Curious to hear from those who attend PSU football in person, particularly season ticket holders - will you keep attending and buy season tix or will the ongoing ‘pay for play’ and most certain ticket increases with the impending $700 million improvements cause you to ‘opt out’?
We’ve had seasons for @10 years and sit in WJ so I’m fairly sure my seats will have a dramatic increase. Also, we’ve attended PSU games for @30 years and we’re attracted by the ‘success with honor’ approach by Coach Paterno. Kudos to James Franklin for pursuing similar goals in the ‘new’ era. But the game has changed and I’m not sure it interests me as much now - please ‘respect my decision’ whatever we decide. Interested to hear others perspectives…
We’ve had seasons for @10 years and sit in WJ so I’m fairly sure my seats will have a dramatic increase. Also, we’ve attended PSU games for @30 years and we’re attracted by the ‘success with honor’ approach by Coach Paterno. Kudos to James Franklin for pursuing similar goals in the ‘new’ era. But the game has changed and I’m not sure it interests me as much now - please ‘respect my decision’ whatever we decide. Interested to hear others perspectives…