FWIW I had a long chat over the phone with Mark Prendergast this past Saturday morning.
Obviously this entire tragic saga has so many moving parts - because so many entities were involved with their own petty agendas, petty vendettas, self interests, and personal/corporate motivations - a result that has cost 100's of millions of dollars and destroyed a lot of lives and reputations. Sparked by a singular lie of "anal rape in a Penn State shower" - which I think we can all agree on never happened. I've stated that belief to the Board at Public Comment. < zips up flamesuit >
Mark feels that Mike Gillum was responsible for the "anal rape" meme. I think Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina had a huge hand in that, possibly with an assist from Patrick Blessington. To be honest, I read Aaron Fisher's book so long ago, and my mind is just oatmeal anymore because there are so many moving parts to all this - so I'm not sure when exactly the "anal rape" idea first appeared. Did it flow from Aaron Fisher/Mike Gillum to the OAG, who escalated McQueary's "3 slapping sounds" - or did Fina's investigators fuel that down the line, because they were using the Phila Archdiocese as a template for prosecution?
Or was it a little of both?
Mark was not up to speed on the other players in this, and his interest is purely on the use of Repressed Memory Therapy. He feels that Jerry is totally innocent of all crimes. Which I have to disagree on - his conduct - should a parent want to escalate a complaint - would or could pose problems.
My biggest beef with Mark's line of thinking is the simple fact that as an adult, with a duty of care to the Second Mile clients, his family, his reputation - Jerry can be a positive role model to these kids and effect positive change in their lives and still do it while fully clothed, keeping his hands/lips/body parts to himself, not contact these minors via personal methods, distribute gifts/tickets/freebies thru Second Mile offices, not climb into bed with a minor, etc.
1,000s of adults are able to mentor young people EVERY DAY across Pennsylvania this way and not be accused of Indecent Exposure, Indecent Contact, Indecent Assault & Corruption of Minors. I don't think it's unreasonable for an Executive Director of a children's charitable non profit to familiarize themselves with PaCPSL, scroll through it and say to themselves "hmm - this could be a problem for me".
When the police set up a sting (!) in 1998 - most adults would be so mortified, they'd make sure they'd never be in such a situation again, lest they be wrongly accused - so what the EFF? I'm not buying the "naive" "goofy" "Leave It To Beaver" crap - your passion (besides coaching) is working with at-risk kids - you ought to be up to speed on the risks involved. Better yet - you sit down with your charity CEO and discuss how you can better protect everyone involved.
And I have to ask again - what the hell was going on over at Second Mile? Where the hell was the oversight?