Thread on testing & treatment research for COVID-19

well that sucks. Means J&J has some pretty large production issues they have not been able to solve in the past couple of months so unless they just miraculously solved them, doesn't appear they will add much to the mix before Memorial day. I also think this is why the FDA waited a month before scheduling the EUA meeting as if they will only have a few million by end of month, that means they had about nothing in mid-January. So to approve the J&J vaccine earlier was not going to do much as they didn't have any vaccines to distribute. Must be some pretty recent revelations in the last week by J&J as Fauci was on just a couple of weeks ago talking about opening up vaccines to the masses in mid/late April. So for him to say that and now have to backtrack to June, means that he was given some bad information from J&J as to the quantity of vaccines available and production issues they are having.
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I also think this is why the FDA waited a month before scheduling the EUA meeting as if they will only have a few million by end of month, that means they had about nothing in mid-January. So to approve the J&J vaccine earlier was not going to do much as they didn't have any vaccines to distribute.

You're reaching there. I know somebody that's on the FDA's Vaccines and Related Biological Products Advisory Committee -- the group that is meeting on Feb. 26th to review the J&J vaccine candidate. The scheduling of the meeting had nothing to do with J&J's production capabilities, or what the FDA did or did not know about J&J's production.
This is a troubling study regarding the Pfizer vaccine against the B.1.351 variant (the so-called South African variant)

an informative article

and an interesting piece I heard on the radio (transcript here) about the testing for the Pfizer and the Moderna vaccines. It talks about what they are still testing with the participants, and how the studies have been hampered by the majority (not all) of the participants that got the placebo opting to get vaccinated.

That's not new news, unfortunately.

it gets confusing when they intermix doses and people vaccinated as obviously the latter is half. I thought Biden announced enough vaccines for 200M people or400m doses by end of may and 600M doses or 300M people by end of July already earlier this month.
Either way good news they Pfizer is kicking but on that front as with the bad news of J&J having major issues we need Pfizer and Moderna to keep it up.