Thoughts on new PSU AA prez Randy Houston? *

I cannot tell you how excited I am to hear this news.
As someone who knows him well, he’s a great guy. He is very bright and has a long history of service to Penn State. He’s an attorney, musician, and playwright - a real renaissance man. He had been volunteering his time and effort to helping Penn State for decades. Those among you who are critical don’t know squat.
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As someone who knows him well, he’s a great guy. He is very bright and has a long history of service to Penn State. He’s an attorney, musician, and playwright - a real renaissance man. He had been volunteering his time and effort to helping Penn State for decades. Those among you who are critical don’t know squat.

Looks like he's an aspiring Symphony Conductor with those constant hand gestures. BTW, that arrogant "you sound like Rutgers fans" crack, not surprisingly, went over like a lead-ballon.

It's all neat and wonderful that you like him, but the guy came across as a complete tool in that video.
As someone who knows him well, he’s a great guy. He is very bright and has a long history of service to Penn State. He’s an attorney, musician, and playwright - a real renaissance man. He had been volunteering his time and effort to helping Penn State for decades. Those among you who are critical don’t know squat.
I have no reason to doubt you on all of the above, but I have a question:
What is required to rise to the position of PSU AA President?
I’ll give you a hint on the answer:
None of the above!
Looks like he's an aspiring Symphony Conductor with those constant hand gestures. BTW, that arrogant "you sound like Rutgers fans" crack, not surprisingly, went over like a lead-ballon.

It's all neat and wonderful that you like him, but the guy came across as a complete tool in that video.

He may be a tool, but he’s our tool.
Whatever. Yawn. At least my opinion is informed. Remember due process? Those critical have no real idea and just like to criticize.
As someone who knows him well, he’s a great guy. He is very bright and has a long history of service to Penn State. He’s an attorney, musician, and playwright - a real renaissance man. He had been volunteering his time and effort to helping Penn State for decades. Those among you who are critical don’t know squat.

I don't know the man, but I do know the organization he leads and that tells me quite a lot.
Wait? Till when?

What he will do?

What’s he gonna’ do?
Is that even in question?
(Spoiler: Absolutely nothing of impact, and then - in two years - take up another seat as a Scoundrel-Appointed member of the BOT. It is what it is.)

AA President is nothing more than a patronage job so one shouldn’t expect much other than rah, rah, and send us money.
AA President is nothing more than a patronage job so one shouldn’t expect much other than rah, rah, and send us money.

On the one hand, they should engage the older alumni who have money, but on the other hand, it's better for them to engage the younger alumni who aren't yet jaded and who don't remember 2011-2012. They don't want to hear what many older alumni think.
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Geez, can we at least wait and see what the man does before passing judgment on him?

The Alumni Association, as now constituted, does not reflect my values and interests. I think it is fair to say that if Mr. Houston does reflect my values and interests, he would not be President. It is possible that he may come in and turn the organization upside down, in which case he will earn my gratitude and my best wishes as he walks (or is tossed) out the door, as he will not serve long as President.
Got a note from someone who had a conversation with Randy Houston, and he's firmly in the "move on" crowd. Randy was skeptical about the conflicts of interest between PSU and TSM, and JVP being thrown under the bus. Contact said Randy seemed like a good guy, but completely oblivious to the dynamics surrounding JVP with no interest in setting the record straight. He told him that's not the role of the Alumni Association. So, about as expected.
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Got a note from someone who had a conversation with Randy Houston, and he's firmly in the "move on" crowd. Randy was skeptical about the conflicts of interest between PSU and TSM, and JVP being thrown under the bus. No interest in setting the record straight. So, about as expected.
I do remember Houston being involved in some negative shit about Joe. Says it all . He's a fake and a nut licker.

The AA needs both a CEO and a President? Has that always been the case? Makes me wonder how many VPs are on the org chart? How does this compare to other schools our size and with a large AA structure?

And why?!

I'm sure I'm missing something or just not understanding something regarding the need for such a structure.

Edit: Never mind - I missed Stormin's post about the org structure before I typed this one. Still, seems to be excessively heavy at the top of the chart.
Two different positions:

Cliffy is the (ginormously-paid.... seriously) CEO of the Alumni Association.

(How do you like that title?)

He is a highly-salaried dope (well into the six-figures..... paid for with your generous contributions to the "Alumni Association" :) ).

This other guy - Houston - is the "President of the Alumni Association"..... following in the footsteps of Kevin Steele, and Steve Wagman.
That is a position which USED TO BE voted on (by folks from Alumni Council, who - in turn - were voted in by PSU Alumni).
Now that that position leads to an automatic seat on the BOT, that person (the "President") is simply selected..... so as to insure complete "sycophantry".

The crypt-keeper was the first of the PSU AA Past-Presidents to take an appointed BOT seat.... followed by Kevin Steele.... and now occupied by Steve Wagman (Try and find three douchier douchebags.... you'd be hard pressed)

And now this Houston character is "next in the procession".... and will take a BOT seat in two years.

It's interesting the lengths they go through to hide how much Red Doggie makes.
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As someone who knows him well, he’s a great guy. He is very bright and has a long history of service to Penn State. He’s an attorney, musician, and playwright - a real renaissance man. He had been volunteering his time and effort to helping Penn State for decades. Those among you who are critical don’t know squat.

Save your keystrokes. The Nattering Nabobs of Negativism on this board take a weird glee in smearing and despising everyone who has been associated with the University post 11/9/11.
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