Scaramucci quotes Joe Pa

Awesome!!! Get it out there and get the truth spoken and change the narrative. Love it. Trump Admin continues to stir it up. Trump always supported JoePa. There are still ignorant people out there that refuse to listen to anything more than the early ESPN and CNN and Freeh reports. If Paterno knew do you really think he would have allowed his grand kids to be around Sandusky even by chance? they were a lot.

For those who refuse to dig deep, and to understand the whole case, think about that statement, if you are able!
Probably half the misguided outrage is a product of Frank Fina's lie in the Grand Jury Presentment. A lot of people can't overcome their immediate emotional response and it literally put Mike's life in danger.
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Trolls and truth never offends me. It will always be there. If you're firm in your beliefs, defend them. If not, put your head in the sand.

I couldn't even get past five comments on Twitter. People are sickening. The loudest segment of the "righteous" crowd literally couldn't put a coherent sentence together in relation to Joe Paterno.
I couldn't even get past five comments on Twitter. People are sickening. The loudest segment of the "righteous" crowd literally couldn't put a coherent sentence together in relation to Joe Paterno.
The "Righteous Crowd" on Twitter are all missing a chromosome or two. "Outraged Bob" :eek: was conceived by the "Righteous Crowd" on Twitter! :eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::eek::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool::cool:;);););););););)
The righteous "Morning Blow" show will have fun with this. Can't wait to hear what MikaJoe has to say. They are an SNL episode every day! Totally obsessed with the Trumpster and his Tweets.
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I hope you're right. In reality Joe's involvement in the entire Sandusky matter was relatively minor. I doubt they are making an entire movie dedicated to him properly reporting and getting out of the way. So I fear the worst.
Like the entire Sandusky - Penn State situation....the movie will continue to be a fiction - just like the OAG presented in 2011 at their press conference. It will contain many lies and other forms of misinformation and will promote the same manufactured "logical assumptions" that Corbett, Fina and "the boys" engineered and blasted to the public for 4 weeks straight - every 10 minutes on ESPN and major news services. The key to the deception of Penn State's involvement - especially the "..Joe must have known... he is the most powerful man in the State..." - was ONLY POSSIBLE because the political affiliation and control of the OG BOT by the Governor's office (Corbett - the former AG prior to becoming governor). I suspect that many "hidden campaign contributions" were given to Corbett by one or more of the BOT so that a Paterno as central "criminal" image (not fact!) would become the central foundation on which this public deception was built.

However, now after 6 years, the very core of the involvement of Penn State University - Let alone Paterno - is proven TRASH. Multiple testimonies and personal actions by those who spoke to MM at the time in 2001 confirm absolutely that MM saw nothing that was criminal and/or needed to be reported to "the police". This "police" mantra is more of the continuing deceptions inherent in all of this.

The "police needed to be notified" misinformation implies that criminal activities were at least, strongly suspected and that because of "non-reporting" PSU violate PA law. Problem is that law as it has been publically promoted as being applicable was not enacted until 2007 (6 years after the MM "sighting"), yet this law 6 years in the future is how the State of PA put 3 people in jail. It is beyond absurd and it is the "factual tip of the iceberg" of PA misdeeds. ONLY IN THE CORRUPT STATE OF PA could this happen!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

All this comes down to a final summary - In a fiction like what we have seen for the pat 6+ years, why would we expect anything but more fiction. It is being created by an industry that EXISTS for creating alternate realities. We already have so many lies about this matter, we can't expect anyone now to find it necessary for reality and truth to drive a movie. Remember...lie, left unchallanged only provide a foundation on which to pile more lies!
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The same people that are easily lead to conclusions about Russia are the same that were easily lead to conclusions on Paterno. No surprise. The media feeds low information shiny object followers their agenda and there is no critical thinking there to do anything except nod and parrot.
Perfect analogy. Russia hysteria & PSU cover up are both bat shit crazy conspiracy theories.
I guess I don't get it. Without this unwarranted scandal, pols and sports/news idiots would be quoting JVP continuously. Why is it bad when someone does it despite the unwarranted scandal?

In this case? Because of the guy doing the quoting, imho.

Try to keep up with what is coming out of that clown's mouth.

Helpful (I hope) clue:

In this case? Because of the guy doing the quoting, imho.

Try to keep up with what is coming out of that clown's mouth.

Helpful (I hope) clue:

It is entirely within the realm of possibility that he made that post to draw out the response that he part of the ongoing strategy to foment chaos. Remember the reaction when Ashton Kutcher initially tweeted support of Joe....and then he deleted his tweet?

He has been doing nothing but fomenting chaos for the last couple of days, most recently with the comments reported in the Ryan Lizza story I linked earlier in this thread. (Another helpful clue for you.) He seems to be a proponent of pitting factions against each other.
All Mooch did is cause unnecessary Joe bashing by trolls. Let's not kid ourselves about any of this real world crap we are being forced to watch. Mooch should leave Joe out of the shit show:
Efff off dude. I love that you love PSU. We know from experience that we agree on nothing, but I never not take someone supporting or uplifting Joe. He's the only hero I have had outside of my own father. I don't care if the liberals of liberals came out for Joe, I'd stand next to them on that bc it is what is right. Period.
It is entirely within the realm of possibility that he made that post to draw out the response that he part of the ongoing strategy to foment chaos. Remember the reaction when Ashton Kutcher initially tweeted support of Joe....and then he deleted his tweet?

He has been doing nothing but fomenting chaos for the last couple of days, most recently with the comments reported in the Ryan Lizza story I linked earlier in this thread. (Another helpful clue for you.) He seems to be a proponent of pitting factions against each other.
Are you more supportive of your politics than the truth about Joe and Penn State, because that's how you're coming off.
Love this guy probally a Joe admirer like many of us and I can give a crap what the many assholes out there who take shots a Joe think
All Mooch did is cause unnecessary Joe bashing by trolls. Let's not kid ourselves about any of this real world crap we are being forced to watch. Mooch should leave Joe out of the shit show:

TTM:: I agree with you on a lot of things, but not here.

I love it when people quote Joe or otherwise cite him positively. If the cost of that is that it stirs some trolls to respond negatively, I can live with that. Screw them and long live Joe..
Are you more supportive of your politics than the truth about Joe and Penn State, because that's how you're coming off.

Fine. Can you give me some examples (outside of PSU message boards) where Mooch's quoting of Joe has had any positive real world results/responses?

Mooch is not one of us. He pulled that quote out of his ass to aid his chaos.

Absent Mooch's mouth, it is a very fine quote.
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Fine. Can you give me some examples (outside of PSU message boards) where Mooch's quoting of Joe has had any positive real world results/responses?

Mooch is not one of us. He pulled that quote out of his ass to aid his chaos.

Absent Mooch's mouth, it is a very fine quote.

I have read thru this again and I have concluded I did not myself clear enuff. I should have copied and pasted Mooch's remarks about his coworkers along with that link I posted in an earlier thread. A person with honor does not speak to a reporter in foul language about the people he works with. This is a man with no honor. (Note: He had made no preliminary request to keep his remarks off the record.)

IMO, we don't need people without honor to be quoting Joe on honor. We don't need it from Mooch, or from Dambly, or from Bernie Maddoff, or OJ Simpson, or Charlie Manson, or Dennis Hastert or anybody else that has no honor..

As far as I am concerned, on this matter, Mooch is a quote rapist.
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I respect his willingness to fight and support a good man even when it will be politically incorrect to do so.