Thoughts on recent Walking Dead episodes (spoilers)

Ranger Dan

Well-Known Member
Gold Member
Aug 31, 2003
York PA
I haven't seen any threads on the recent episodes of the walking dead. What are your thoughts?

I like that that Eugene is having a more prominent role, and I like his character as a break from every other tough guy survivor. Also, it seems that Eugene and Dwight might be kindred spirits... maybe they will help take down Negan from the inside.

I have nothing against the content of the episodes, but I am missing some continuity with specific characters and storylines... like what is going on with Maggie/Jesus? is Carol safe from Richard?

Where is Rick going to get all of the guns he needs? The obvious thought is the woman only group that Tara ran into.

What is the time frame where Rick is rounding up support from different smaller groups? Is this days, or weeks, or months?
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I haven't seen any threads on the recent episodes of the walking dead. What are your thoughts?

I like that that Eugene is having a more prominent role, and I like his character as a break from every other tough guy survivor. Also, it seems that Eugene and Dwight might be kindred spirits... maybe they will help take down Negan from the inside.

I have nothing against the content of the episodes, but I am missing some continuity with specific characters and storylines... like what is going on with Maggie/Jesus? is Carol safe from Richard?

Where is Rick going to get all of the guns he needs? The obvious thought is the woman only group that Tara ran into.

What is the time frame where Rick is rounding up support from different smaller groups? Is this days, or weeks, or months?

Dwight seemed awfully quick to forgive Eugene for biting his crank, but hey that's life under Negan!

Should be pretty clear to even the uninitiated that Eugene is completely playing the Saviors. Brought out his old hits to make himself seem less of a threat.

Maggie/Jesus have effectively taken over Hilltop, and peeps there are ready to fight.

In the comics, Rick assembles the communities fairly quickly, a week or so. I think we will see something else happen in the Kingdom to escalate their involvement.
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Ya I agree Eugene is playing them. He's a coward but I think he is overly playing it to fool Negan. He recently found his balls when the wolves attacked last season so he's not that much of a coward. He was grinning when he walked away from Negan in the one scene like he knew Negan feel for his act.
Yes, the moment he started talking about the human genome project, I knew something was up. I wasn't sure whether he was just lying to save himself from a beating or if he was playing Negan. I'm anxious to see whether Eugene has something up his sleeve or not.
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Yes, the moment he started talking about the human genome project, I knew something was up. I wasn't sure whether he was just lying to save himself from a beating or if he was playing Negan. I'm anxious to see whether Eugene has something up his sleeve or not.

I think he was just trying to save himself and went into survival mode like he did with Abe

Oh, and loved this little easter egg from the previous episode

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they'll go get the guns from the place that was all women and girls that we saw a few episodes back

Yeah, that is kind of inevitable, but I wonder what drama will be associated with this? There is no evidence that the Saviors are bothering with the woman/girl group, so maybe they won't want to join in. If so, will Rick try to take the guns by force?
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Yeah, that is kind of inevitable, but I wonder what drama will be associated with this? There is no evidence that the Saviors are bothering with the woman/girl group, so maybe they won't want to join in. If so, will Rick try to take the guns by force?
remember that the women fled and hid after the Saviors killed all of their men and boys, so they hate the saviors- but Rick would certainly take them by force if he needed to
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remember that the women fled and hid after the Saviors killed all of their men and boys, so they hate the saviors- but Rick would certainly take them by force if he needed to
Oh, yeah, I remember now that the men had all been killed, but I was missing that connection. It will take convincing, but I don't think it will take a fight.

I wonder if there are any more groups that we don't yet know about? No comic spoilers please. I think the junk yard people that took the preacher came out of nowhere. Maybe there were signs, but I don't recall.