The Jerry Sandusky Case: What Really Happened in Penn State’s Locker Room?

Yes, they were. (And I do too know some things! So there!)

PSU adjusting on defense to what the offenses were doing was a key part of winning many games. As effective as that, was that JVP developed many outstanding game plans that did not need a lot of adjustments to be made. He could break down offenses and their tendencies with the best of them. But when opposing coaches tweaked their offenses in preparation for PSU, JVP, with his assistants, did a good job of making halftime adjustments. My guess is nearly all the people on this board know that.

Growing from a mental age of 15 to 16 is a stressful time for youngsters such as you, and you're acting out. You should just put me on ignore until you can join the adult discussion table.

Anyone who really followed PSU football knows Paterno was an excellent recruiter and motivator.
However he wasn't an X's and O's guy. Perhaps you are too old and senile to remember.
Since you have been following this, what do those that have prosecuted Sandusky have to gain?
Have any acquired fame or fortune? Prosecuting a pedophile is to be expected. It is not
a career path to success.

They gained exactly what they wanted to
Unless a team is leading by 20 points at half time and sometimes even then.....adjustments are made at halftime of EVERY game at EVERY level. They may not be apparent to fans, but I have never been in a locker room in 52 years where "adjustments" were not discussed at half time.
Indeed Joe Paterno had an excellent reputation as an x's and o's coach. In the 70's the biggest HS football clinic in the east was in Atlantic City. This was before gambling I might add. Coaches could party all night. If JVP was on the agenda the next morning the lecture hall was packed. He ran a split 4 defense (8 man front) that was considered quite innovative at the time. In his first 10 or 15 years his reputation was that of a coach you didn't want to face if he had any time to prepare (bye week or bowl game).
The foundation that Joe built in the late 60's and the 70's was rock solid. Some of you really need to talk to someone with perspective. I know many felt Joe stayed way too long.........but actually he did pretty well for a senile old man 2005-2011. It is really funny to see the length to which some go to dismiss his abilities as if his 409 victories were only the result of longevity.
I attended my first spring practice-coaches clinic in 1972 and I can tell you when Joe spoke people put pencil to paper.
Anyone who really followed PSU football knows Paterno was an excellent recruiter and motivator.
However he wasn't an X's and O's guy. Perhaps you are too old and senile to remember.

I am old and senile. You got that correct. And have you seen my hat?

Anyone who really followed PSU football knows that JVP was an excellent motivator, recruiter, and Xs and Os guy.
He developed defenses in the late 60s that still have aspects in use today. Urban Meyer and Pat Fitzgerald have indicated to John Bacon that they still use parts of those innovative defenses today. JVP's '82 offense was ground-breaking as far as National Championship winning teams went at the time. I don't need to state how, because I would guess that almost everyone reading this knows that stat. The '94 offense was called the greatest college offense of all-time for a number of seasons after '94, and rightfully so. JVP knew how to structure his game plans to his talent. In '82, he had a strong D and an outstanding O. In '94, he had an ok D and a lights-out O. He game-planned accordingly. That's the Xs and Os aspects.
Yes, he recruited many great Jimmys and Joes, motivated them to excel on the field and in the classroom, and taught them football and life lessons better than any other coach ever. But he was also as smart a football coach as there ever was. I get this from reading about him, from having heard coaches speak about him, and from the players I knew or know.

Now, seriously, put me on ignore. After you give me back my hat.
They probably wake up with a smile on their face each morning knowing that they put that scumbag behind bars. I know I would.

This has nothing to do with JS but if they wake up with a smile on their face they are pretty sad human beings
This has nothing to do with JS but if they wake up with a smile on their face they are pretty sad human beings
What? This has everything to do with Jerry, and putting away a POS monster should make them smile. What an odd response.
Why don't you point out a game post 70's where halftime adjustments won it. And please
mention what adjustments were made.
Forget what bowl game but will never forget the 2nd half adjustments against Tennessee with us winning game. From my recollection Joe was really good at half time adjustments
Why don't you point out a game post 70's where halftime adjustments won it. And please
mention what adjustments were made.
Hey dumbass,
How about 48-14. Down 14-0 and number 1 team in the country driving to make it 21 -0.
We shut them out and score 48 unanswered. Think we made any adjustments. My goodness you are off the deep end.
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I really don't value the opinion of someone who thinks that putting a serial pedophile away for life is not the most important thing in this case.
Why do you insist on putting your retardation on display - over and over and over and over again - like the season's "hot toy" in the Macy's window?

You cowardly, anonymous little shit stick

You are one disgusting, vile, little douchebag........and a full blow idiot as a "bonus" :)

Other than that - you are KILLING IT, dude
Why do you insist on putting your retardation on display - over and over and over and over again - like the season's "hot toy" in the Macy's window?

You cowardly, anonymous little shit stick

You are one disgusting, vile, little douchebag........and a full blow idiot as a "bonus" :)

Other than that - you are KILLING IT, dude
Again, you should calm down before you hurt yourself. What an embarrassing post this is.
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Sometimes the obvious isn't always so obvious
Hey, there are guys on this board who have stated that even if they were to falsely accuse an innocent person of pedophilia and in the process ruined his/her life, they would sleep just fine. Not saying JS is innocent, but what does that tell you about the mindset of some of these people? Just no discussing issues with these type.
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I really don't value the opinion of someone who thinks that putting a serial pedophile away for life is not the most important thing in this case.
I doubt if you will find many here who value the opinions of Corbett, Fina, McGettigan, Beemer, Kelly and that whole Hee-Haw you have a lot of company in that regard :)
Stating that someone does not deserve a fair trial and then calling others morons. Lady's and gentleman, we have a winner!
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As you said, "Dranov then gave up on the question". Which means that he never got an answer to it. But anyone reading Pendergrast's article is going to come away believing that McQueary answered the question by saying that he didn't see a sex act, which is 100% incorrect.

The issue I have with his phrasing is very simple. Look at these sentences

Dranov asked if the boy had looked scared or upset. No. Did Mike actually see any sexual act? No. McQueary kept returning to the “sexual” sounds.

Clearly he's stating the Dranov asked a question, i.e. "Dranov asked. . .", and we are left to assume that the "No" is Mike's response. It logically follows then that he's trying to imply that Dranov asked the second question "Did Mike actually see . . .?", so when he follows it with "No", he certainly wants the reader to assume that "No" was McQueary's response". But it most certainly was not.

Any reasonable person would simply come away believing the fact that McQueary could not confirm he saw any specific sex act. McQueary could certainly guess as to what he saw but as he testified he could not confirm what he saw was sex. The jury convicted Sandusky on the rest of the Victim 2 counts based on course of conduct. Just as Sandusky's 1998 shower bear hug was dismissed as nonsexual so could've the McQueary incident. It is only in the context of the revelations made in the Grand Jury report that one can look back & assume the incident was definitely sexual. This is why the responsibility should fall squarely on the eye witness because once it becomes second hand there are too many ways for it to get misconstrued. It is absolutely clear that everyone McQueary reported to had less certainty about the incident than McQueary.
FWIW I had a long chat over the phone with Mark Prendergast this past Saturday morning.

Obviously this entire tragic saga has so many moving parts - because so many entities were involved with their own petty agendas, petty vendettas, self interests, and personal/corporate motivations - a result that has cost 100's of millions of dollars and destroyed a lot of lives and reputations. Sparked by a singular lie of "anal rape in a Penn State shower" - which I think we can all agree on never happened. I've stated that belief to the Board at Public Comment. < zips up flamesuit >

Mark feels that Mike Gillum was responsible for the "anal rape" meme. I think Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina had a huge hand in that, possibly with an assist from Patrick Blessington. To be honest, I read Aaron Fisher's book so long ago, and my mind is just oatmeal anymore because there are so many moving parts to all this - so I'm not sure when exactly the "anal rape" idea first appeared. Did it flow from Aaron Fisher/Mike Gillum to the OAG, who escalated McQueary's "3 slapping sounds" - or did Fina's investigators fuel that down the line, because they were using the Phila Archdiocese as a template for prosecution?

Or was it a little of both?

Mark was not up to speed on the other players in this, and his interest is purely on the use of Repressed Memory Therapy. He feels that Jerry is totally innocent of all crimes. Which I have to disagree on - his conduct - should a parent want to escalate a complaint - would or could pose problems.

My biggest beef with Mark's line of thinking is the simple fact that as an adult, with a duty of care to the Second Mile clients, his family, his reputation - Jerry can be a positive role model to these kids and effect positive change in their lives and still do it while fully clothed, keeping his hands/lips/body parts to himself, not contact these minors via personal methods, distribute gifts/tickets/freebies thru Second Mile offices, not climb into bed with a minor, etc.

1,000s of adults are able to mentor young people EVERY DAY across Pennsylvania this way and not be accused of Indecent Exposure, Indecent Contact, Indecent Assault & Corruption of Minors. I don't think it's unreasonable for an Executive Director of a children's charitable non profit to familiarize themselves with PaCPSL, scroll through it and say to themselves "hmm - this could be a problem for me".

When the police set up a sting (!) in 1998 - most adults would be so mortified, they'd make sure they'd never be in such a situation again, lest they be wrongly accused - so what the EFF? I'm not buying the "naive" "goofy" "Leave It To Beaver" crap - your passion (besides coaching) is working with at-risk kids - you ought to be up to speed on the risks involved. Better yet - you sit down with your charity CEO and discuss how you can better protect everyone involved.

And I have to ask again - what the hell was going on over at Second Mile? Where the hell was the oversight?
FWIW I had a long chat over the phone with Mark Prendergast this past Saturday morning.

Obviously this entire tragic saga has so many moving parts - because so many entities were involved with their own petty agendas, petty vendettas, self interests, and personal/corporate motivations - a result that has cost 100's of millions of dollars and destroyed a lot of lives and reputations. Sparked by a singular lie of "anal rape in a Penn State shower" - which I think we can all agree on never happened. I've stated that belief to the Board at Public Comment. < zips up flamesuit >

Mark feels that Mike Gillum was responsible for the "anal rape" meme. I think Franky "Porn Fingers" Fina had a huge hand in that, possibly with an assist from Patrick Blessington. To be honest, I read Aaron Fisher's book so long ago, and my mind is just oatmeal anymore because there are so many moving parts to all this - so I'm not sure when exactly the "anal rape" idea first appeared. Did it flow from Aaron Fisher/Mike Gillum to the OAG, who escalated McQueary's "3 slapping sounds" - or did Fina's investigators fuel that down the line, because they were using the Phila Archdiocese as a template for prosecution?

Or was it a little of both?

Mark was not up to speed on the other players in this, and his interest is purely on the use of Repressed Memory Therapy. He feels that Jerry is totally innocent of all crimes. Which I have to disagree on - his conduct - should a parent want to escalate a complaint - would or could pose problems.

My biggest beef with Mark's line of thinking is the simple fact that as an adult, with a duty of care to the Second Mile clients, his family, his reputation - Jerry can be a positive role model to these kids and effect positive change in their lives and still do it while fully clothed, keeping his hands/lips/body parts to himself, not contact these minors via personal methods, distribute gifts/tickets/freebies thru Second Mile offices, not climb into bed with a minor, etc.

1,000s of adults are able to mentor young people EVERY DAY across Pennsylvania this way and not be accused of Indecent Exposure, Indecent Contact, Indecent Assault & Corruption of Minors. I don't think it's unreasonable for an Executive Director of a children's charitable non profit to familiarize themselves with PaCPSL, scroll through it and say to themselves "hmm - this could be a problem for me".

When the police set up a sting (!) in 1998 - most adults would be so mortified, they'd make sure they'd never be in such a situation again, lest they be wrongly accused - so what the EFF? I'm not buying the "naive" "goofy" "Leave It To Beaver" crap - your passion (besides coaching) is working with at-risk kids - you ought to be up to speed on the risks involved. Better yet - you sit down with your charity CEO and discuss how you can better protect everyone involved.

And I have to ask again - what the hell was going on over at Second Mile? Where the hell was the oversight?

I think we both know what the mantra was at TSM....."Don't piss off Jerry we have a good thing going here....." Corbett's marching orders were to get the job done without exposing those who have run The Commonwealth for decades and have a penchant for malfeasance, especially in regard to charitable organizations (note*see Hershey Trust.).
Any reasonable person would simply come away believing the fact that McQueary could not confirm he saw any specific sex act. McQueary could certainly guess as to what he saw but as he testified he could not confirm what he saw was sex. The jury convicted Sandusky on the rest of the Victim 2 counts based on course of conduct. Just as Sandusky's 1998 shower bear hug was dismissed as nonsexual so could've the McQueary incident. It is only in the context of the revelations made in the Grand Jury report that one can look back & assume the incident was definitely sexual. This is why the responsibility should fall squarely on the eye witness because once it becomes second hand there are too many ways for it to get misconstrued. It is absolutely clear that everyone McQueary reported to had less certainty about the incident than McQueary.

People need to quit debating any of Mikes testimony. Just stick Johns testimony in any ones face who claims Mike saw anything more than nothing. It is meaningless now as to what Mike claims he "really" saw. Mikes father had no reason to lie in his testimony and he spoke directly to Mike on the phone moments after the incident.

And as the eye witnesses father testified to...The eye witness MOMENTS after he saw JS in the shower with a boy, called home and told his father, NOT ONCE BUT TWICE that HE SAW NOTHING other than JS in the shower with a boy. He doubled down on admitting to his dad he saw no sort of sexual contact, he SAW NOTHING. After that phone call, everything he told others about what he saw that was not that he SAW NOTHING was manufactured in his head. Who cares about the freaking sounds Mike, you told your DAD TWICE YOU SAW NOTHING.
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