You prove to be more of an idiot every day.
It doesn't matter what a specific dollar is spent twit (trying to use "less harsh" words

Dollars don't know or care "where they came from". They have no intellectual ability, nor any memory.
Since you are probably
truly too stupid to understand (and don't feel bad, the "A9" apparently doesn't understand either - or, at least they pretend not to), a simple example to illustrate the point:
Let's suppose that one of the "approved usages" of endowment funds is to provide
"scholarship support" (as opposed to being specifically allocated to the
"putting $$$$ into Lubert and Dambly's pockets" accounts

So......the dollars used to
"put $$$$$ into Lubert and Dambly's pockets" has to come from somewhere else - lets say the general budget via the
Capital Expense allocation. (Gee, ya' think?

Which means the educational operating funds - the shit that tuition dollars SHOULD be going towards - ends up the University has to raise tuition.........but that causes a supply/demand market condition that requires greater "scholarship support"....which (TaDa!!) comes from the Endowment $$$$$.
Which means - the net effect is EXACTLY THE SAME as it is if Lubert/Dambly Inc were to simply cut themselves a check straight out of the Endowment fund.
Now....this is the part of the conversation where YOU say:
"Golly gee, thanks Mr Fenchak.
Thanks for taking the time to explain that to me - - - I am a much more informed participant now."
And I say....
" You are welcome Mister Jive. We are all better served by having a less "stoopid" constituency"