With all due respect to advocates of any group of people, the word "disabled" has many uses and isn't the property of anyone. As someone noted above, a person can be disabled from playing baseball - as in "not able" to do so. If I say my car is disabled, is it making light of a severely disabled person? Will I now be required to say my car is "broken down" or "dead in the water". Or is "dead" bad too? Maybe I'll just go with the old standby and say "My car shit the bed."
I propose the shortstop position be renamed to "the infielder who usually stands to the left field side of second base". "Shortstop" is anti-midget. Yeah, I wrote midget. Sue me. Speaking of which, does anyone still play midget football or race midget cars?
Ah, yes, comedy hour isn’t complete without the second half hour, “You’re Not The Boss of Me!”
You are a beacon of light to all the non-midgets, non-gimps, and non-retards everywhere.
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