Think of a TV show that you watched A LOT when you were 10-14. It doesn't matter much if you've you watched it since, but it's better if you haven't.
Now think of a number between 1-100 & have someone else look up the the title of what that episode number is. Take a notepad and write down every single detail you can think of about the episode. Lines of dialogue, sequence of events, major plot points, funny jokes, what people were wearing ....
Now, have your friend read you the short description for the episode as it appears on IMDB/wikipedia/etc. Take another notepad and write down more details. Feel free to correct yourself if you remembered something wrong.
Now, go to youtube/netflix/wherever & watch the first 5 minutes of the episode, then stop. Take another notepad and write down more details. Feel free to correct yourself if you remembered something wrong.
Watch the next 10 minutes. Now you have some good background to really refresh your memory. Did you notice that you can predict lines of dialogue almost exactly? Did you notice you can tell what scenes are coming up & in what order and in great detail? Can you now almost write down the script for the rest of the episode? I bet you can.
But you'll find that no matter how hard you tried your earlier attempts fell somewhat short. You'd have sworn you didn't remember anything else, and you've proven that what you did remember wasn't really that accurate.
But the more your mind is refreshed -- again, not with false memories but with actual details, the more you actually remember.
There's still 15 minutes of show left. Nobody planted any false memories of those 15 minutes in your mind. Write it down with intellectual honesty & you will see that those memories are unlocked like a doorway was opened.
It is quite possible to recall things accurately in great detail even if those memories were "lost." Not repressed. Just not at the top of the mind.
For a quicker check, use song lyrics as the test. Same idea. Write down what you can remember (from a song you've heard many many times years ago, but it isn't in your playlist for years). Suddenly you hear the music and the lyrics come back.
Great analogyGood grief what a goofy bastard you are. Wow.
Must be "jive"Great analogyGood grief what a goofy bastard you are. Wow.