Hearing lots of rumblings of white out being Illinois, if so, we ought to not show up and instead

Why do you feel the need to limpwrist everything? Oh, they are doing this to us. I guess I'll have to accept it. Oh, everything is 25% more expensive. I guess it's fine. Oh, Russia only wants Crimea. I guess it's fine.

Have a backbone. When the results are less than you expect, don't condone it by keeping quiet and doing exactly what you are told. Appeasement doesn't work Neville.

Let's all remember that the above is from the poster who couldn't follow basic instructions and refrain from posting blatant political stuff on this board, so when the mods moderated him, he threw a temper tantrum, left in a "goodbye cruel board" huff saying he'd never post here again ... and then came back with his tail between his legs. That's how principled he is and how much backbone he has.
Doesn’t take a genius to see how the WO benefited us in multiple ways….game advantage, recruiting, financially, brand, fame, envy.

And adjusting schedules doesn’t take genius. The WO was becoming bigger then the annual Game of the Century and everyone was putting it in their bucket list.

Strange how it suddenly became ‘impossible’ to schedule either Titan for a home game in Oct.

Doesn’t take genius….. just the evil part.
Why are people pretending this hurts recruiting? The Ohio State game still is all of that (home field advantage, big financially,great for recruiting) and now we get a second game that will for huge for recruiting against Illinois of all teams.

Why is everyone certain this isn't exactly what Franklin wanted?
Why are people pretending this hurts recruiting? The Ohio State game still is all of that (home field advantage, big financially,great for recruiting) and now we get a second game that will for huge for recruiting against Illinois of all teams.

Why is everyone certain this isn't exactly what Franklin wanted?
If this is what Franklin wanted, then there is a bigger problem. The WO was created to provide an advantage against a tough opponent. If the WO is now just a spectacle to be thrown around against middling opponents, then it will lose all meaning and relevance.
I'm suggesting that PSU has a very, very good chance to make the playoff this year and not showing fan support (especially for something that neither the coach nor the players nor the administration has any control over) is counterproductive.

If you want to protest, protest Fox. Don't watch the game. Don't buy any products that advertise during the Big Noon game. Let fox know (on social media etc) that you are doing this.

(that's also unlikely to accomplish anything, but it would be orders of magnitude more effective than boycotting the white out).

PSU winning is more important than the White Out.
So your thesis is that if only half the fans show up to Illinois, we don't win, and miss the playoff?
The covid shots are not experimental.
This was just the first of probably a dozen or so posts from you defending the covid shots by claiming that they weren't experimental. They are.

Bullshit. The necessary tests were done. Yes it was fast tracked but tons of money was put into it which made it possible. They just didn’t throw it into people like you conspiracy guys think. I’m not going through all the details again as we beat this dead horse already. There were other issues with way covid was handled but the shots were safe.
Here is another response where you claim that the shots were safe despite more serious VAERS vaccination injuries reported on covid shots in just the first year than all other vaccines combined in US history.

That Dr Pfizer to be precise. There are many drugs approved each year that are fast tracked. Hopefully you never need them but there are many each year.
In this one, you actually wanted to be referred to as Dr Pfizer.

Now I can't see the majority of your posts on covid shots and masks anymore since they are premium content now, but it is pretty clear where you stood even if you want to retract that now.

Covid shots are not only experimental, but they were the most experimental shots used most widely on a human population (hundreds of millions) in the history of mankind. I know that you think that you are getting me on a technicality of one word experimental, but let's examine that further.

1) Emergency Use Authorization was granted on Dec 10th, 2020. Mass use began 4 days later. At that point, EUA was almost exclusively granted to use of drugs for terminally ill patients as a last hope. There is one instance of EUA with an experimental drug on a healthy population which was the anthrax shots on US military starting in 2004. There are many that believe that those shots lead to excess rates of various serious health issues. But for the most part, EUA was only granted for use of experimental drugs on terminally ill that had exhausted approved alternatives. They did use EMA to authorize medical equipment and already approved drugs for use against Swine Flu in 2009, but these drugs were already approved for other uses.

2) At the time of Emergency Use Authorization when you were rushing in line to take your experimental shots for the first time, there were only a few and very limited studies done on covid shots, almost entirely not on humans. Further, some clinical trial protocols that had been developed over nearly a century were abandoned to expedite the shots to production.

3) Full use of covid shots were approved by the FDA on Aug 23rd, 2021, after a phase 3 clinical trial. This means there were nearly 9 months of use of the experimental shots under Emergency Use Authorization (when nearly all who have received the shots, first did so). Of course, you know that there are 4 phases of clinical trials, and a drug is still experimental in phase 4 trials after full use approval and remains so usually for many years until enough data is accumulated on long term effects.

4) There are more adverse effects and many extremely serious in the national database from the experimental Covid shots in just a few short years than from all other vaccines combined in history.
If this is what Franklin wanted, then there is a bigger problem. The WO was created to provide an advantage against a tough opponent. If the WO is now just a spectacle to be thrown around against middling opponents, then it will lose all meaning and relevance.
This is delusional IMO. The game against Ohio State won't have any less of an advantage because people aren't wearing white. It will be a packed stadium that will be loud and impacted. This is just some posters looking to complain.
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This is delusional IMO. The game against Ohio State won't have any less of an advantage because people aren't wearing white. It will be a packed stadium that will be loud and impacted. This is just some posters looking to complain.
I agree. I don't think the fans screaming makes much difference. I think the home field advantage is more about being able to have a routine in comfortable surroundings without the disruption of travel. I also think sight lines, lighting and shadows can play a part. The White Out is a marketing invention. A great one. It really elevates the PSU brand. That is great for recruiting as well.

And it will be sold out no matter who decides to sit out. The White Out games have been against good opponents in recent years and mostly in prime time. I am hopeful this year is an anomaly. It is just a weird September.
It is absolutely supporting the team to not accept a substandard opponent for white outs. It is not supporting the team to let the white out become a nothing burger. You have to have a long-term perspective.

Do you spend every dollar you have every paycheck on dumb stuff? Or do you choose not to spend a percentage and instead put it in investments that you will not see until some later time? I'm suggesting that we put our money away and invest in having better white out games in the future.
You really can’t be this stupid can you? Sorry, rhetorical question.
Why are people pretending this hurts recruiting? The Ohio State game still is all of that (home field advantage, big financially,great for recruiting) and now we get a second game that will for huge for recruiting against Illinois of all teams.

Why is everyone certain this isn't exactly what Franklin wanted?
Why do any of you think Franklin or PSU for that matter have any control over this? It should be patently obvious by now that the networks control what time the games are played. This ain’t rocket science folks.
Why do any of you think Franklin or PSU for that matter have any control over this? It should be patently obvious by now that the networks control what time the games are played. This ain’t rocket science folks.
Yeah, and like I previously said, it appears as if the Network wants the prime matchups played during the afternoon rather than during the evening. As I also previously said, very few Saturday Night games on NBC last season featured enticing games; most were like MSU at OSU. Based on this, the PSU-OSU game never was going to be played at night. I actually felt sorry for Eagle and Blackledge for having to do a lot of their games last season.
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This was just the first of probably a dozen or so posts from you defending the covid shots by claiming that they weren't experimental. They are.

Here is another response where you claim that the shots were safe despite more serious VAERS vaccination injuries reported on covid shots in just the first year than all other vaccines combined in US history.

In this one, you actually wanted to be referred to as Dr Pfizer.

Now I can't see the majority of your posts on covid shots and masks anymore since they are premium content now, but it is pretty clear where you stood even if you want to retract that now.

Covid shots are not only experimental, but they were the most experimental shots used most widely on a human population (hundreds of millions) in the history of mankind. I know that you think that you are getting me on a technicality of one word experimental, but let's examine that further.

1) Emergency Use Authorization was granted on Dec 10th, 2020. Mass use began 4 days later. At that point, EUA was almost exclusively granted to use of drugs for terminally ill patients as a last hope. There is one instance of EUA with an experimental drug on a healthy population which was the anthrax shots on US military starting in 2004. There are many that believe that those shots lead to excess rates of various serious health issues. But for the most part, EUA was only granted for use of experimental drugs on terminally ill that had exhausted approved alternatives. They did use EMA to authorize medical equipment and already approved drugs for use against Swine Flu in 2009, but these drugs were already approved for other uses.

2) At the time of Emergency Use Authorization when you were rushing in line to take your experimental shots for the first time, there were only a few and very limited studies done on covid shots, almost entirely not on humans. Further, some clinical trial protocols that had been developed over nearly a century were abandoned to expedite the shots to production.

3) Full use of covid shots were approved by the FDA on Aug 23rd, 2021, after a phase 3 clinical trial. This means there were nearly 9 months of use of the experimental shots under Emergency Use Authorization (when nearly all who have received the shots, first did so). Of course, you know that there are 4 phases of clinical trials, and a drug is still experimental in phase 4 trials after full use approval and remains so usually for many years until enough data is accumulated on long term effects.

4) There are more adverse effects and many extremely serious in the national database from the experimental Covid shots in just a few short years than from all other vaccines combined in history.
Yes I defend the safety and still back that but never told anyone that they had to take it or wear masks which he accused me of.
I agree. I don't think the fans screaming makes much difference. I think the home field advantage is more about being able to have a routine in comfortable surroundings without the disruption of travel. I also think sight lines, lighting and shadows can play a part. The White Out is a marketing invention. A great one. It really elevates the PSU brand. That is great for recruiting as well.

And it will be sold out no matter who decides to sit out. The White Out games have been against good opponents in recent years and mostly in prime time. I am hopeful this year is an anomaly. It is just a weird September.
Urban Meyer disagrees. Said the WO is worth 7-10 points.

It makes huge difference. Every WO the opponents get called for 2-3 delay of games because they can’t get the play in. Same with 2-3 O linemen moving pre snap.

Harder to get substitutions in. Audibles have to be done with hand signals so the lineman don’t know what play is called. Harder for coaches to talk to players. Players can’t talk to each other.

Just the intimidation is huge. Michigan got called for delay of game before the play from scrimmage! You could see the confusion….and dare I say fear?….as they slowly walked onto the field. ‘‘Twas a beautiful thing!😻
This is delusional IMO. The game against Ohio State won't have any less of an advantage because people aren't wearing white. It will be a packed stadium that will be loud and impacted. This is just some posters looking to complain.
Then why do it?

Question: How do you know that Lando is going to tell you that you are wrong?
Answer: You see in notifications that he responded to your post :rolleyes:
Yes I defend the safety and still back that but never told anyone that they had to take it or wear masks which he accused me of.
It's funny that you are pretending you weren't an enthusiastic mask wearer. I bet you wore two masks when you were told and probably felt really weird and vulnerable when you stopped wearing one. Based on your asinine position, in June 2024, on the safety and efficacy of the vax, and asserting that they aren't experimental,(when by FDA definition, they are), I'm pretty sure, I could guess your position on almost any issue in America today. We all know who you are.
Urban Meyer disagrees. Said the WO is worth 7-10 points.

It makes huge difference. Every WO the opponents get called for 2-3 delay of games because they can’t get the play in. Same with 2-3 O linemen moving pre snap.

Harder to get substitutions in. Audibles have to be done with hand signals so the lineman don’t know what play is called. Harder for coaches to talk to players. Players can’t talk to each other.

Just the intimidation is huge. Michigan got called for delay of game before the play from scrimmage! You could see the confusion….and dare I say fear?….as they slowly walked onto the field. ‘‘Twas a beautiful thing!😻
Media and marketing hype, IMHO. I don't see any big difference in a white out game versus any other big game crowd noise. I also think the home players need to play within themselves and these mega-hype games cause mistakes by the home crowd as well.
Media and marketing hype, IMHO. I don't see any big difference in a white out game versus any other big game crowd noise. I also think the home players need to play within themselves and these mega-hype games cause mistakes by the home crowd as well.
I do see it. Plus, Urban Meyer who coached against it has publicly said that he's experienced it.
I do see it. Plus, Urban Meyer who coached against it has publicly said that he's experienced it.
I don't. These coaches are there to sell the game. Watch the Florida Panther's playoff games and note the lack of enthusiasm by the crowd. Yet, there they are. Plus, the players will just go to the team that pays the most money. Clearly, the players don't really care relative to game performance.
This was just the first of probably a dozen or so posts from you defending the covid shots by claiming that they weren't experimental. They are.

Here is another response where you claim that the shots were safe despite more serious VAERS vaccination injuries reported on covid shots in just the first year than all other vaccines combined in US history.

In this one, you actually wanted to be referred to as Dr Pfizer.

Now I can't see the majority of your posts on covid shots and masks anymore since they are premium content now, but it is pretty clear where you stood even if you want to retract that now.

Covid shots are not only experimental, but they were the most experimental shots used most widely on a human population (hundreds of millions) in the history of mankind. I know that you think that you are getting me on a technicality of one word experimental, but let's examine that further.

1) Emergency Use Authorization was granted on Dec 10th, 2020. Mass use began 4 days later. At that point, EUA was almost exclusively granted to use of drugs for terminally ill patients as a last hope. There is one instance of EUA with an experimental drug on a healthy population which was the anthrax shots on US military starting in 2004. There are many that believe that those shots lead to excess rates of various serious health issues. But for the most part, EUA was only granted for use of experimental drugs on terminally ill that had exhausted approved alternatives. They did use EMA to authorize medical equipment and already approved drugs for use against Swine Flu in 2009, but these drugs were already approved for other uses.

2) At the time of Emergency Use Authorization when you were rushing in line to take your experimental shots for the first time, there were only a few and very limited studies done on covid shots, almost entirely not on humans. Further, some clinical trial protocols that had been developed over nearly a century were abandoned to expedite the shots to production.

3) Full use of covid shots were approved by the FDA on Aug 23rd, 2021, after a phase 3 clinical trial. This means there were nearly 9 months of use of the experimental shots under Emergency Use Authorization (when nearly all who have received the shots, first did so). Of course, you know that there are 4 phases of clinical trials, and a drug is still experimental in phase 4 trials after full use approval and remains so usually for many years until enough data is accumulated on long term effects.

4) There are more adverse effects and many extremely serious in the national database from the experimental Covid shots in just a few short years than from all other vaccines combined in history.

Thank you for highlighting the frailty of the conspiracy mind ... much like with everything else, you run to extremes. You can't handle normal mental functioning. Someone has a different view than you, or says something you don't like ... "I'm going to boycott them!" ... someone does something you don't like ... "they're against us ... they're conspiring against us!"

FYI ... if VAERS was determined to be part of reality (i.e. "the establishment"), you'd rip it apart as wholly unreliable and manipulated.

As usual, you conspiracy folks are unreasonable in attempting to tear down reality, and more unreasonable in accepting "alternate" (aka made-up) explanations as fact, with no support.
Its college football.

The schedule didn't set up well for a white out game in September with two away games and a bye that month. But it is a very exciting schedule, overall, compared to recent years. I don't think the B1G took the white out into account when putting this together.

IMO the BIG likely did take the “White Out” into account with the schedule. Home field advantage is usually worth about 3 points. The “White Out” is usually worth at least twice that. — Although I understand the advantage of Big Media money infusion for schools, College football need not ( and should not) cede virtually all control to media for scheduling games. The school’s negotiating teams need to grow some balls and demand/require an exception or 2 per season with re to game times/White Outs.
—As it stands, corporations , rather than College Football” , influences College Football to the greater degree. —-You/we can’t cede away too much control. Whatever it was in the beginning ( in this case College Football as we know it) , it morphs into something else due to direct outside influences… in this case money, the double edged sword.
Media and marketing hype, IMHO. I don't see any big difference in a white out game versus any other big game crowd noise. I also think the home players need to play within themselves and these mega-hype games cause mistakes by the home crowd as well.
Steelers vs Browns with the division championship at stake. The game could be played at 1:00PM and it would still be as big of a game. But if it's the Sunday Night Football showcase - that is the whiteout type atmosphere equivalency in my opinion.

I also believe that the teams currently in front of us would like to avoid giving us an additional advantage and helping us to potentially catchup and surpass them.

Most of the players that I've known personally, (especially defensive players), prefer the prime time whiteout type environment games.
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Why do any of you think Franklin or PSU for that matter have any control over this? It should be patently obvious by now that the networks control what time the games are played. This ain’t rocket science folks.
They probably have zero control but if they did they sure as hell wouldn't be complaining about this.
Folks need to learn it’s all about the money period. They do not care about fans anymore may as well just sit at home and watch on tv haven gone to a game in 4 years every time I have tickets the change the starting time of games w week or 2 before don’t need my money is fine with me
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Folks need to learn it’s all about the money period. They do not care about fans anymore may as well just sit at home and watch on tv haven gone to a game in 4 years every time I have tickets the change the starting time of games w week or 2 before don’t need my money is fine with me
When wasn't it about the money?
I think they did.

The WO was huge and getting bigger. Gave us a huge game day advantage and a huge advantage in recruiting. Meyer whined about it, Michigan got totally embarrassed and ………*BOOM* all of a sudden ‘the schedule’ doesn’t allow either one to be a WO ! For five straight years!

Helluva co inky dunce
Penn State is 11-8 in whiteouts. Three of those 11 wins were unranked opponents. Lets not pretend like it makes Penn State some invincible force. I don't understand the big deal on the opponent. They had white outs against mediocre teams like Auburn, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
Penn State is 11-8 in whiteouts. Three of those 11 wins were unranked opponents. Lets not pretend like it makes Penn State some invincible force. I don't understand the big deal on the opponent. They had white outs against mediocre teams like Auburn, Minnesota, Iowa and Illinois.
Great straw man you put up. Never said invincible. Never hinted invincible. I don’t understand people’s the lack of reading comprehension.

The WO is a huge event because it was always our toughest home opponent. People were fired up. Made for fantastic tv,

No one ever said we were unbeatable in a WO. But there is no denying it gives us an advantage. Opposing coaches said it. Opposing players said it. Every tv announcer that attended one says it. I will take their opinions far and above all the nattering nabobs of negativity that populate social media.

And it is not an honest analysis go look at won/ loss records in WOs. They are always against the toughest home opponents so we are rarely favored to win those games. Don’t believe we were ever favored over the Buckeyes, usually 6-8 point dogs. Yet we one won one, lost in double overtime on a TD in which they had three separate blatant holds, majorly screwed by refs in one.

What is the record vs the point spread? And how much are point spreads adjusted knowing we have a WO advantage?

Just crazy people don’t get it…..🤷🏿‍♂️
So your thesis is that if only half the fans show up to Illinois, we don't win, and miss the playoff?
Oh, your right....we couldn't possibly lose to Illinois at home.

Everything fans can do to help the team win (within the rules/law obviously) is what defines fans.
Great straw man you put up. Never said invincible. Never hinted invincible. I don’t understand people’s the lack of reading comprehension.

The WO is a huge event because it was always our toughest home opponent. People were fired up. Made for fantastic tv,

No one ever said we were unbeatable in a WO. But there is no denying it gives us an advantage. Opposing coaches said it. Opposing players said it. Every tv announcer that attended one says it. I will take their opinions far and above all the nattering nabobs of negativity that populate social media.

And it is not an honest analysis go look at won/ loss records in WOs. They are always against the toughest home opponents so we are rarely favored to win those games. Don’t believe we were ever favored over the Buckeyes, usually 6-8 point dogs. Yet we one won one, lost in double overtime on a TD in which they had three separate blatant holds, majorly screwed by refs in one.

What is the record vs the point spread? And how much are point spreads adjusted knowing we have a WO advantage?

Just crazy people don’t get it…..🤷🏿‍♂️
Our toughest home game was often an unranked team?
When did the "Whiteout Game" come under the discretion of the TV networks.. The fans and student section dictated it. The networks can say whatever they want. They don't determine what the fans and students wear. I don't want the game watered down. Last year there was an awful lot of yellow in the stands
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When did the "Whiteout Game" come under the discretion of the TV networks.. The fans and student section dictated it. The networks can say whatever they want. They don't determine what the fans and students wear. I don't want the game watered down. Last year there was an awful lot of yellow in the stands

The biggest issue now is Fox has first pick and their preferred time slot is noon. ESPN/ABC preferred 730 when they had the choice.

The White Out began with the students, but it is now an orchestrated event. Once the school knows roughly what TV is doing, they schedule all the Home game events. Homecoming. Stripe Out.