Just for you TheGLOV -
Monty Python's SPAM song
Monty Python's SPAM song
I have never heard of putting maple syrup on scrapple; when I was growing up in Philadelphia we fried it and simply ate it.
Unfortunately the era of high carbohydrate addictions and afflictions, is now known for feeding the epidemics of Obesity, Heart Disease, pre-Diabetes and pre-Cancerous conditions, among other major diseases.
Wish it wasn't that way for items that taste so good and can be remembered fondly as comfort foods.
My mother was quite a baker, and we always had a this stuff around......it is what I put on pancakes when I was a kid......pretty disgusting when I think about it now....
Everything but the squeal....Not true. Reports of what goes into scrapple have been highly exaggerated.
Catsup good on scrapple. Syrup too. Try it right out of the container good that way too. Already cookedKetchup on scrapple? God that sounds gross.
Pure dark maple syrup.
The old timers were a different breed. TOUGH. my Pap used to brush his teeth with baking soda. Not baking soda toothpaste, he'd dip his toothbrush (stiff bristled of course) into a box of baking soda and go to town. He also LOVED the "skin" of hog maw. the man was as tough as they come, may he rest in peace
Love Hog Maw we called it Pig Belly. Theres a grocery store in Chambersburg that sells hog maw in their hot made foods section. I think it is pretty good nit quite as good as moms but definitely does the trick.
We used to eat puddin alot as a kid, cant even think about that mow. Used to love crracklings after butchering day. Dont think i could do that anymore either
Hog maw, puddin, cracklings......good lord. Pennsylvania’s finest haute cuisine.Love Hog Maw we called it Pig Belly. Theres a grocery store in Chambersburg that sells hog maw in their hot made foods section. I think it is pretty good nit quite as good as moms but definitely does the trick.
We used to eat puddin alot as a kid, cant even think about that mow. Used to love crracklings after butchering day. Dont think i could do that anymore either