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PA college fan

Well-Known Member
Jun 26, 2001
Got spotify premium a few years ago when putting together whiteout tailgate mix, and should have cancelled before. Neil Young issue got me to drop it, and find out Neil Young radio back today on Sirius XM. Now most of you may not care, or find it silly, but when I was at PSU, Rust Never Sleeps played daily at the movie theater on Beaver up from McClanahans, and it was a cool movie back in the day, and Neil Young reminds me of college days. He gave up 2/3 of his streaming income for what he believed in, and he is a cool dude in my book.

I put the savings towards a 50k family scholarship endowment at PSU Lehigh Valley. I went completely to main, but the branch campus students need even more financial help. Will eventually try to save up for an endowment at Main campus also for Schreyer's. 2250 given to a student every year, so in a hundred years it should give out 225,000 or more based on their investment prowess.
Very nice gesture on setting up the endowment. I love Neil Young's music, perhaps my favorite Rust Never Sleeps......I also love Pink Floyd music. Both Neil and Waters are completely upside down in my opinion in regard to politics. Neil threatening Spotify that he wanted his music pulled if they insisted on Keeping their most valuable resource Joe Rogan.....was not a difficult decision for Spotify. I give Neil credit that he walked away from some dollars for his belief. The rub for me is that Neil is asking a company to silence someone who Neil thinks is wrong.......kind of the opposite side of the argument that he and others were making about allowing the younger generation in the 70s to be allowed to speak even if their thoughts were against the main stream thought at the time. Neil Young, Howard Stern.....rebels in their day are screaming for more and more censorship, kind of odd stance for them to be taking when compared to their earlier statements in their career.
Very nice gesture on setting up the endowment. I love Neil Young's music, perhaps my favorite Rust Never Sleeps......I also love Pink Floyd music. Both Neil and Waters are completely upside down in my opinion in regard to politics. Neil threatening Spotify that he wanted his music pulled if they insisted on Keeping their most valuable resource Joe Rogan.....was not a difficult decision for Spotify. I give Neil credit that he walked away from some dollars for his belief. The rub for me is that Neil is asking a company to silence someone who Neil thinks is wrong.......kind of the opposite side of the argument that he and others were making about allowing the younger generation in the 70s to be allowed to speak even if their thoughts were against the main stream thought at the time. Neil Young, Howard Stern.....rebels in their day are screaming for more and more censorship, kind of odd stance for them to be taking when compared to their earlier statements in their career.

At what point does putting out false and misleading (bad information) stop? Howard Stern saying titties 25 years ago is a bit different than Joe telling people the vaccine gives kids a better chance of getting myocarditis than the actual disease itself. Not only was it completely false, he was talking as if he's some type of SME on the matter. Joe needs to be more responsible for his own lack of knowledge. I'm with you as Spotify has every right to keep him, that is their investment and his show is entertaining. Even more so when he has his comedy circle on, 3 hours of greatness usually. I also don't mind people calling him out for putting out nonsense as they should. It's clear as day people in this country will listen to YouTube, Spotify podcasts, Q, various social media sites, but listening to their own Doctor's advice is apparently to hard to do or taboo.

If people go to him for medical advice then then should go to him when their hearts fail or they get cancer....see how that works out for them. His A$$ ran right to Doctors and was taking anything they could throw his way, he didn't depend on his immune system alone when it hit him. Kind of funny how that works out. I'll still listen to him depending on the guest or topic, but I know he's no medical expert. Most sane people get that.
At what point does putting out false and misleading (bad information) stop? Howard Stern saying titties 25 years ago is a bit different than Joe telling people the vaccine gives kids a better chance of getting myocarditis than the actual disease itself. Not only was it completely false, he was talking as if he's some type of SME on the matter. Joe needs to be more responsible for his own lack of knowledge. I'm with you as Spotify has every right to keep him, that is their investment and his show is entertaining. Even more so when he has his comedy circle on, 3 hours of greatness usually. I also don't mind people calling him out for putting out nonsense as they should. It's clear as day people in this country will listen to YouTube, Spotify podcasts, Q, various social media sites, but listening to their own Doctor's advice is apparently to hard to do or taboo.

If people go to him for medical advice then then should go to him when their hearts fail or they get cancer....see how that works out for them. His A$$ ran right to Doctors and was taking anything they could throw his way, he didn't depend on his immune system alone when it hit him. Kind of funny how that works out. I'll still listen to him depending on the guest or topic, but I know he's no medical expert. Most sane people get that.
My favorite recent example of eating the onion is Kid Rock "canceling himself" by saying he won't perform at any venue that has covid protocols in place and then blaming the venues. Not that anyone is really lining up to go to his concerts anyway, but first they complain about cancel culture and then cancel themselves. smdh.
At what point does putting out false and misleading (bad information) stop? Howard Stern saying titties 25 years ago is a bit different than Joe telling people the vaccine gives kids a better chance of getting myocarditis than the actual disease itself. Not only was it completely false, he was talking as if he's some type of SME on the matter. Joe needs to be more responsible for his own lack of knowledge. I'm with you as Spotify has every right to keep him, that is their investment and his show is entertaining. Even more so when he has his comedy circle on, 3 hours of greatness usually. I also don't mind people calling him out for putting out nonsense as they should. It's clear as day people in this country will listen to YouTube, Spotify podcasts, Q, various social media sites, but listening to their own Doctor's advice is apparently to hard to do or taboo.

If people go to him for medical advice then then should go to him when their hearts fail or they get cancer....see how that works out for them. His A$$ ran right to Doctors and was taking anything they could throw his way, he didn't depend on his immune system alone when it hit him. Kind of funny how that works out. I'll still listen to him depending on the guest or topic, but I know he's no medical expert. Most sane people get that.
Funny how that worked out. He went to doctors that he felt would give him the best treatments. Which included ivermectin and hydroxychloroquin. He never said anyone should depend on his immune system alone.

And on his show it isn’t just him spewing his beliefs. He brings on doctors and researchers and discuss the pros and cons. He asks tough questions and challenges people. That’s how it is supposed to work. Then when he got sick he followed the protocols he said he believed in.

But you should just go right on doing you. It’s called freedom and liberty.
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At what point does putting out false and misleading (bad information) stop? Howard Stern saying titties 25 years ago is a bit different than Joe telling people the vaccine gives kids a better chance of getting myocarditis than the actual disease itself. Not only was it completely false, he was talking as if he's some type of SME on the matter. Joe needs to be more responsible for his own lack of knowledge. I'm with you as Spotify has every right to keep him, that is their investment and his show is entertaining. Even more so when he has his comedy circle on, 3 hours of greatness usually. I also don't mind people calling him out for putting out nonsense as they should. It's clear as day people in this country will listen to YouTube, Spotify podcasts, Q, various social media sites, but listening to their own Doctor's advice is apparently to hard to do or taboo.

If people go to him for medical advice then then should go to him when their hearts fail or they get cancer....see how that works out for them. His A$$ ran right to Doctors and was taking anything they could throw his way, he didn't depend on his immune system alone when it hit him. Kind of funny how that works out. I'll still listen to him depending on the guest or topic, but I know he's no medical expert. Most sane people get that.
fair points, really. But as soon as you say YOU are the expert and suppress other opinions you've become a tyrant. The basis of the USA is based on Freedom.

We've seen the CDC and NIH be catastrophically wrong and have done major damage. I don't believe they did this on purpose. However, careers and reputations are on the line. They've been horrible about adjusting their messaging even after it was clear their original guidance was wrong (cloth masks, moving from 6 to 3 feet distancing, length of time the vax works, outdoor distancing, the accuracy of tests, natural immunity vs vax and time needed to quarantine off the top of my head).

If we are to maintain freedom, we need unvarnished truths and accountability. That is the basis of Franklin's quote "Those who would give up essential Liberty, to purchase a little temporary Safety, deserve neither Liberty nor Safety.".
My favorite recent example of eating the onion is Kid Rock "canceling himself" by saying he won't perform at any venue that has covid protocols in place and then blaming the venues. Not that anyone is really lining up to go to his concerts anyway, but first they complain about cancel culture and then cancel themselves. smdh.
LOL, he's can play any Cult 45 rally he wishes too. Nothing better than watching white males try so hard to be's all the rage.
Neil Young telling Spotify "it's Rogan or it's me" is like a poster here telling Penn State "It's me or it's Franklin" and threatening not to renew tix.

Neil over rates himself. Crosby, Stills & Nash agree.
‘Hope Neil Young will remember....
Spotify don’t need him around, anyhow’
Got spotify premium a few years ago when putting together whiteout tailgate mix, and should have cancelled before. Neil Young issue got me to drop it, and find out Neil Young radio back today on Sirius XM. Now most of you may not care, or find it silly, but when I was at PSU, Rust Never Sleeps played daily at the movie theater on Beaver up from McClanahans, and it was a cool movie back in the day, and Neil Young reminds me of college days. He gave up 2/3 of his streaming income for what he believed in, and he is a cool dude in my book.

I put the savings towards a 50k family scholarship endowment at PSU Lehigh Valley. I went completely to main, but the branch campus students need even more financial help. Will eventually try to save up for an endowment at Main campus also for Schreyer's. 2250 given to a student every year, so in a hundred years it should give out 225,000 or more based on their investment prowess.

So how did you save money? Trying to decipher that from all the random politics here.

It doesn’t take much to get the vax Karen’s out to tell us how correct they, the cdc, the fda, teachers unions, and Biden are about the correct path for beating a novel virus. Karen’s also tell us we should ignore all the mistakes and misinformation accumulated to date. Please also disregard the failures to stop the virus as promised.

Rogan has stated his opinion on a couple things such as whether kids and vaccines. Otherwise he gets various guests to give their opinions. Recently Malone was on and MSM wants to silence him and Rogan is collateral damage. Well, MSM hates Rogan anyway because he is beating them in ratings. Everyone seems to forget Rogan had Osterholm on at the beginning of the pandemic.

I would guess Rogan would welcome Fauci but that will never happen. Gupta found out what happens when you try to lie or dissemble on the podcast.
Very nice gesture on setting up the endowment. I love Neil Young's music, perhaps my favorite Rust Never Sleeps......I also love Pink Floyd music. Both Neil and Waters are completely upside down in my opinion in regard to politics. Neil threatening Spotify that he wanted his music pulled if they insisted on Keeping their most valuable resource Joe Rogan.....was not a difficult decision for Spotify. I give Neil credit that he walked away from some dollars for his belief. The rub for me is that Neil is asking a company to silence someone who Neil thinks is wrong.......kind of the opposite side of the argument that he and others were making about allowing the younger generation in the 70s to be allowed to speak even if their thoughts were against the main stream thought at the time. Neil Young, Howard Stern.....rebels in their day are screaming for more and more censorship, kind of odd stance for them to be taking when compared to their earlier statements in their career.
Even though my personal beliefs are more in line with Neil Young, you make a fair and good point. I think the "difference" might be not so much that he disagrees with someone else (in this case Joe Rogan), but that what Rogan is saying is not only untrue --- but could honestly harm someone.
Even though my personal beliefs are more in line with Neil Young, you make a fair and good point. I think the "difference" might be not so much that he disagrees with someone else (in this case Joe Rogan), but that what Rogan is saying is not only untrue --- but could honestly harm someone.
well, that is your 'opinion' on Rogan. At the same time, much of Rogan's "opinion" that was considered rogue has been proven to be correct. Isn't the proper path to listen, discuss, and debate to assure that nobody can become a tyrant?
It doesn’t take much to get the vax Karen’s out to tell us how correct they, the cdc, the fda, teachers unions, and Biden are about the correct path for beating a novel virus. Karen’s also tell us we should ignore all the mistakes and misinformation accumulated to date. Please also disregard the failures to stop the virus as promised.

Rogan has stated his opinion on a couple things such as whether kids and vaccines. Otherwise he gets various guests to give their opinions. Recently Malone was on and MSM wants to silence him and Rogan is collateral damage. Well, MSM hates Rogan anyway because he is beating them in ratings. Everyone seems to forget Rogan had Osterholm on at the beginning of the pandemic.

I would guess Rogan would welcome Fauci but that will never happen. Gupta found out what happens when you try to lie or dissemble on the podcast.
Just curious --- would you deny that the unvaccinated are (depending on the source) 35 - 50 times more likely to end up in a hospital bed or die from Covid than those who have received both shots and the booster shot. That's 35 - 50 unvaccinated to one vaccinated that is in a more serious situation. How can anyone argue with that? At this point in time it's not a political Republican - Democrat issue, it's an intelligent - unintelligent issue.
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Just curious --- would you deny that the unvaccinated are (depending on the source) 35 - 50 times more likely to end up in a hospital bed or die from Covid than those who have received both shots and the booster shot. That's 35 - 50 unvaccinated to one vaccinated that is in a more serious situation. How can anyone argue with that? At this point in time it's not a political Republican - Democrat issue, it's an intelligent - idiot issue.
From my local hospital. About 50/50 right now. Not sure if the ICU patients are included, but looks obvious that the shot is more likely to keep you out of there (based on one day's data).

Civil discussion among Penn Staters on both sides of the national divide— gives me hope. Lion DeNittany— I saved money by dropping Spotify Premium which I wasn’t using anyways -9..99 a month on my card— I signed up two years ago before PSU- Michigan whiteout as I was putting my playlist and for some unfathomable reason thought the tailgate would be better with premium. I didn’t delete my account and still have different playlists on free Spotify. I have admired Spotify and even made some money off their stock. I don’t understand the Rogan craze — maybe I never will, but Neil Young is an idol and gave me reason not to throw away 120 dollars a year. I love SiriusXM and will probably get Apple streaming.

I don’t like to waste money but we get so busy in our work and family and I thought setting up Penn State endowments would be a worthwhile thing and got one funded. Let’s stop politics and get tailgating for PSU wrestling— I’m sure I’d like both sides of the aisle if we were drunk like the Fridays in college
Just curious --- would you deny that the unvaccinated are (depending on the source) 35 - 50 times more likely to end up in a hospital bed or die from Covid than those who have received both shots and the booster shot. That's 35 - 50 unvaccinated to one vaccinated that is in a more serious situation. How can anyone argue with that? At this point in time it's not a political Republican - Democrat issue, it's an intelligent - idiot issue.
I'd also ask, should Fauci be taken off of social media by claiming, for two years, cloth masks are good only to then state that they are not? How about his claims that vaccines are better than natural immunity? What about claiming people are in the hospital due to COVID when they were their "with" COVID? I'll stop there but if we are banning people for false information....
Civil discussion among Penn Staters on both sides of the national divide— gives me hope. Lion DeNittany— I saved money by dropping Spotify Premium which I wasn’t using anyways -9..99 a month on my card— I signed up two years ago before PSU- Michigan whiteout as I was putting my playlist and for some unfathomable reason thought the tailgate would be better with premium. I didn’t delete my account and still have different playlists on free Spotify. I have admired Spotify and even made some money off their stock. I don’t understand the Rogan craze — maybe I never will, but Neil Young is an idol and gave me reason not to throw away 120 dollars a year. I love SiriusXM and will probably get Apple streaming.

I don’t like to waste money but we get so busy in our work and family and I thought setting up Penn State endowments would be a worthwhile thing and got one funded. Let’s stop politics and get tailgating for PSU wrestling— I’m sure I’d like both sides of the aisle if we were drunk like the Fridays in college

Yeah but then you said you spent the money by giving it to PSU.

Technically you only saved your tax rate x the amount you had previously been paying Spotify.

Saving means keeping.

Just curious --- would you deny that the unvaccinated are (depending on the source) 35 - 50 times more likely to end up in a hospital bed or die from Covid than those who have received both shots and the booster shot. That's 35 - 50 unvaccinated to one vaccinated that is in a more serious situation. How can anyone argue with that? At this point in time it's not a political Republican - Democrat issue, it's an intelligent - idiot issue.

I don't deny this. Actually I completely agree with this.

Do you believe downhill skiing has the same risk as walking in a park?

Are skiiers idiots for making the choice to ski?

The issue with your argument is while true, it isn't a reason for a vaccination mandate. If someone wants to take risk, they should be able to... whether you view it as stupid or not.

Secondly, I think the topic mentioned at the top is kids and vaccines. There are effectively zero reasons a healthy child or young adult should receive the vaccine. And Rogan's point, apparently wrong according to some, is that it may actually be more dangerous to get the vaccine.

I am reasonable, so perhaps that is untrue. But show me evidence children are at risk of covid... more than say... pneumonia, and Rogan would have no claim.

Lion De Nittany— In real life you are probably not as annoying as you seem here. If we are donating 50 k to dear old State, it’s safe to
assume that our retirements are safely funded and we believe in helping young kids in the state get the same benefits with education that I was privileged to get at Penn State. So 120 dollars isn’t a big deal but why waste it? I came from a poor family and I owe all
my success to PSU and hard work and scrappiness.
Not everyone is born with a silver spoon as you may have been— it’s what makes America great. Let’s go lions— destroy Iowa and get revenge for the football travesty
Just curious --- would you deny that the unvaccinated are (depending on the source) 35 - 50 times more likely to end up in a hospital bed or die from Covid than those who have received both shots and the booster shot. That's 35 - 50 unvaccinated to one vaccinated that is in a more serious situation. How can anyone argue with that? At this point in time it's not a political Republican - Democrat issue, it's an intelligent - idiot issue.
Denial? I don’t deny your assertion about vaccinations but I wish I could trust it. We have been lied to so often that I don’t know if Rogan is better or worse than Fauci. That is both sad and scary. Please don’t mistake my hesitancy on these issues as idiocy. My wife has had profound side effects from the vaccine which has changed my life for over 4 months so I don’t accept any theories or statistics blindly.
Denial? I don’t deny your assertion about vaccinations but I wish I could trust it. We have been lied to so often that I don’t know if Rogan is better or worse than Fauci. That is both sad and scary. Please don’t mistake my hesitancy on these issues as idiocy. My wife has had profound side effects from the vaccine which has changed my life for over 4 months so I don’t accept any theories or statistics blindly.
Yes sir. I have gotten to the point where I trust no one. Not government at any level. Not any news media. Not doctors. Not scientists and researchers. Not university or education people. No blogs. No sports or entertainment people. Sad to be so cynical buts that’s where we are today.
I don't deny this. Actually I completely agree with this.

Do you believe downhill skiing has the same risk as walking in a park?

Are skiiers idiots for making the choice to ski?

The issue with your argument is while true, it isn't a reason for a vaccination mandate. If someone wants to take risk, they should be able to... whether you view it as stupid or not.

Secondly, I think the topic mentioned at the top is kids and vaccines. There are effectively zero reasons a healthy child or young adult should receive the vaccine. And Rogan's point, apparently wrong according to some, is that it may actually be more dangerous to get the vaccine.

I am reasonable, so perhaps that is untrue. But show me evidence children are at risk of covid... more than say... pneumonia, and Rogan would have no claim.

I too am reasonable. It's just a coincidence given your analogy, but my entire career was in the ski industry, mostly in Vermont. If I choose to ski, and if I choose to ski difficult terrain, you are correct --- I am assuming a certain degree of risk.

However, as relates to Covid, I have an easy option available to me that reduces my personal risk, reduces transferring a potentially fatal disease to others, reduces the lack of hospital beds being available to others, and reduces the cost to society for very high Covid related Medicare bills. All I have to do is get my two vaccinations and my booster shot. People go to such great length to expound on why they don't want to be vaccinated while most of us just shake our head and (honestly) think "how could they be so stupid".

In most of my life I have actually been a serious risk taker --- skiing, backpacking, cycling, bungie jumping, glider flights, etc., but to me the vaccine issue simply shouldn't be an issue. Why would someone NOT get vaccinated? Other than those who believe every word that comes out of the mouths of Fox News commentators (who make their huge salaries by telling their listeners exactly what they want to hear), I just don't understand the resistance. Are these people vaccinated for other diseases that we now have cures for, or do they resist all vaccines? It's just ridiculous to me.
Even though my personal beliefs are more in line with Neil Young, you make a fair and good point. I think the "difference" might be not so much that he disagrees with someone else (in this case Joe Rogan), but that what Rogan is saying is not only untrue --- but could genuinely harm someone.
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reduces my personal risk, reduces transferring a potentially fatal disease to others, reduces the lack of hospital beds being available to others, and reduces the cost to society
So let's break this down part by part..
Your reasoning that people should get a vaccine they dont want...

"reduces my personal risk"
You said yourself you take considerably more risk than others. So either you should or shouldn't take personal risk. Should we ban skiing?

"reduces transferring a potentially fatal disease to others"
This seems moot now that Omicron spread fastest in fully vaccinated countries. And, omicron apparently is not very deadly. Less so than many other existing diseases.

"reduces the lack of hospital beds being available to others,"

Another reason to ban skiing, right? Who the heck are you to tell people they shouldn't take up a hospital bed when you yourself took ridiculous risks skiing and potentially a hospital bed.

"and reduces the cost to society"

Cutting down trees on the side of a mountain so you can slide down it seems pretty costly to society. And your health insurance will cover your injuries... which costs me and others in society.

So again I would like a good argument to force young healthy people with very little covid risk to be forced to be vaccinated.

And your whole fox news rant... please. I have never watched it. Ever.

Yes sir. I have gotten to the point where I trust no one. Not government at any level. Not any news media. Not doctors. Not scientists and researchers. Not university or education people. No blogs. No sports or entertainment people. Sad to be so cynical buts that’s where we are today.
I hear you on your key point. and can't stand 99% of all politicians regardless of party affiliation. If we simply ignored the noise from all sides of the vaccine question, and just looked at the tremendous difference in those presently having to go to the hospital or dying from Covid (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated), I think you are smart enough to realize "wow, there's a big difference, maybe getting vaccinated does help". That's all I'm trying to say.
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I hear you on your key point. and can't stand 99% of all politicians regardless of party affiliation. If we simply ignored the noise from all sides of the vaccine question, and just looked at the tremendous difference in those presently having to go to the hospital or dying from Covid (vaccinated vs. unvaccinated), I think you are smart enough to realize "wow, there's a big difference, maybe getting vaccinated does help". That's all I'm trying to say.

There's a good Russel Brand video on this. I will get it.

A virus's job is to is to jump from host to host. As it spreads it mutates, ie changes. Does it not make sense that as the virus mutates the recommendations on masks, distancing etc would change? rather than calling Fauci a liar?

Fauci served as a chief advisor for the previous administration as well, but now he's a liar. As for NIH and CDC's messaging it has been a cluster, I can agree with that.
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I'd also ask, should Fauci be taken off of social media by claiming, for two years, cloth masks are good only to then state that they are not? How about his claims that vaccines are better than natural immunity? What about claiming people are in the hospital due to COVID when they were their "with" COVID? I'll stop there but if we are banning people for false information....
You just hit the nail on the head. so Fauci, CDC et al can be completely wrong about so many things for 2 years and they get a pass "because this is a Novel virus and we are learning as we go". Joe Rogan [I have never listened to him] is a podcaster who voices his opinion. Apparently he gets knowledgable experts who also offer opinions that are not the "mainstream". Who does more damage a podcaster if he mis speaks or thew head of NIH and CDC if they mis speak. [standard caveats i am vaxxed and boosted i just happen to think tis whole thing has been loaded on ALL sides with untruths and censorship.

One pet peeve I also have. Some posters encourage us to talk to our doctor which sure sounds like common sense. I have done that and I have spoken with friends about that once I formed my supposition. It seems to me most regular PCP's don't know [or are afraid for insurance reasons]a whole more than what CDC tells them.
I spoke to my PCP back in the summer and asked him if I got Covid how could I be sure I could get timely Mono clonal antibodies. he said if you go in the hospital it will be the hospital that determines that and he has nothing to do with it. Another friend got Covid and his PCP said it is up to the hospital. He called the hospital said he had asthma and insisted they give him the Mono clonal anti bodies. They did and he is fine. not to belabor but yet another friend and his wife both got Covid at the same time and they have different PCP's. Both said stay home, take Advil for headache and fever and drink lots of water.
All that to say it would be interesting to hear from folks who have had good detailed discussions with their PCP. Not vaccine or not almost every doc would be for that but what else can be done especially once you get Covid.
I too am reasonable. It's just a coincidence given your analogy, but my entire career was in the ski industry, mostly in Vermont. If I choose to ski, and if I choose to ski difficult terrain, you are correct --- I am assuming a certain degree of risk.

However, as relates to Covid, I have an easy option available to me that reduces my personal risk, reduces transferring a potentially fatal disease to others, reduces the lack of hospital beds being available to others, and reduces the cost to society for very high Covid related Medicare bills. All I have to do is get my two vaccinations and my booster shot. People go to such great length to expound on why they don't want to be vaccinated while most of us just shake our head and (honestly) think "how could they be so stupid".

In most of my life I have actually been a serious risk taker --- skiing, backpacking, cycling, bungie jumping, glider flights, etc., but to me the vaccine issue simply shouldn't be an issue. Why would someone NOT get vaccinated? Other than those who believe every word that comes out of the mouths of Fox News commentators (who make their huge salaries by telling their listeners exactly what they want to hear), I just don't understand the resistance. Are these people vaccinated for other diseases that we now have cures for, or do they resist all vaccines? It's just ridiculous to me.
I am sorry to burst your bubble, but the COVID vaccine has risks. As I keep saying here, my wife suffered vaccine injury and is still suffering 4 months later. Please do not claim that the vaccine is 100% safe. I don’t know the statistics but neither do you or the CDC apparently.

Omicron has shown little respect for the vaccines. Omicron is less deadly than delta, so the calculus of risk/reward for the vaccines is much different. Broad claims of vaccine benefits are not trustworthy with omicron yet. Most cases are not even differentiated so stats are murky at best.
A virus's job is to is to jump from host to host. As it spreads it mutates, ie changes. Does it not make sense that as the virus mutates the recommendations on masks, distancing etc would change? rather than calling Fauci a liar?

Fauci served as a chief advisor for the previous administration as well, but now he's a liar. As for NIH and CDC's messaging it has been a cluster, I can agree with that.
Let's unpack that a little.
Viruses mutate so wouldn't the recs on masks distancing change? Actually no. Cloth masks have never worked on an airborne virus. As they mutate they don't change sizes rendering a mask effective against one and then the other.

Fauci was just as bad or worse when he worked for the other administration.

Every virus for the last 3,000 years if you survived and had anti bodies they protected you. Why now is this virus different? [unless of course it was engineered]
Which leads me to the worst lie of all. Emails show that a number of very respected virologists said very early on this virus almost couldn't have come from nature. Rather than explore that alternative he and Collins did all they could to shut down discussion. Both previous CDC director Redfield [he is also at fault for not speaking up] and the previous Surgeon General have said if we knew this WE COULD HVE SAVED LIVES.
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Let's unpack that a little.
Viruses mutate so wouldn't the recs on masks distancing change? Actually no. Cloth masks have never worked on an airborne virus. As they mutate they don't change sizes rendering a mask effective against one and then the other.

Fauci was just as bad or worse when he worked for the other administration.

Every virus for the last 3,000 years if you survived and had anti bodies they protected you. Why now is this virus different? [unless of course it was engineered]
Which leads me to the worst lie of all. Emails show that a number of very respected virologists said very early on this virus almost couldn't have come from nature. Rather than explore that alternative he and Collins did all they could to shut down discussion. Both previous CDC director Redfield [he is also at fault for not speaking up] and the previous Surgeon General have said if we knew this WE COULD HVE SAVED LIVES.
while we are unpacking you got any sources or just opinions and theories
To give you an idea of how much more the Biden administration cares about gaining or minimizing the political damage from Covid as opposed to true health care concerns, the NIH has funded funded 254 studies looking at health disparities. One out-dated and still not published on natural immunity. One on masks. 4 studies on how the virus spreads. Dr. Marty Makary, a professor of public health speaking at 2:46 of this podcast.
LOL, he's can play any Cult 45 rally he wishes too. Nothing better than watching white males try so hard to be's all the rage.
Volunteer to work with domestic abusers. They are the the greatest self-identified victims of all time. Anne Frank's life was sunshine and roses according to them.
A virus's job is to is to jump from host to host. As it spreads it mutates, ie changes. Does it not make sense that as the virus mutates the recommendations on masks, distancing etc would change? rather than calling Fauci a liar?

Fauci served as a chief advisor for the previous administration as well, but now he's a liar. As for NIH and CDC's messaging it has been a cluster, I can agree with that.
Only a complete liberal arts major could believe that the masking effectiveness changes as a virus mutates.

The aerosolized particles are EXACTLY the same size distribution. All of the physics wrt masking are the same.

But they put the "now with Omicron" thing in there so that sheeple like you could continue to believe in them.

So, bleat a little more, sheeple.
Let's unpack that a little.
Viruses mutate so wouldn't the recs on masks distancing change? Actually no. Cloth masks have never worked on an airborne virus. As they mutate they don't change sizes rendering a mask effective against one and then the other.

Fauci was just as bad or worse when he worked for the other administration.

Every virus for the last 3,000 years if you survived and had anti bodies they protected you. Why now is this virus different? [unless of course it was engineered]
Which leads me to the worst lie of all. Emails show that a number of very respected virologists said very early on this virus almost couldn't have come from nature. Rather than explore that alternative he and Collins did all they could to shut down discussion. Both previous CDC director Redfield [he is also at fault for not speaking up] and the previous Surgeon General have said if we knew this WE COULD HVE SAVED LIVES.
I hate to get involved in this argument, but I couldn't let pass your statement about viruses. Natural immunity only goes so far. With viral mutations, the need for new vaccines is clear. Hence, annual flu shots. Most of us have had the flu, but our natural immunity wanes with time, and mutations still cause repeat infections. Many cold viruses (including coronavirus), have been around forever, yet we all get colds every year.
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Only a complete liberal arts major could believe that the masking effectiveness changes as a virus mutates.

The aerosolized particles are EXACTLY the same size distribution. All of the physics wrt masking are the same.

But they put the "now with Omicron" thing in there so that sheeple like you could continue to believe in them.

So, bleat a little more, sheeple.

I love how you changed my position for me. I never said any thing about masking effectiveness. Aerosolized particles can just as easily get into your eyes and infect you. Well not you since you have a blindfold on.

As more information on the virus has become available the RECOMENDATIONS on masking, distancing changed. Changing recommendations is not the same as lying.

Only a complete self-absorbed hypocrite with an agenda could not believe that as more information became available recommendations would change.

Hey, maybe we should look into ways to combat the virus like, I don't know injecting disinfectant or something. Baa Baa Baa.

BTW my diploma say Bachelor of Science on it.
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I love how you changed my position for me. I never said any thing about masking effectiveness. Aerosolized particles can just as easily get into your eyes and infect you. Well not you since you have a blindfold on.

As more information on the virus has become available the RECOMENDATIONS on masking, distancing changed. Changing recommendations is not the same as lying.

Only a complete self-absorbed hypocrite with an agenda could not believe that as more information became available recommendations would change.

Hey, maybe we should look into ways to combat the virus like, I don't know injecting disinfectant or something. Baa Baa Baa.

BTW my diploma say Bachelor of Science on it.
You specifically said that changes in the virus would result in changes for mask and distancing recommendations.

I simply disproved that.

It's tough for me to accept any of that bullshit when I was explaining people EXACTLY why regular masks did not work, and how only N95 masks could possibly work for almost 2 years.

Nothing changed for smart people, or people who were willing to listen.

Incidentally, the injecting bleach thing never happened. Never said it.

Scott Adams says "Never happened" at 2:00
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I love how you changed my position for me. I never said any thing about masking effectiveness. Aerosolized particles can just as easily get into your eyes and infect you. Well not you since you have a blindfold on.

As more information on the virus has become available the RECOMENDATIONS on masking, distancing changed. Changing recommendations is not the same as lying.

Only a complete self-absorbed hypocrite with an agenda could not believe that as more information became available recommendations would change.

Hey, maybe we should look into ways to combat the virus like, I don't know injecting disinfectant or something. Baa Baa Baa.

BTW my diploma say Bachelor of Science on it.

It's interesting how you talk about being blindfolded then you mention injecting bleach... an ultimate sheep/blindfolded comment.