Yeah, Ryan takes a beating on here. Some of it is in good rivalry fun. Some of it is he is on the opposite side of the dual tournament debate than most of us, as well as that of our staff. That is some of it.
Some of it is because of long bus rides with average officials comments. Some because of things like a tweet showing a picture of Hall and BoJo and calling into question whether or not that snapshot shows a takedown or continued wrestling. As a head coach there is a time to speak up and there is a time to just bite your tongue. If your mouth is running and the noise it is making sounds like a profuse excuse - well that generally is feeding fodder for rival fan bases.
As far as giving the man his due. In my opinion he is most likely the best coach produced from the Gable tree.
Some of it is because of long bus rides with average officials comments. Some because of things like a tweet showing a picture of Hall and BoJo and calling into question whether or not that snapshot shows a takedown or continued wrestling. As a head coach there is a time to speak up and there is a time to just bite your tongue. If your mouth is running and the noise it is making sounds like a profuse excuse - well that generally is feeding fodder for rival fan bases.
As far as giving the man his due. In my opinion he is most likely the best coach produced from the Gable tree.