No. We're supporting the truth. Whatever that may be.
This whole thing got out of control because nobody, and I mean NOBODY, gave Jerry Sandusky the presumption of innocence he deserved.
- Joe and Spanier were fired because of that rush to judgment.
- Curley and Schultz had their lives ruined because of that rush to judgment.
- The BOT hired Freeh and colluded with the NCAA to bury the football program and destroy Joe's legacy because of that rush to judgment.
It should be clear to everybody by now (but it's not) that whatever Jerry did, Joe, Spanier, Curley and Schultz had nothing to do with enabling him. What they did do was to take reasonable steps to protect Jerry, TSM and PSU from the liability and bad publicity resulting from even a false accusation.
However, if Jerry is as guilty as some of you maintain, why aren't you up in arms because Jack Raykovitz wasn't charged? Why aren't you blaming the OAG for the corners it cut which has provided Jerry with a puncher's shot at receiving a new trial? Why aren't you faulting the child welfare agencies in PA that had oversight of TSM and paved the way for Jerry and Dottie to foster and adopt so many children?