Say Goodbye to College Football as We Know It - Jay Paterno...

  • Thread starter anon_xdc8rmuek44eq
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But many posters on here will love it, they don’t want college football, they want a semi pro league.
People that haven't noticed that it's been a semi-pro league for years now are seriously, seriously, naïve. The TV contracts in the last 2 decades alone along with the money being tossed around should have raised their eyebrows. Successful college coaches are the highest paid employees at any University. But yeah, it's just an amateur sport and unicorns are fun to ride. ;)

Not everyone in single A makes it to the majors, not everyone in college will play pro.....but it's a free semi-pro league for the NFL and in return the kids can get an education. Now there is just free agency involved in addition to the $$$$ bidding going on in recruiting.
I recall predicting this ten years ago and getting a lot of heat. Obannon is college sports Curt flood.

I remember reading SIs cover that said ‘not just a flood but a deluge’
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Every once in a while we would go to a Princeton game, that’s college football (I think?). On 1/11/21 we will watch a far more entertaining game between Alabama and OSU.
Not me. Which paid team that did exactly what Vegas said they would is of no interest. College football used to be fun, interesting, at times unpredictable, and played by amateur players for their school. Not so much anymore. I won't be tuning in whether it goes on the planned date or gets postponed.
People that haven't noticed that it's been a semi-pro league for years now are seriously, seriously, naïve. The TV contracts in the last 2 decades alone along with the money being tossed around should have raised their eyebrows. Successful college coaches are the highest paid employees at any University. But yeah, it's just an amateur sport and unicorns are fun to ride. ;)

Not everyone in single A makes it to the majors, not everyone in college will play pro.....but it's a free semi-pro league for the NFL and in return the kids can get an education. Now there is just free agency involved in addition to the $$$$ bidding going on in recruiting.
The coaches make a lot of money, so it’s a semi pro league? Really?
Every once in a while we would go to a Princeton game, that’s college football (I think?). On 1/11/21 we will watch a far more entertaining game between Alabama and OSU.
Then why do you watch college football at all? The players aren’t as good as the NFL, so why are you wasting your time?
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Not me. Which paid team that did exactly what Vegas said they would is of no interest. College football used to be fun, interesting, at times unpredictable, and played by amateur players for their school. Not so much anymore. I won't be tuning in whether it goes on the planned date or gets postponed.
Sweet so you don't need to discuss it anymore I guess.
I'm old school. If/when this happens I stop watching college football. The greed factor destroyed pro sports and it will destroy college football/basketball as well - at least for me.
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Read my first sentence again, that is you.
So the league making money and the coaches getting paid makes it a semi pro league, but the players not getting paid doesn’t matter? The leagues have made money for a long time and the coaches have always been paid, so I guess it’s always been a semi pro league. How much can the leagues make and the coaches get paid to still consider it an amateur league? 30% less, 50% less....there has to be a threshold.
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Pretty much everything mentioned in his column had been happening for a long time when Jay & his father were coaching.
It's somewhat true and that is why PSU was kind of behind the curve when OB took over. There is an arms race with recruiting and facilities that really took off in the last 20 years. Joe was old school and god bless him for it, but the game in the last 20 years off the field in particular did pass him by. Not on the field, but the other parts of the "college" game that some people want to ignore.

Recruiting budgets, updated locker rooms, bigger staffs for goes on and on where PSU didn't really keep up with some other schools. I don't hold that against him at all, but just acknowledging it. His priorities were always elsewhere with great intentions. I totally understand that many people don't like where the game is at right does kind of suck, but when you have schools making 55 million a year just in TV's a business. There isn't enough lipstick around to hide that pig anymore.
I think it has already made the sport less competitive, kind of like MLB, which I no longer watch.
I hope it doesn’t get to that stage with CFB, but it might. If it does, I suppose I’ll walk away.
I think it has already made the sport less competitive, kind of like MLB, which I no longer watch.
I hope it doesn’t get to that stage with CFB, but it might. If it does, I suppose I’ll walk away.
Didn't the Tampa Bay Rays get to the world series?
I think it has already made the sport less competitive, kind of like MLB, which I no longer watch.
I hope it doesn’t get to that stage with CFB, but it might. If it does, I suppose I’ll walk away.

Not following you here. What is making college football less competitive?
Didn't the Tampa Bay Rays get to the world series?
I am a Pirates fan. There is no way that franchise will ever be competitive due to their TV contract. A while back, MLB did have a competition committee that did some things that helped for a little while, but that is now over.
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I agree with everything he put in here except for the fact that we'll want things back the way they were. What exactly are we saying goodbye to? We have the same 3 teams being in the playoffs on an annual basis. We have the bag man leading specific players to specific schools (and the bagman deniers around here can keep your head in the sand). With the transfer portal we've already seen players changing schools in record numbers. We have college coaches making more what NFL coaches are bringing in.

Anyone who thought this resembled an amateur sport should have their head examined. It's kind of the frog in a pot of water analogy - for decades things were reasonable but around the BCS era the explosion of money flowing into the sport turned up the heat too quickly and motivated many players and former players to push for changes leading to what we're looking at now.

I think it has already made the sport less competitive, kind of like MLB, which I no longer watch.
I hope it doesn’t get to that stage with CFB, but it might. If it does, I suppose I’ll walk away.
I mean how much are you willing to take? It's been 'Bama & OSU going on 2 decades now with Clemson being in the mix for the last 10 years as well. It's actually been worse than MLB at least in recent history - at what point are you willing to throw in the towel if you haven't already?
I think it has already made the sport less competitive, kind of like MLB, which I no longer watch.
I hope it doesn’t get to that stage with CFB, but it might. If it does, I suppose I’ll walk away.

I kind of disagree. I think its more competitive than every, its just the same 5-6 teams.:)
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Sweet so you don't need to discuss it anymore I guess.
Didn't say I had no opinion. Do you discuss things of which you aren't in favor? I wish we had college football back. I don't want to watch two minor league teams who were 1 and 2 before the season degrade the entire season for 128 other teams by using their paid players to win a championship over teams that don't pay as well. The NFL would collapse without a salary cap as well. I lost interest in MLB with the same teams buying their way in most of the time but not nearly as predictable as college football right now.

Right now you have 2 teams who bought their ticket to a championship game and it's mostly the same teams that get a shot every year and then we always have to watch a couple of them blow the others who didn't buy as many good players out. It's stale and may not even be all that fun for fans of teams like Alabama anymore. When you are in the championship game every other year is it really special or exciting every time? And why should fans from other teams care?
Jay didn’t seem to mind when his dad was the highest paid state employee for decades. This has been happening for quite awhile. Not sure why he’s all of the sudden decided to clutch his pearls today

So true. I was thinking to myself often throughout the article, "Jay, you were getting paid as much as a neurosurgeon to call shit*y offenses." Jay was actually apart of the machine as it was growing into what it is now. He wasn't exactly taking a gym teacher's salary coaching "amateur's."
I'm old school. If/when this happens I stop watching college football. The greed factor destroyed pro sports and it will destroy college football/basketball as well - at least for me.
You don't think greed is already deeply entrenched and has been for years?
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Every once in a while we would go to a Princeton game, that’s college football (I think?). On 1/11/21 we will watch a far more entertaining game between Alabama and OSU.
True, however IMO, it would be more entertaining if the same teams were not playing every year.
Jay didn’t seem to mind when his dad was the highest paid state employee for decades. This has been happening for quite awhile. Not sure why he’s all of the sudden decided to clutch his pearls today

And Joe made what compared to his supposed peers? And Joe didn’t cheat while many of his supposed peers did. Joe also donated generously to Penn State academics and THON. And Joe and Sue lived in the same simple house all those years. The Paternos hardly lived high on the hog compared to many other college football coaches.

Joe was paid to lead a college football program. He stressed academics. He nurtured student-athletes for decades in the hopes they would make a good living in football or another profession. Many did, outside of football.

The good old days.
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I’m not a Jay basher. In fact, I actually like what he has to say much of the time. And I don’t necessarily disagree with what he is saying in this article. But he doesn’t offer any solutions.
Didn't say I had no opinion. Do you discuss things of which you aren't in favor? I wish we had college football back. I don't want to watch two minor league teams who were 1 and 2 before the season degrade the entire season for 128 other teams by using their paid players to win a championship over teams that don't pay as well. The NFL would collapse without a salary cap as well. I lost interest in MLB with the same teams buying their way in most of the time but not nearly as predictable as college football right now.

Right now you have 2 teams who bought their ticket to a championship game and it's mostly the same teams that get a shot every year and then we always have to watch a couple of them blow the others who didn't buy as many good players out. It's stale and may not even be all that fun for fans of teams like Alabama anymore. When you are in the championship game every other year is it really special or exciting every time? And why should fans from other teams care?
I don't tend to care who wins in cricket so I don't tend to discuss it. You are clearly a CFB fan that is disappointed where the game is problem. You are saying it's not fun, predictable....etc. which is true, but no need to act as if you don't care at all...because you do which is fine.
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Just make it for profit, let the players get paid as much as they can and in the process get rid of the sports that can't survive under such a scheme, which are all but football and men's basketball. The campus instantly becomes larger because a bunch of land is freed up. Some people think that goes against Title IX but that's only when we're subsidizing all the sports so we have to subsidize men's and women's sports equally. If they're "for profit" sports then that ethic supersedes Title IX.

I don't understand why it's such a crime that football players men's basketball players are undercompensated compared to what they bring in but not such a crime when all the other athletes are overcompensated compared to what they bring in.
I’m not a Jay basher. In fact, I actually like what he has to say much of the time. And I don’t necessarily disagree with what he is saying in this article. But he doesn’t offer any solutions.

What would the solutions be to this avalanche of new realities? I'm not sure there are any. It's what is happening, supported by governing bodies, and will likely be popular with the players, at least initially. That proverbial toothpaste ain't going back into the tube until something goes way wrong, and they see how they need to change or tweak it. And based on experience, it will be at least a year late and way behind what the common fan could see coming a mile away long before that.

We each will make our own decisions about continuing to enjoy or not enjoy college football (and basketball, etc.). If a person thinks and cares deeply about what goes on off the field in this regard and the changes that come about, they may not like it as much. If a person concentrates more on what they see as great entertainment on the field, whether live or on TV, they'll likely enjoy it just as much as they always have. It is certainly tough to keep those thoughts from drifting over and mixing, but people will have to decide that for themselves.

I hope I can ignore the new stuff, at least on game days while gritting my teeth otherwise, and continue to enjoy my favorite pastime.
And Joe made what compared to his supposed peers? And Joe didn’t cheat while many of his supposed peers did. Joe also donated generously to Penn State academics and THON. And Joe and Sue lived in the same simple house all those years. The Paternos hardly lived high on the hog compared to many other college football coaches.

Joe was paid to lead a college football program. He stressed academics. He nurtured student-athletes for decades in the hopes they would make a good living in football or another profession. Many did, outside of football.

The good old days.
There you go, confusing our experts with facts.
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So this means Dabo quits, right?
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But many posters on here will love it, they don’t want college football, they want a semi pro league.

Whatever happened to the noble notion that kids graduated high school and went to college to learn how to make a living and prepare themselves for the rest of their lives?
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I am a Pirates fan. There is no way that franchise will ever be competitive due to their TV contrac A while back, MLB did have a competition committee that did some things that helped for a little while, but that is now over.
Not a Pirate fan, although ironically, I know Ben Cherington. But are their finances appreciably worse than Tampa Bay? I've always been curious about why Ben took the job with Pittsburgh, as I know he turned down jobs from other organizations after he was let go by the Red Sox.