SIAP: Football Academics in the toilet?

College football is just about dead. Here's what needs to happen:

The NFL needs to establish a development league so all these kids who have no intent on going to school can go there from high school.

College football should be played by STUDENTS. Kids who got into the school because they qualified academically. Kids should have to remain eligible academically to be able to play.

And under this scenario, college football would still have far greater interest, attendance, and ratings than the NFL development league.
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All of this applies to everyone. It is what it is and PSU needs to do better simple as that. Believe me many would be trumpeting the report if the results were reversed. Krafty needs to insist it gets better.
1) I think Franklin does everything he can but you have to judge him the context of the times. He doesn't recruit functionally illiterate players, and PSU like most big time programs has a large academic support staff which monitors to make sure players go to class and complete their work. In Paterno's day they didn't have the monitoring they have now.
2) Because of NFL and transfer rules, graduation rates simply will not be what they were in the past. But at least while players are at PSU they're taking classes and passing them, which is pretty much all you can ask.

The whole system now with NIL is so bizarre because it really isn't "college football," it's pro football under a college banner. Programs like PSU are basically junior NFL.

We live in an era where players rights are increasingly recognized by courts. That's why players are paid NIL now. At some point some player is going to challenge the 3-year-after-HS-graduation rule and then a lot of players will be one and done like basketball. And at some point the colleges' monopoly on training future NFL athletes will be broken by true football specialty factories like IMG.

The NFL sets it's employment policy requiring a player to be 3 years out of HS. Ostensibly, this is because an 18yo HS player is not physically ready to compete with the matured men in the NFL and it would be dangerous.

Honest question. What law do you suppose the 3year rule violates that would cause the govt to deem it illegal?
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The NFL sets it's employment policy requiring a player to be 3 years out of HS. Ostensibly, this is because an 18yo HS player is not physically ready to compete with the matured men in the NFL and it would be dangerous.

Honest question. What law do you suppose the 3year rule violates that would cause the govt to deem it illegal?
Agree but want to add a twist. It isn't just the NFL. The NFL players association (NFLPA) agreed to this in their Collective Bargaining Agreement (CBA) with the NFL. As such, nobody can come back to the NFL with a legal claim. This has been challenged and settled several times. Marice Clarett knows this as he filed suit and it was tossed early because the NFLPA is in agreement with the NFL.
College football is just about dead. Here's what needs to happen:

The NFL needs to establish a development league so all these kids who have no intent on going to school can go there from high school.

College football should be played by STUDENTS. Kids who got into the school because they qualified academically. Kids should have to remain eligible academically to be able to play.

And under this scenario, college football would still have far greater interest, attendance, and ratings than the NFL development league.
Wrong and wont work.

Fans like you don't care about GPA. You care about wins.

409 bumper sticker is not gpa.
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All of this applies to everyone. It is what it is and PSU needs to do better simple as that. Believe me many would be trumpeting the report if the results were reversed. Krafty needs to insist it gets better.
No. It is a bogus stat.

Does a business school or science dept lose points when a 4.0 student transfers?
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Wrong and wont work.

Fans like you don't care about GPA. You care about wins.

409 bumper sticker is not gpa.
You are wrong. Many fans care about Success With Honor. Winning the right way. Winning with students. So GFY.
You are wrong. Many fans care about Success With Honor. Winning the right way. Winning with students. So GFY.
You don't care about winning the right way. You are not even a Penn state fan. You are a Paterno fan who now complains about Penn STATE even though the team WINS!

Did you have honor when Sandusky was coaching?

When did success with honor even start? Probably a year when the team did not have much success.
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You are wrong. Many fans care about Success With Honor. Winning the right way. Winning with students. So GFY.
Now, now.
I gotta ask the questions after that outburst.
Do you want to hurt yourself?
Do you think about hurting others?
Are you a cutter?
Do you have frequent suicidal thoughts?
If you answered yes to any of these questions please dial 911 immediately.
Brandon Short and the trustees clap back. Says they will appeal and it was released to undermine the program

What is there to appeal. APR is a mathematical formula that they currently use. You can argue the value of the calculation but not the calculation.

The response is simple, "we acknowledge that our APR is below a level that we are comfortable with but out graduation rates remain high and the APR number penalizes you for things beyond your control." Simple.

I will add that I am less and less interested in college football as the ties I used to feel towards it have greatly waned.
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What is there to appeal. APR is a mathematical formula that they currently use. You can argue the value of the calculation but not the calculation.

The response is simple, "we acknowledge that our APR is below a level that we are comfortable with but out graduation rates remain high and the APR number penalizes you for things beyond your control." Simple.

I will add that I am less and less interested in college football as the ties I used to feel towards it have greatly waned.
its in the article:

The news story focused on academic progress to create a negative narrative for the story. The NCAA is currently reviewing whether to continue utilizing the academic progress metric in the future, as there are many factors that can bring down a program's score that do not relate to academic performance. For example, Penn State lost 13 points on this year's academic progress due to:
  • Players who already earned their undergraduate degrees were using an additional year of eligibility available to them due to COVID and all went on to pursue NFL careers.
  • Players who transferred out of the program following the season and are not known to continue their education elsewhere.
  • A player who had a medical condition and did not meet eligibility requirements after learning of this condition.
If these points had been included, Penn State’s score would have been in line with our historical average. The NCAA allows programs to appeal lost points given that there are many factors that do not reflect academic performance. And Penn State is currently appealing these lost points through the NCAA.
its in the article:

The news story focused on academic progress to create a negative narrative for the story. The NCAA is currently reviewing whether to continue utilizing the academic progress metric in the future, as there are many factors that can bring down a program's score that do not relate to academic performance. For example, Penn State lost 13 points on this year's academic progress due to:
  • Players who already earned their undergraduate degrees were using an additional year of eligibility available to them due to COVID and all went on to pursue NFL careers.
  • Players who transferred out of the program following the season and are not known to continue their education elsewhere.
  • A player who had a medical condition and did not meet eligibility requirements after learning of this condition.
If these points had been included, Penn State’s score would have been in line with our historical average. The NCAA allows programs to appeal lost points given that there are many factors that do not reflect academic performance. And Penn State is currently appealing these lost points through the NCAA.
That's just insane and in particular the first bullet. We lost points for players who earned their undergraduate degrees BEFORE leaving PSU for the NFL. How dumb is this measure?
What about all the people who claim Franklin "prioritizes academics" and "does it the right way"? It would be nice to actually win something if we are going to operate like a football factory. And spare me the claims that Spotlight PA is "anti-PSU", because the math is the math.

Football academics or ACADEMICS?

Forbes ranks PSU 408.