What are you babbling about.....produce your paper there Doc that you did your research on. What are you babbling about with cloth masks?
To block a variant this transmissible, scientists say you need an N95 or other high-filtration mask. Here's how to find a good one and when to wear it.
I have decent masks, but I work from home. When I do travel I follow the rules of the Airlines or the stores I visit....it's not hard at all as I'm not a pu$$y and the mask doesn't "hurt me" if it's required. Omicron is all of 6 weeks old and in you're delusional brainwashed head....you're the expert. Hurry up and get back to your lab so you can tell me more about your discoveries.
If "false and misleading" information was the standard for being silenced, the CDC, the Whitehouse, Corporate media and BigTech would not be allow to speak. It's pretty amazing...most of the stuff social media banned people for over the last year is now the stated position of the CDC.
It has always been patently absurd, and illogical, that cloth masks would provide meaningful protection from a microscopic organism. Does it do something in passing? Likely. Does it do much in an indoor environment over the course of hours? That defies logic.
From the mouth of Fauci..
Now, cloth masks are worthless
...at what point does Fauci get labels as a spreader of "misinformation" because everyone that said cloths masks were worthless for the last 18 mos has been?
Then you see emails from Fauci colluding to "destroy" qualified scientists from Harvard, Stanford, and Cambridge that disagree with him.
At what point, LaJolla, will you come around to the fact that the most generous analysis of the CDC is that they have no real idea, and to suggest that anything contrary to their guidance du jour, cannot be reasonably called "misinformation?"
Everything going on with COVID is distinctly unscientific. This is not an opinion. It's the very definition of accepting scientific practice. Never before have we seen qualified Docs being called heretics for their analysis of a novel pharmaceutical for a novel virus. Never before have we seen the restricting of off-label trials of safe medicines as therapeutics. Never before have we seen a single, unproven approach(vaccination) be prioritized at the expense of every other single possibility. I'll repeat. It is all distinctly, unscientific.