So, Penn State will continue. But will it learn from it's mistakes? You left out one key element when you described how do pedophiles get into august institutions and that is that leadership by it's silence and inaction lets them. Sandusky was identified by a licensed Psychologist as a likely pedophile in 1998 by Alicia Chambers and she gave her report to the Penn State police! Penn State took no action and the truthers STILL say nothing was found in 1998! It was and the beat went on. This is what must be learned...and stopped.
You left out multiple key elements of the story when you conveniently ignored the facts that (1) the 1998 incident was investigated by the Pennsylvania Department of Public Welfare and the DPW investigator declined to file a report indicating child abuse; (2) the Centre County Child and Youth Services agency also investigated and also declined to file an indicated report and (3) in 1998 the Centre County District Attorney declined to prosecute the 1998 shower assault despite the ADA's view that he should.
Alycia Chambers says she called DPW's child abuse hotline, but no record of that alleged report has ever become public, and the DPW investigator said he was unaware of such a report.
There is also no record of Chambers providing her report directly to the State College PD (which had jurisdiction over Sandusky's off-campus contacts with his victims); to Centre County CYS; or to the Second Mile, the children's charity which Sandusky used to target his victims. Just to refresh your recollection, unlike Chambers PSU's AD
did meet with Jack Raykovitz, the Second Mile's executive director, who did not acknowledge the import of what the AD told him. Raykovitz would not have been able to so easily dismiss the analysis and conclusions of a practicing child psychologist who had personally interviewed the victim.
As soon as DPW started its 1998 investigation, it was required to alert Second Mile to create a safety plan that would have kept Sandusky separated from children in the charity's programs. In case you've forgotten, DPW never did so.
It's not clear at all why you would hold the public agencies that have the expertise and legal authority to investigate, identify, and prosecute child abuse; a child psychologist in private practice who had knowledge of an active pedophile in the community; and a charity required to separate the abuser from his pool of victims to a lower standard of responsibility than you would a university with no particular expertise in any of those areas. Maybe virtue-signalling is necessary to make you feel better about all your own shortcomings?
It's even more mystifying why you'd come to this board to posture with the air of superior morality and wisdom while the entire Florida State community reeks with the stench of Professor Richard Feiock's decades of sexual abuse and harassment of vulnerable international students in the Askew School of Public Administration, where his grotesque behavior was public knowledge but ignored by FSU's administration for decades. It's clear you and the rest of the FSU community have learned only that the lure of rank hypocrisy is more powerful than the satisfaction of doing the right thing when your university is actively protecting a sexual predator on its payroll.