Gotta love that effing BoT.
He's looking at a very limited "slice of the pie"Gotta love that effing BoT.
For one dollar I'll guess your weight, your height, or your sex.He's looking at a very limited "slice of the pie"
Any question at all that the Scoundrels of Lubert/Dambly Inc haven't stolen at least as much over the last 5 years?
[that's a rhetorical, by the way]
Gotta love that effing BoT.
He's looking at a very limited "slice of the pie"
Any question at all that the Scoundrels of Lubert/Dambly Inc haven't stolen at least as much over the last 5 years?
[that's a rhetorical, by the way]
Spending $250m to hide The Second Mile involvement is even more astonishing.Spend $250 million using taxpayer dollars to hide your own involvement in the Sandusky scandal. Pretty good gig actually.
This said, I hope it goes higher as a result of lawsuits brought by C/S if they are exonerated.Gotta love that effing BoT.
No questionYeah, but they would have done that without Sandusky.
I believe the direct costs exceeded that amount a few years ago, and that says nothing about the indirect costs.
I think all living alumni should sue the BOT for ruining their reputations.
Maybe they could start by electing 9 representatives to the BOT who actually gave a damn about serving as stewards of the University?I think all living alumni should sue the BOT for ruining their reputations.
I think all living alumni should sue the BOT for ruining their reputations.
Class action.
Class action.
I looked into this 2 years ago but couldn't find a lawyer to take the case. Surely there has to be PSU grad/lawyer who would do it.[/QUOTE
When this Scandal broke in November 2011, about two days into it I said to myself, "$300 million in costs coming due to this mess." Could easily be $500 million if you add up indirect costs. So, the numbers cited make me sad but don't surprise me, I considered them inevitable once Curley and Schultz were indicted.
PffffffffffttttttttttWhen this Scandal broke in November 2011, about two days into it I said to myself, "$300 million in costs coming due to this mess." Could easily be $500 million if you add up indirect costs. So, the numbers cited make me sad but don't surprise me, I considered them inevitable once Curley and Schultz were indicted.
The idea that these guys are still charged, and that this has dragged on, just absolutely blows my mind. I used to think that if I were ever a wrongly accused person, I would gladly take my chances in the court system with a jury. Now I think just the opposite. God help you.From article. Curious what the strategy is here. Double down by tacking on additional charges to pressure the judge to proceed with the case?
A senior judge sitting in Harrisburg is considering a request by three former high-ranking Penn State administrators to throw out their criminal charges, following an oral argument that was held in Harrisburg in October.
Former Penn State President Graham Spanier, former Athletic Director Tim Curley and former Vice President Gary Schultz are accused of not responding properly to McQueary's 2001 complaint that Sandusky was sexually abusing a boy in a team shower. They are also accused of putting children in danger.
The attorney general's office wants to add a new count, of conspiracy to commit endangering the welfare of children, against all three defendants. Judge John Boccabella has not indicated when he might rule.
The three men have consistently maintained their innocence.
When this Scandal broke in November 2011, about two days into it I said to myself, "$300 million in costs coming due to this mess." Could easily be $500 million if you add up indirect costs. So, the numbers cited make me sad but don't surprise me, I considered them inevitable once Curley and Schultz were indicted.
Not to worry; we have a "BOT" to make certain that we are properly treated.![]()