Seven Years Ago Today

No, he did not own a grey convertible. Why would he enter PennDot records? They obviously wouldn’t list what he did NOT own. Even so, you would then just claim he borrowed the car. The other accusers from the same time period as RRs were asked by the defense about the convertible. All answered they never saw Sandusky with one.

How does the fact that Sandusky did not keep logs of his visits with TSM kids off campus prove his guilt? I’m not sure if old call records are even accessible.

If I had been on Jerry's team, I'd have asked for all those records and more. If they take a while to get, it would have been a valid reason to delay the trial - as it was, they really didn't have a valid reason to request a delay, and were denied.

But the thing is, if he was able to list his owned & insured cars and there was no smoking convertible, it would show that. And a jury would have to believe that Jerry borrowed a car and abused a kid while it was on loan. He didn't make really any effort to discredit V10, nor to get anything on the record that could be used later.
But the thing is, if he was able to list his owned & insured cars and there was no smoking convertible, it would show that. And a jury would have to believe that Jerry borrowed a car and abused a kid while it was on loan. He didn't make really any effort to discredit V10, nor to get anything on the record that could be used later.
That is not far-fetched at all.

Recall that due to the OAG grandstanding about anal rape that did not happen, the fervor about JoePa being complicit as the media wanted people to believe, and the fact that a public survey at that time indicated that "people wanted defendants sent to jail even if a crime wasn't committed".

The jury pool was working from that standpoint of guilty, guilty guilty until you can prove your innocence.

Need proof? The Janitor case. No victim. No Witness. No date. No testimony.
people wanted defendants sent to jail even if a crime wasn't committed".

That survey did not include Sandusky. I've never heard anyone say that about Sandusky.

Even with respect to CSS, the survey did NOT show that people wanted them to go to jail if no crime was committed.

Check your sources.
That survey did not include Sandusky. I've never heard anyone say that about Sandusky.

Even with respect to CSS, the survey did NOT show that people wanted them to go to jail if no crime was committed.

Check your sources.
The survey indicated that the majority of people wanted them "punished" even if it turned out C/S/S had not broken any laws.
Even with respect to CSS, the survey did NOT show that people wanted them to go to jail if no crime was committed.

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Nothing about jail even if innocent. Thanks.
Splitting hairs much?

The majority felt they [C&S] should be punished even if they did nothing illegal. Given they were going to trial, it is logical to conclude jail as an outcome.

Further, given the OAG anal rape lie, the public opinion for Sandusky only months earlier was the same. Lock him up. He's guilty until he can prove his innocence.
Okay, it appears you are operating under the unconstitutional concept of he didn’t testify therefore he must be guilty. But even so, what counter could he possibly provide other than I never met that man? Dottie stated she never met him (but did state she knew every other accuser). Was she lying? And if so, why not also lie about not knowing the others? Also, No other accuser could confirm that Jerry ever drove a silver convertible, in which V10 claims his abuse took place. And V10 claimed abuse during the same time period as V3, V4, V5, V6, and V7.

If you're going to question V10's account because of the "convertible," you should know he never definitively stated it was a convertible.

V10 told Agent Cranga in his first police interview, 11/16/2011, that "he thought that the car was a silver colored convertible, or one win a sun roof, but was unsure of the brand."

V10 was consistent when he testified at trial. When asked whether it was a convertible V10 answered, "It was either convertible or had a moon roof, sunroof."

So when Amendola asked Dottie and other victims if Jerry owned a convertible, it doesn't really matter they answered in the negative. Amendola should've asked them whether he had a car with a sunroof or moon roof. But he didn't. Just like nobody here in this thread bothers to mention it.

Dottie testified she didn't remember V10. Apparently Jerry says he doesn't remember him either. That's fine. But you should know that V10's foster mother from 1998 testified that Jerry called her house multiple times to arrange taking V10 on outings. Why does no one in these threads bother mentioning that?
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Yes, I am very concerned with Sandusky’s guilt or innocence in the eyes of the court of law. I believe an innocent man is languishing in prison for crimes that he didn’t commit.

I will concede that Sandusky exercised bad judgment with his out of program 1-on-1 unsupervised contacts with at risk youths that involved physical contact. I don’t believe he had any sexual intent and don’t believe he committed any crime. If he did anything wrong, I believe the worst he should get is a slap on the wrist.

He absolutely should not have a virtual life sentence unless there is solid, credible that he committed CSA. To date, there has only been solid credible evidence that he didn’t commit CSA. I hope that Sandusky is exonerated before he dies in prison.

"If he did anything wrong, I believe the worst he should get is a slap on the wrist."

Anything wrong? I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. But holy crap.

Do you still think Jerry pulling V4 to the floor of the shower in a 69 position and rubbing his junk on V4's face is "mild abuse"?
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"If he did anything wrong, I believe the worst he should get is a slap on the wrist."

Anything wrong? I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. But holy crap.

Do you still think Jerry pulling V4 to the floor of the shower in a 69 position and rubbing his junk on V4's face is "mild abuse"?

I don't believe that happened. What was his first story? Not the one he was told to tell if he wanted the big bucks.
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I don't believe that happened. What was his first story? Not the one he was told to tell if he wanted the big bucks.

That was his first story.

He told that story the first time he was interviewed 4/21/2011. He said it about 50 minutes into the interview. The break in the interview (where Leiter and Andreozzi were on tape) happened about 10 minutes later.
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That was his first story.

He told that story the first time he was interviewed 4/21/2011. He said it about 50 minutes into the interview. The break in the interview (where Leiter and Andreozzi were on tape) happened about 10 minutes later.
The whole thing with his story evolving is confusing. But, that doesn't align with what he said at trial.
"If he did anything wrong, I believe the worst he should get is a slap on the wrist."

Anything wrong? I used to give you the benefit of the doubt. But holy crap.

Do you still think Jerry pulling V4 to the floor of the shower in a 69 position and rubbing his junk on V4's face is "mild abuse"?

You misinterpreted what I was saying. I don't for a second think that Jerry ever pulled v4 to the floor of a shower in a 69 position let alone rubbed his junk on v4's face. If (and this is a big if) he did do that then I think it would be CSA and a criminal offense and worthy of a prison sentence. What I was saying is that v4 did not allege oral sex or any specific sex act before the break in the interview when v4's lawyer, Ben Andreozzi, on tape asks Leiter "Can we at some point in time say to him (v4), 'Listen, we have interviewed other kids, and other kids have told us there was intercourse and they have admitted this, you know. Is there anything else that you want to tell us?'"

Leiter saw no problem with that approach. "Yep, we do that with all the other kids. Say, 'Listen, this is what we found so far. You fit the pattern of all the other ones. This is the way he operates and the other kids we dealt with have told us that this is what happened after this happened. Did this happen to you?'"

After the break, Leiter gave him a pep talk "Before we start again, I just want you to let you know you are not the first victim we have spoken to. We have interviewed probably, I'm going to say, nine--again I call them kids, I apologize--nine adults we have interviewed, and you are doing very well. It is amazing. If this was a book, you would have been repeating word for word pretty much what a lot of people has already told us. Is is very similar." Actually, by that time only v1, v7, and v6 were "victims" who would testify and only v1 claimed severe, prolonged abuse, after therapy with Mike Gillum. Leiter must have included the McQueary and janitor stories, but that only came to 5 alleged victims.

After the pep talk, v4 got more graphic, asserting that Sandusky would get him facedown in the shower, then hump between his buttocks until he ejaculated or that he would push his erect penis against v4's face until he orgasmed. At trial v4 testified that he and Sandusky had oral sex on at least 50 occasions.

Leiter's questioning was very suggestive and highly improper. By rights, because of Leiter's egregious questioning, v4 should have been prohibited from testifying at trial.

I don't find any of v4's accusations credible. He did not make a contemporaneous report and his accusations changed and got worse over time. Fred Crews has an interesting take on v4's accusations in his book review of "The Most Hated Man in America."

V4 (b. 1983) was a rebellious adolescent—by all accounts a habitual liar and manipulator who neglected school, dropped out of sports, used drugs, stole a car, and got sexually involved with a young girl. Sandusky had taken him on as an especially challenging project, but by 16 v4 was fed up with Sandusky’s preachy messages, some of which would be introduced in the trial as grooming “love letters.”

Abuse became an issue for v4 only after the press sensation that began on March 31, 2011. Reading of the charges against Sandusky, v4’s biological father got in touch with him and proposed that he retain a lawyer and get in on the action. V4’s immediate retort was that he wanted nothing to do with the case. On reconsideration, though, he retained Benjamin Andreozzi, the lawyer his father had contacted, who would end by serving lucratively as the attorney for 10 claimants against Penn State.

Even then, v4 refused at first to enter charges against Sandusky. Afterwards, two police officers drew him out, with attorney Andreozzi present, in the only interview with a Second Miler that was ever tape recorded. The tape could serve as a classic lesson in biased interrogation. From the beginning, the idea was to get v4’s recollections into alignment with those of other accusers; and the questioners, with the attorney’s collusion, didn’t relent until they had done so.

V4’s eventual testimony, which was so graphic that it served as the opener in the prosecution’s horror show, may not have been entirely disingenuous. He had entered psychological counseling soon after retaining Andreozzi, and at some point he, too, had come under the care of recovered memory guru Mike Gillum. As he told the jury, “I have spent, you know, so many years burying this in the back of my mind forever.” Pendergrast thinks v4 may also have been the Second Miler who underwent 30 trauma sessions with a recovered memory advocacy group called Let Go Let Peace Come In.

Like other putative Sandusky victims, v4 ramped up his charges between the grand jury and the trial. At first his questioners had had to coax him before he would say that he had ever experienced oral sex with Sandusky. In the trial, though, he was ready to declare that he had been molested at least 50 times, with Sandusky often forcibly jamming his penis into his mouth.

The events that v4 narrated bore the usual marks of recovered memory craziness. In his recollection, he had been playing basketball or racquetball with Sandusky nearly every evening during the 1997 football season and preseason, when the coach’s all-consuming duties barely allowed him enough time to come home for dinner. No less bizarre was his assertion that the puritanical Sandusky, who had never been known to smoke, consume alcohol, or utter a swear word, used to buy cigarettes for the teenager and once drove him to a drug dealer and gave him $50 to buy marijuana, which he smoked in Sandusky’s car.

Above all, v4 was stumped by the same paradoxes that no accuser would be able to resolve. Why, once having been assaulted by a monstrous villain, had he kept returning to be raped again? Why had he informed no one at all about his ongoing torture? And why hadn’t his opinion of Sandusky, already mixed because of the latter’s moralizing, drastically worsened? At age 26, in the year before turning on his benefactor, v4 had brought his girlfriend and three-year-old son for a happy visit with the Sanduskys, as if there had never been a cause for complaint. That fact speaks louder than anything he would say in court.
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V4 at times went into graphic detail of abuse he suffered at the Defendant's residence, EALR and Lasch. See amended Bill of Particulars below.

At trial, V4 testified to the abuse at Lasch and EALR, along with the bowl trip. But, only to raspberries at the Sandusky residence, not the assaults he claimed previously. Why is that? Was he fearful Matt Sandusky, who was still living in the house at the time, could refute those claims?
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V4 at times went into graphic detail of abuse he suffered at the Defendant's residence, EALR and Lasch. See amended Bill of Particulars below.

At trial, V4 testified to the abuse at Lasch and EALR, along with the bowl trip. But, only to raspberries at the Sandusky residence, not the assaults he claimed previously. Why is that? Was he fearful Matt Sandusky, who was still living in the house at the time, could refute those claims?

FWIW, here are notes on v4 from an observer at the trial.


V4/BH 09/09/1983

Attorney: Benjamin Andreozzi

In photo with v6, v5, and v7 in “Touched”.

Lived five doors down from v3 at Spring Brae Apt. during 2007-2011. He owed rent when he vacated after first police contact.

Grew up in Snow Shoe PA. Spent most of time with grandmother, who lived next door . Did not like his stepfather or grandfather. Natural father was “around”. Admits to being a bully and getting in trouble a lot. Attended Second Mile camp in ’96, ’97. Stole a car, was in rehab for drug use as older teen. In 99 JS and BH signed an agreement whereby BH would be awarded $1000 for college if he met expectations of effort in HS. JS attended H.S. graduation. BH accepted football tickets and participated in a golf tournament with JS in 2002.


Megan Rash, the sister of BH’s longtime friend Ryan Dixon knew him for 18 years and said he was dishonest and embellished stories. (Ryan died in a motorcycle accident in 2008.) During testimony BH said his mother disregarded his statement that Jerry was gay by saying it was just another one of his lies.

2010 BH visited JS and family with his girlfriend and their three year old son. Elaine Steinbacher was among the visitors and said BH acted as if he were part of the family and that a big fuss was made over his son.

2010, 2011 Natural father calls and tells him about the newspaper article. Father calls an attorney, and the attorney came to BH. The police knock on door and BH states he already has an attorney and want to talk to him prior to talking to them. At the second police interview with Leiter and Rossman,, the attorney was present and BH was told by police there were other people JS had abused. BH did not admit his own abuse. He did not disclose abuse to attorney either.

BH signed an agreement with Benjamin Andreozzi which stipulated counseling as part of the deal. Afterwards, Andreozzi was with him five times including at the GJ, and police interviews. BH spoke on the phone with Andreozzi multiple times.

April 21, 2011 Grand Jury Testimony


Andreozzi confirms that BH had not disclosed oral sex prior to the meeting in the hall.


Andreozzi, Leiter and Rossman conspire in hall to elicit more graphic testimony from BH. This is accidentally caught on tape during a time the men thought the tape had been turned off.

After acknowledging his belief that he was not being recorded, Andreozzi said “ Oh, you’re kidding. The time frame matches up? Can we at some point in time say to him, listen, we have interviewed other kids and other kids have told us that there was intercourse and that they have admitted it. You know, is there anything else that you want to tell us?’ Corporal Leiter answers “Yep, we do that with all the other kids. Say, listen, this is what we found so far. You fit the pattern of all the other ones. This is the way he operates and the other kids we dealt have told us that this has happened after this happened. Did that happen to you? “ On tape Leiter told BH, “Before we start again, I just want to let you know you are not the first victim we have spoken to We have interviewed probably I’m going to say nine. Again I call them kids. I apologize. Nine adults we have interviewed and you are doing very well. It is amazing if this was a book, you would have been repeating word for word pretty much what a lot of people have already told us. It is very similar. A lot of things you have told us is very similar to what we have heard from the others and we know from listening to these other young adults talk to us and tell us what has taken place, that there is a pretty well-defined progression in the way he operated and still operates I guess to some degree and that the often times this progression, especially when it goes on for an extended period of time, leads to more than just the touching and the feeling. That’s been actual oral sex that has taken place by both parties and there’s—we unfortunately have found that there’s been – classifies as a rape has occurred and I don’t want to you feel that again. As Trooper Rossman said, I don’t want you to feel ashamed because you are a victim in this whole thing. What happened happened. He took advantage of you but when I – when we first started we talked, we needed to get details of what took place so these types of things happened. We need you to tell us this is what happened. Again, we are not going to look at you any differently other than the fact that you are a victim of this crime and it is going to be taken care of accordingly. But we need you to tell us as graphically as you can what took place as we get through this whole procedure. I just want you to understand that you are not alone in this. By no means are you alone in this.”

After that , the officer said “Okay, we’re going to restart the recording. It’s now 12:37 on 4/21/2011 and again we’re going to continue to record it.”


BH was very tired and mentally fatigued. BH was shaky and concerned about betraying Jerry Sandusky because he had been a father figure to him.


Trooper Rossman testifies that he suggested similar things to the other victims as well. Rossman said he believes it to be appropriate technique. Leiter when asked if he had ever turned the tape off during any other interviews said he couldn’t remember. After admitting that he and Rossman had discussed their testimony on 6/19/12 he was confronted with the fact that Rossman had said they hadn’t and asked to explain it. Cleland said it was for the jury to decide whether they were lying.


Rossman admits that during the initial interviews that victims said nothing happened or something minimal happened and later added to it. He said he thought that more had occurred than what they were telling him. He said he did not think he was tainting the investigation.


Judge Cleland: “The issue is not whether or not the witness’s testimony was corrupted by any questions. The purpose of the evidence is to show that the troopers didn’t tell the truth, not that v4 didn’t tell the truth.


BH testifies that he remembers being touched in pool. States that first assaults took place at Toftrees. BH describes soap fights in showers and having it turn into wrestling, which would then become 69 positions, where JS would insert his penis into BH’s mouth. Sometimes JS would ejaculate into his mouth. BH said JS attempted anal intercourse but he resisted. At Alamo Bowl, JS threatened to send him home because he wouldn’t cooperate with sex in hotel bathroom. BH said that after the move to Lasch Hall, in 1999, all sex which did not occur in hotel rooms occurred in the sauna because it was more private. ( In 1999 he would have been 15, going on 16) BH said Sandusky was upset about being told by Joe Paterno that he would not become head coach. BH said he had JS buy him cigarettes regularly, and JS gave him $50, drove him to a drug dealer where he scored marijuana, and allowed him to smoke it in JS’s car.

CRIMINAL TRIAL, Day One, June 11, 2012

BH describes to McGettigan how in 7/1997 he was invited to go to football games, taking part in the tailgates and other things with Second Mile kids. Interspersed with these details were the general questions about showering crimes, with no specific ties to dates. BH testifies that it was in the coaches shower area, that he could not fight back, and that nothing was said afterwards and he didn’t protest or tell anybody about it. JS never asked him to not say anything. BH said “It was basically, like whatever happened there never really happened.” BH said that although many coaches came into the locker room and shower area, and he interacted with them and talked to them , they were never caught in the act because JS would be alerted by the loud clicking of the four button lock which he heard in spite of the shower noise. BH said that JS inserted his penis in his mouth two or three times a week for years. BH estimates the total times to be 40 at least. When asked why he continued cooperating, BH said that “this is something good happening to me, you know …..And I’m liking everything I’m getting.” He plays the pity card by stating he “didn’t have a father” although he had a stepfather, a grandfather, and a birth father who were all available to him.

At trial he changes his GJ story that the sex happened only in the sauna in Lasch Hall, and says it happened in the shower there instead, apparently realizing that he needs to be consistent with the soaping, wrestling and positioning tales. When questioned about how the attempt at anal sex arose, BH said he was chest to chest and estimates that he was so small he only came up to JS’ waist “a little bit above the belly button” This fantastic exaggeration would make him the size of a three year old, 3 ½ feet tall, at the age of 14. McGettigan had trouble getting BH to make a credible story. “You weren’t really chest to chest really were you? A: Yes. Q: You were facing….A. Well, yes. Right. Right. ….” Eventually BH replied to the prompting by saying that JS “slid his finger between my butt cheeks.” Later at Lasch Hall, when he was 15 or 16, JS soaped him up, had him flat on the ground with an erection and attempted to slide it between his butt cheeks. Q. “And what did you do?” A. Got up and left. Q. Well, the defendant was on top of you, how did you—“ A. Yeah, no. I pushed. I pushed with all my might. Squiggled. Slided underneath him. Got out of there. I’m covered in soap too, you got to remember.

The Grand Jury allegations about abuse at Toftrees is ignored by the prosecution at trial. McGettigan wraps it up by having BH agree that JS put his penis in BH’s mouth over 40 times, and attempted sodomy. BH said there was no reason for him to say these things other than they are true.

Upon cross, BH said that he was taken to the campus where he played basketball with JS alone at the end of summer until the end of the year from 6 to 9 pm. Although it was preseason, and football season, there weren’t any coaches around. When asked if on the first offensive shower he was touched on his privates, BH said “That first time, yes, but you got to understand that he never was really right for it with touching me. It was more like he wanted to be touched.” When asked why he put up with this abuse over the years, BH explained that he was picked on, that he liked to be one of the cool kids, “and second off,


I don’t even really want to admit that it’s happening, you know. I have spent, you know, so many years burying this in the back of my mind forever. I wouldn’t even be here doing this right now unless—I thought I was the only person. I had come to terms with that and just wanted everything to go away. But then I find out that this has happened over and over and over and over again forever, and I feel if I just would have said something back then, they wouldn’t have had this happen to them. So I feel responsible for what happened to other victims.”

On cross BH changes his story to say the total of 50 times of abuse included groping, kissing of thighs, and “any of that”. BH played basketball/racquetball totally hundreds of times, with JS twice a week from summer through the end of 1997 in late afternoon. BH states there were no coaches or players in and out because they were all done and gone by then. Besides, nothing inappropriate was observed because there was a blue curtain extending all the way to the floor. When questioned about the new facility, Lasch , BH said that the shower area was open to all, there were no key codes, and anybody could walk in. BH said that he was abused 50 times in the Lasch shower area when he would have been 15 or 16. BH said that nobody used the new locker room.


After arguing that specific communications with BH were confidential, the only parts of the agreement that he disclosed to the jury was that going to counseling was a part of the written agreement along with dealing with the media.

Summary: BH’s false testimony was probably suggested in counseling. He was no doubt tempted by the financial benefits but reluctant to present these ideas as the truth until assurances came from troopers that his friends had truly been sexually assaulted and his G.J. testimony was going to be unquestioned. His trial testimony about public sex in open showers is ludicrous.
FWIW, here are notes on v4 from an observer at the trial.


V4/BH 09/09/1983

Attorney: Benjamin Andreozzi

In photo with v6, v5, and v7 in “Touched”.

Lived five doors down from v3 at Spring Brae Apt. during 2007-2011. He owed rent when he vacated after first police contact.

Grew up in Snow Shoe PA. Spent most of time with grandmother, who lived next door . Did not like his stepfather or grandfather. Natural father was “around”. Admits to being a bully and getting in trouble a lot. Attended Second Mile camp in ’96, ’97. Stole a car, was in rehab for drug use as older teen. In 99 JS and BH signed an agreement whereby BH would be awarded $1000 for college if he met expectations of effort in HS. JS attended H.S. graduation. BH accepted football tickets and participated in a golf tournament with JS in 2002.


Megan Rash, the sister of BH’s longtime friend Ryan Dixon knew him for 18 years and said he was dishonest and embellished stories. (Ryan died in a motorcycle accident in 2008.) During testimony BH said his mother disregarded his statement that Jerry was gay by saying it was just another one of his lies.

2010 BH visited JS and family with his girlfriend and their three year old son. Elaine Steinbacher was among the visitors and said BH acted as if he were part of the family and that a big fuss was made over his son.

2010, 2011 Natural father calls and tells him about the newspaper article. Father calls an attorney, and the attorney came to BH. The police knock on door and BH states he already has an attorney and want to talk to him prior to talking to them. At the second police interview with Leiter and Rossman,, the attorney was present and BH was told by police there were other people JS had abused. BH did not admit his own abuse. He did not disclose abuse to attorney either.

BH signed an agreement with Benjamin Andreozzi which stipulated counseling as part of the deal. Afterwards, Andreozzi was with him five times including at the GJ, and police interviews. BH spoke on the phone with Andreozzi multiple times.

April 21, 2011 Grand Jury Testimony


Andreozzi confirms that BH had not disclosed oral sex prior to the meeting in the hall.


Andreozzi, Leiter and Rossman conspire in hall to elicit more graphic testimony from BH. This is accidentally caught on tape during a time the men thought the tape had been turned off.

After acknowledging his belief that he was not being recorded, Andreozzi said “ Oh, you’re kidding. The time frame matches up? Can we at some point in time say to him, listen, we have interviewed other kids and other kids have told us that there was intercourse and that they have admitted it. You know, is there anything else that you want to tell us?’ Corporal Leiter answers “Yep, we do that with all the other kids. Say, listen, this is what we found so far. You fit the pattern of all the other ones. This is the way he operates and the other kids we dealt have told us that this has happened after this happened. Did that happen to you? “ On tape Leiter told BH, “Before we start again, I just want to let you know you are not the first victim we have spoken to We have interviewed probably I’m going to say nine. Again I call them kids. I apologize. Nine adults we have interviewed and you are doing very well. It is amazing if this was a book, you would have been repeating word for word pretty much what a lot of people have already told us. It is very similar. A lot of things you have told us is very similar to what we have heard from the others and we know from listening to these other young adults talk to us and tell us what has taken place, that there is a pretty well-defined progression in the way he operated and still operates I guess to some degree and that the often times this progression, especially when it goes on for an extended period of time, leads to more than just the touching and the feeling. That’s been actual oral sex that has taken place by both parties and there’s—we unfortunately have found that there’s been – classifies as a rape has occurred and I don’t want to you feel that again. As Trooper Rossman said, I don’t want you to feel ashamed because you are a victim in this whole thing. What happened happened. He took advantage of you but when I – when we first started we talked, we needed to get details of what took place so these types of things happened. We need you to tell us this is what happened. Again, we are not going to look at you any differently other than the fact that you are a victim of this crime and it is going to be taken care of accordingly. But we need you to tell us as graphically as you can what took place as we get through this whole procedure. I just want you to understand that you are not alone in this. By no means are you alone in this.”

After that , the officer said “Okay, we’re going to restart the recording. It’s now 12:37 on 4/21/2011 and again we’re going to continue to record it.”


BH was very tired and mentally fatigued. BH was shaky and concerned about betraying Jerry Sandusky because he had been a father figure to him.


Trooper Rossman testifies that he suggested similar things to the other victims as well. Rossman said he believes it to be appropriate technique. Leiter when asked if he had ever turned the tape off during any other interviews said he couldn’t remember. After admitting that he and Rossman had discussed their testimony on 6/19/12 he was confronted with the fact that Rossman had said they hadn’t and asked to explain it. Cleland said it was for the jury to decide whether they were lying.


Rossman admits that during the initial interviews that victims said nothing happened or something minimal happened and later added to it. He said he thought that more had occurred than what they were telling him. He said he did not think he was tainting the investigation.


Judge Cleland: “The issue is not whether or not the witness’s testimony was corrupted by any questions. The purpose of the evidence is to show that the troopers didn’t tell the truth, not that v4 didn’t tell the truth.


BH testifies that he remembers being touched in pool. States that first assaults took place at Toftrees. BH describes soap fights in showers and having it turn into wrestling, which would then become 69 positions, where JS would insert his penis into BH’s mouth. Sometimes JS would ejaculate into his mouth. BH said JS attempted anal intercourse but he resisted. At Alamo Bowl, JS threatened to send him home because he wouldn’t cooperate with sex in hotel bathroom. BH said that after the move to Lasch Hall, in 1999, all sex which did not occur in hotel rooms occurred in the sauna because it was more private. ( In 1999 he would have been 15, going on 16) BH said Sandusky was upset about being told by Joe Paterno that he would not become head coach. BH said he had JS buy him cigarettes regularly, and JS gave him $50, drove him to a drug dealer where he scored marijuana, and allowed him to smoke it in JS’s car.

CRIMINAL TRIAL, Day One, June 11, 2012

BH describes to McGettigan how in 7/1997 he was invited to go to football games, taking part in the tailgates and other things with Second Mile kids. Interspersed with these details were the general questions about showering crimes, with no specific ties to dates. BH testifies that it was in the coaches shower area, that he could not fight back, and that nothing was said afterwards and he didn’t protest or tell anybody about it. JS never asked him to not say anything. BH said “It was basically, like whatever happened there never really happened.” BH said that although many coaches came into the locker room and shower area, and he interacted with them and talked to them , they were never caught in the act because JS would be alerted by the loud clicking of the four button lock which he heard in spite of the shower noise. BH said that JS inserted his penis in his mouth two or three times a week for years. BH estimates the total times to be 40 at least. When asked why he continued cooperating, BH said that “this is something good happening to me, you know …..And I’m liking everything I’m getting.” He plays the pity card by stating he “didn’t have a father” although he had a stepfather, a grandfather, and a birth father who were all available to him.

At trial he changes his GJ story that the sex happened only in the sauna in Lasch Hall, and says it happened in the shower there instead, apparently realizing that he needs to be consistent with the soaping, wrestling and positioning tales. When questioned about how the attempt at anal sex arose, BH said he was chest to chest and estimates that he was so small he only came up to JS’ waist “a little bit above the belly button” This fantastic exaggeration would make him the size of a three year old, 3 ½ feet tall, at the age of 14. McGettigan had trouble getting BH to make a credible story. “You weren’t really chest to chest really were you? A: Yes. Q: You were facing….A. Well, yes. Right. Right. ….” Eventually BH replied to the prompting by saying that JS “slid his finger between my butt cheeks.” Later at Lasch Hall, when he was 15 or 16, JS soaped him up, had him flat on the ground with an erection and attempted to slide it between his butt cheeks. Q. “And what did you do?” A. Got up and left. Q. Well, the defendant was on top of you, how did you—“ A. Yeah, no. I pushed. I pushed with all my might. Squiggled. Slided underneath him. Got out of there. I’m covered in soap too, you got to remember.

The Grand Jury allegations about abuse at Toftrees is ignored by the prosecution at trial. McGettigan wraps it up by having BH agree that JS put his penis in BH’s mouth over 40 times, and attempted sodomy. BH said there was no reason for him to say these things other than they are true.

Upon cross, BH said that he was taken to the campus where he played basketball with JS alone at the end of summer until the end of the year from 6 to 9 pm. Although it was preseason, and football season, there weren’t any coaches around. When asked if on the first offensive shower he was touched on his privates, BH said “That first time, yes, but you got to understand that he never was really right for it with touching me. It was more like he wanted to be touched.” When asked why he put up with this abuse over the years, BH explained that he was picked on, that he liked to be one of the cool kids, “and second off,


I don’t even really want to admit that it’s happening, you know. I have spent, you know, so many years burying this in the back of my mind forever. I wouldn’t even be here doing this right now unless—I thought I was the only person. I had come to terms with that and just wanted everything to go away. But then I find out that this has happened over and over and over and over again forever, and I feel if I just would have said something back then, they wouldn’t have had this happen to them. So I feel responsible for what happened to other victims.”

On cross BH changes his story to say the total of 50 times of abuse included groping, kissing of thighs, and “any of that”. BH played basketball/racquetball totally hundreds of times, with JS twice a week from summer through the end of 1997 in late afternoon. BH states there were no coaches or players in and out because they were all done and gone by then. Besides, nothing inappropriate was observed because there was a blue curtain extending all the way to the floor. When questioned about the new facility, Lasch , BH said that the shower area was open to all, there were no key codes, and anybody could walk in. BH said that he was abused 50 times in the Lasch shower area when he would have been 15 or 16. BH said that nobody used the new locker room.


After arguing that specific communications with BH were confidential, the only parts of the agreement that he disclosed to the jury was that going to counseling was a part of the written agreement along with dealing with the media.

Summary: BH’s false testimony was probably suggested in counseling. He was no doubt tempted by the financial benefits but reluctant to present these ideas as the truth until assurances came from troopers that his friends had truly been sexually assaulted and his G.J. testimony was going to be unquestioned. His trial testimony about public sex in open showers is ludicrous.

Biased characterization of testimony and facts in evidence.

If it's so ludicrous, Jerry could have had people, experts, himself testify as to why that was.
V4 at times went into graphic detail of abuse he suffered at the Defendant's residence, EALR and Lasch. See amended Bill of Particulars below.

At trial, V4 testified to the abuse at Lasch and EALR, along with the bowl trip. But, only to raspberries at the Sandusky residence, not the assaults he claimed previously. Why is that? Was he fearful Matt Sandusky, who was still living in the house at the time, could refute those claims?

I believe than plan was for Matt (before he flipped mid trial) was for him to refute BSH’s claims.
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Yes, he was 16 on the Alamo trip.

If you read the trial transcripts, it was clear McGettigan and Fina tried to make BSH out to be a “little boy” rather than someone whose “abuse” continued until he was almost an adult. At the start of the questioning, they asked him “I’m going to ask you a few questions about when you were 12 and 13?” They also coaxed him into saying he only came up to Sandusky’s belly button when the abuse began, which is the average height of a six year old.
If you read the trial transcripts, it was clear McGettigan and Fina tried to make BSH out to be a “little boy” rather than someone whose “abuse” continued until he was almost an adult. At the start of the questioning, they asked him “I’m going to ask you a few questions about when you were 12 and 13?” They also coaxed him into saying he only came up to Sandusky’s belly button when the abuse began, which is the average height of a six year old.

Jerry could have challenged any statements he didn't believe were true. That's the whole point of a trial.
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Jerry could have challenged any statements he didn't believe were true. That's the whole point of a trial.

Jerry’s defense was certainly way too soft on the guy. Now the judge probably would have not allowed it, but I think they should have basically told him that he’d have to be gay to in order to allow Jerry to repeatedly commit sex acts against him like that even as he neared adulthood and was certainly strong enough to fight back. But I’m sure Amendola and Rominger were certainly afraid of repercussions in the media and legal community if they tried that defense.

The defense did bring forward a few witnesses that refuted BSH. Elaine Steinbacher stated BSHs 2010 visit to the Sandusky’s with his girlfriend and kid was not awkward at all. Megan Rash, another former second mile kid and the sister of BSHs deceased best friend, stated BSH has a reputation as a liar and a deceiver. Also, another youth worker who was part of another program BSH was involved with stated Jerry dropped BSH off with him many times during the period BSH claimed abuse and there was never anything suspicious. Dick Anderson also testified that Jerry would be a football practice or meetings during many of the time periods BSH claimed abuse. I think under a normal trial not subject to the media circus and an entire community being accused of enabling child molestation, I think the jury acquits or is at least hung based on those testimonies.
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So you are formally accusing Matt of a crime? Be careful, and make sure you have proof.

This is nothing new. I would love to see Matt Sandusky file a lawsuit. He would get exposed for who he is if he tried.

At the time the rings were stolen, it was tracked down the internet seller of the rings. He said the he received them from Matt Sandusky. A complaint was filed with Centre County DA Stacy Parks Miller and SPM refused to file charges
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Biased characterization of testimony and facts in evidence.

If it's so ludicrous, Jerry could have had people, experts, himself testify as to why that was.

I will acknowledge that the trial observer supported the defense, but I believe their reporting was objective and fact-based. Can you identify anything in the notes that you know is wrong and/or any blantantly wrong conclusions?

As an aside, are you willing to acknowledge that the questioning of v4 caught on tape by Leiter and Rossman was leading and not good technique if you are interested in learning what actually happened?
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Matt should have been treated better, then.

Matt had been treated well by the Sandusky family up to this point. It seems that Matt's motivation for flipping was financial. I don't believe the PSU BOT bought his story as his settlement was one of the smaller ones (I believe a couple of hundred thousand dollar range) of the claimants and the BOT probably thought it would cost lest to settle that having to pay the cost of litigation.
FWIW, here are notes on v4 from an observer at the trial.


V4/BH 09/09/1983

Attorney: Benjamin Andreozzi

In photo with v6, v5, and v7 in “Touched”.

Lived five doors down from v3 at Spring Brae Apt. during 2007-2011. He owed rent when he vacated after first police contact.

Grew up in Snow Shoe PA. Spent most of time with grandmother, who lived next door . Did not like his stepfather or grandfather. Natural father was “around”. Admits to being a bully and getting in trouble a lot. Attended Second Mile camp in ’96, ’97. Stole a car, was in rehab for drug use as older teen. In 99 JS and BH signed an agreement whereby BH would be awarded $1000 for college if he met expectations of effort in HS. JS attended H.S. graduation. BH accepted football tickets and participated in a golf tournament with JS in 2002.


Megan Rash, the sister of BH’s longtime friend Ryan Dixon knew him for 18 years and said he was dishonest and embellished stories. (Ryan died in a motorcycle accident in 2008.) During testimony BH said his mother disregarded his statement that Jerry was gay by saying it was just another one of his lies.

2010 BH visited JS and family with his girlfriend and their three year old son. Elaine Steinbacher was among the visitors and said BH acted as if he were part of the family and that a big fuss was made over his son.

2010, 2011 Natural father calls and tells him about the newspaper article. Father calls an attorney, and the attorney came to BH. The police knock on door and BH states he already has an attorney and want to talk to him prior to talking to them. At the second police interview with Leiter and Rossman,, the attorney was present and BH was told by police there were other people JS had abused. BH did not admit his own abuse. He did not disclose abuse to attorney either.

BH signed an agreement with Benjamin Andreozzi which stipulated counseling as part of the deal. Afterwards, Andreozzi was with him five times including at the GJ, and police interviews. BH spoke on the phone with Andreozzi multiple times.

April 21, 2011 Grand Jury Testimony


Andreozzi confirms that BH had not disclosed oral sex prior to the meeting in the hall.


Andreozzi, Leiter and Rossman conspire in hall to elicit more graphic testimony from BH. This is accidentally caught on tape during a time the men thought the tape had been turned off.

After acknowledging his belief that he was not being recorded, Andreozzi said “ Oh, you’re kidding. The time frame matches up? Can we at some point in time say to him, listen, we have interviewed other kids and other kids have told us that there was intercourse and that they have admitted it. You know, is there anything else that you want to tell us?’ Corporal Leiter answers “Yep, we do that with all the other kids. Say, listen, this is what we found so far. You fit the pattern of all the other ones. This is the way he operates and the other kids we dealt have told us that this has happened after this happened. Did that happen to you? “ On tape Leiter told BH, “Before we start again, I just want to let you know you are not the first victim we have spoken to We have interviewed probably I’m going to say nine. Again I call them kids. I apologize. Nine adults we have interviewed and you are doing very well. It is amazing if this was a book, you would have been repeating word for word pretty much what a lot of people have already told us. It is very similar. A lot of things you have told us is very similar to what we have heard from the others and we know from listening to these other young adults talk to us and tell us what has taken place, that there is a pretty well-defined progression in the way he operated and still operates I guess to some degree and that the often times this progression, especially when it goes on for an extended period of time, leads to more than just the touching and the feeling. That’s been actual oral sex that has taken place by both parties and there’s—we unfortunately have found that there’s been – classifies as a rape has occurred and I don’t want to you feel that again. As Trooper Rossman said, I don’t want you to feel ashamed because you are a victim in this whole thing. What happened happened. He took advantage of you but when I – when we first started we talked, we needed to get details of what took place so these types of things happened. We need you to tell us this is what happened. Again, we are not going to look at you any differently other than the fact that you are a victim of this crime and it is going to be taken care of accordingly. But we need you to tell us as graphically as you can what took place as we get through this whole procedure. I just want you to understand that you are not alone in this. By no means are you alone in this.”

After that , the officer said “Okay, we’re going to restart the recording. It’s now 12:37 on 4/21/2011 and again we’re going to continue to record it.”


BH was very tired and mentally fatigued. BH was shaky and concerned about betraying Jerry Sandusky because he had been a father figure to him.


Trooper Rossman testifies that he suggested similar things to the other victims as well. Rossman said he believes it to be appropriate technique. Leiter when asked if he had ever turned the tape off during any other interviews said he couldn’t remember. After admitting that he and Rossman had discussed their testimony on 6/19/12 he was confronted with the fact that Rossman had said they hadn’t and asked to explain it. Cleland said it was for the jury to decide whether they were lying.


Rossman admits that during the initial interviews that victims said nothing happened or something minimal happened and later added to it. He said he thought that more had occurred than what they were telling him. He said he did not think he was tainting the investigation.


Judge Cleland: “The issue is not whether or not the witness’s testimony was corrupted by any questions. The purpose of the evidence is to show that the troopers didn’t tell the truth, not that v4 didn’t tell the truth.


BH testifies that he remembers being touched in pool. States that first assaults took place at Toftrees. BH describes soap fights in showers and having it turn into wrestling, which would then become 69 positions, where JS would insert his penis into BH’s mouth. Sometimes JS would ejaculate into his mouth. BH said JS attempted anal intercourse but he resisted. At Alamo Bowl, JS threatened to send him home because he wouldn’t cooperate with sex in hotel bathroom. BH said that after the move to Lasch Hall, in 1999, all sex which did not occur in hotel rooms occurred in the sauna because it was more private. ( In 1999 he would have been 15, going on 16) BH said Sandusky was upset about being told by Joe Paterno that he would not become head coach. BH said he had JS buy him cigarettes regularly, and JS gave him $50, drove him to a drug dealer where he scored marijuana, and allowed him to smoke it in JS’s car.

CRIMINAL TRIAL, Day One, June 11, 2012

BH describes to McGettigan how in 7/1997 he was invited to go to football games, taking part in the tailgates and other things with Second Mile kids. Interspersed with these details were the general questions about showering crimes, with no specific ties to dates. BH testifies that it was in the coaches shower area, that he could not fight back, and that nothing was said afterwards and he didn’t protest or tell anybody about it. JS never asked him to not say anything. BH said “It was basically, like whatever happened there never really happened.” BH said that although many coaches came into the locker room and shower area, and he interacted with them and talked to them , they were never caught in the act because JS would be alerted by the loud clicking of the four button lock which he heard in spite of the shower noise. BH said that JS inserted his penis in his mouth two or three times a week for years. BH estimates the total times to be 40 at least. When asked why he continued cooperating, BH said that “this is something good happening to me, you know …..And I’m liking everything I’m getting.” He plays the pity card by stating he “didn’t have a father” although he had a stepfather, a grandfather, and a birth father who were all available to him.

At trial he changes his GJ story that the sex happened only in the sauna in Lasch Hall, and says it happened in the shower there instead, apparently realizing that he needs to be consistent with the soaping, wrestling and positioning tales. When questioned about how the attempt at anal sex arose, BH said he was chest to chest and estimates that he was so small he only came up to JS’ waist “a little bit above the belly button” This fantastic exaggeration would make him the size of a three year old, 3 ½ feet tall, at the age of 14. McGettigan had trouble getting BH to make a credible story. “You weren’t really chest to chest really were you? A: Yes. Q: You were facing….A. Well, yes. Right. Right. ….” Eventually BH replied to the prompting by saying that JS “slid his finger between my butt cheeks.” Later at Lasch Hall, when he was 15 or 16, JS soaped him up, had him flat on the ground with an erection and attempted to slide it between his butt cheeks. Q. “And what did you do?” A. Got up and left. Q. Well, the defendant was on top of you, how did you—“ A. Yeah, no. I pushed. I pushed with all my might. Squiggled. Slided underneath him. Got out of there. I’m covered in soap too, you got to remember.

The Grand Jury allegations about abuse at Toftrees is ignored by the prosecution at trial. McGettigan wraps it up by having BH agree that JS put his penis in BH’s mouth over 40 times, and attempted sodomy. BH said there was no reason for him to say these things other than they are true.

Upon cross, BH said that he was taken to the campus where he played basketball with JS alone at the end of summer until the end of the year from 6 to 9 pm. Although it was preseason, and football season, there weren’t any coaches around. When asked if on the first offensive shower he was touched on his privates, BH said “That first time, yes, but you got to understand that he never was really right for it with touching me. It was more like he wanted to be touched.” When asked why he put up with this abuse over the years, BH explained that he was picked on, that he liked to be one of the cool kids, “and second off,


I don’t even really want to admit that it’s happening, you know. I have spent, you know, so many years burying this in the back of my mind forever. I wouldn’t even be here doing this right now unless—I thought I was the only person. I had come to terms with that and just wanted everything to go away. But then I find out that this has happened over and over and over and over again forever, and I feel if I just would have said something back then, they wouldn’t have had this happen to them. So I feel responsible for what happened to other victims.”

On cross BH changes his story to say the total of 50 times of abuse included groping, kissing of thighs, and “any of that”. BH played basketball/racquetball totally hundreds of times, with JS twice a week from summer through the end of 1997 in late afternoon. BH states there were no coaches or players in and out because they were all done and gone by then. Besides, nothing inappropriate was observed because there was a blue curtain extending all the way to the floor. When questioned about the new facility, Lasch , BH said that the shower area was open to all, there were no key codes, and anybody could walk in. BH said that he was abused 50 times in the Lasch shower area when he would have been 15 or 16. BH said that nobody used the new locker room.


After arguing that specific communications with BH were confidential, the only parts of the agreement that he disclosed to the jury was that going to counseling was a part of the written agreement along with dealing with the media.

Summary: BH’s false testimony was probably suggested in counseling. He was no doubt tempted by the financial benefits but reluctant to present these ideas as the truth until assurances came from troopers that his friends had truly been sexually assaulted and his G.J. testimony was going to be unquestioned. His trial testimony about public sex in open showers is ludicrous.

And in all those 50 incidents of alleged abuse, not once did BSH notice Sandusky’s testicular atrophy?
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This is nothing new. I would love to see Matt Sandusky file a lawsuit. He would get exposed for who he is if he tried.

At the time the rings were stolen, it was tracked down the internet seller of the rings. He said the he received them from Matt Sandusky. A complaint was filed with Centre County DA Stacy Parks Miller and SPM refused to file charges

How carefully have you investigated these claims? Are you just taking these claims at face value, because I know that is not how you treat supposed crimes.
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Honestly, 5 times a week? At what age? I just went to get another beer and I’m exhausted.

I'm glad you can hang in here. Fourteen pages of excuses about a pedophile is seriously sick. I can only take it in small doses and usually when I've had
a few beers (like now). I know at least one of the weirdos is going to ask me to name the strongest cases or to define "sexual in nature". I can only hope that
if they have kids and someone tells them that a pervert is doing something "sexual in nature" to one of them, they will run to the rescue instead of asking for a definition.