I’ve asked probably well over a hundred times on this site for a non-sexual, non-pedophilic reason for Jerry Sandusky to have been in the shower alone with the boy (really with either boy, but certainly the second time). Nobody has ever come up with a reasonable excuse. The reasons are usually, “Because they just worked out and needed to clean up” which is obviously not a legitimate reason.
Who cares???....The question of Sandusky & "an unidentified boy" is not what is the issue here - It is just as simple as this...
Sandusky COULD have been doing anything..
.what we know today is that the most probable, truthful "version" of MM's testimony is NOT what the OAG or the PA courts used in their legal case against Sandusky. There was nothing in 2001 that supported criminal actions....no matter how much you try to take speculation and turn it into LEGAL FACT. Every one of the people MM spoke to in 2001 did not state that they believed MM should go to police - NO CRIMINAL ACTIVITY to report!!
The entire case is based on speculation and a history of twisting testimonies to match a "Story" the OAG and Corbett wanted.
Sandusky's "crimes" have many suspicious issues surrounding them and IN I FAIR TRIAL WITH REAL LEGAL REPRESENTATION, I believe None of the accusers are deemed credible.
But this is NOT the issue here....
When you have one reported event - the MM account of ????? with ????. - how do you link PSU and Paterno with any illegal anything?? More importantly....what is your MOTIVE for involving PSU with a potential crime by a former employee???
Let me save your 6 brain cells that may still function the work necessary to arrive at the answer ----
You need PSU money to
BUY all the parts needed to support the OAG "Story" and presentment.
Revisit what this money ment to the "Story".......Lanny Davis (
an under considered member of this crime), the OAG, Eisenbach, Corbett, Noonan, Fina, THE OGBOT, Freeh, all needed $$$ to "play their part" and to support bribing the "victims" (all of which needed 3 weeks of "therapy" to remember how horribly Sandusky abused them....in theater this is called learning your lines) - as well as to provide "incentives" for the NCAA, B1G and the media to promote this farce.
The case against Sandusky appears to have been constructed because
LEGALLY (REPEAT LEGALLY) was weak at best. Without MM's most shocking "version" - the "rape of a 10 year old" version of PSU showers, all of this
legal linkage to PSU, Paterno and C/S/S was not possible.
The real criminals are those that STOLE PSU millions and the PA Courts, judges and elected (& appointed government lackeys) who concocted this "Story" to abuse their power of the State for their own purposes....and that includes the $$$ theft held within PA government agencies and the $$$ Millions the "oversight organizations" (NCAA/B1G) stole in "fines for a "crime" that did not even LEGALLY EXIST in 2001.
THIS WAS A PROFESSIONAL POLITICAL HIT JOB!! The proof of the $$$ MOTIVE of these real criminals for all of this was shredded with the TSM records -
a feature of this crime that is impossible to ignore and the real set of crimes that STILL needs to be investigated.