You betch yer ass... that's what we need... players opting out the moment their hopes for a playoff berth are extinguished. Do it!Then you can look at the regular season once we (and any team) are eliminated from the playoff as meaningless. At that point why would a regular season game mean something if we are playing for a meaningless bowl? Is the Rose Bowl now rendered meaningless?
Finally, when you go suit up and compete it means something. There is pride and momentum for the off season. Nevertheless I get the bigger point but you then have to relent and agree that most of the regular season is meaningless once the playoff is out of reach. Heck, why should any team say outside the top 15 even bother to play at all every season?
Of course, THEN these well meaning pillars of society would no longer be manning up to their commitment and forced to relinquish their scholies and graduate status. But hey, they never gave a rats ass anyway, so who cares? Not them, not me.
You want to quit, then gtfoh. See ya. Pronto (and no, you fins some other locale in which to conduct your "pro day" cuz you are no longer one of US). And btw, kindly return ALL of what you were given when you committed to play here (or anywhere). And they need to start doing the same with the coaches. too. Design contracts to have teeth in the event some pighead decides he wants even more millions elsewhere. Make him PAY for that joy... and pay dearly.
But that's my pov... not asking anyone to agree. But this BS has gutted CFB for many like me and left me (and others) with a who gives a crap about cfb anymore? There's a game monday night? Damn, forgot all about it and scheduled a round of pinochle with friends. Bummer.
CFB? Who cares? Expand the playoff to 16 (make the NY6 part of that round) or watch your sport wither and die on the vine of greed and ignorance. I'm at a point where i hope it all crashes and i actually hope to awake one day and feel different because this is not how it was even 6 years ago when i still loved this game.
Rather rake leaves but i live in the free state of florida so leaves are out.... think instead i'll take a long pull on a vintage port and smoke me a big fat Davidoff while watching the sun set over the ocean. Long before i watch bama and georgia... good riddance.