So the whole article is about mutations that will make the current not work but they don't say what not work really is as Fauci has said numerous occasions that all vaccines to date have had nobody die and only like 1 or 2 people of the many thousand in phase 2 and 3 trials need to be hospatilized. Then there is the cut and paste below from our friend at PSU which says that a mutation of a virus has never occured that has made a vaccine not operable. So between Fauci and Dr. Kennedy, I am confused what exactly this Dr. Goodman is trying to say.
When viruses replicate, Penn State biologist David Kennedy, PhD, explained in an interview, the cycle is like a classic childhood game. “Viruses copying themselves, it’s almost like a game of telephone,” said Kennedy, who studies pathogen evolution. “They repeat what they thought they heard, so they make mistakes all the time.”
Despite those many mistakes, Kennedy noted, he’s unaware of any vaccines against viral diseases other than seasonal flu that have had to be updated because of changes in the virus. Hepatitis B virus developed “vaccine escape mutations,” but they posed no health risks, he said.
definitely something strange going on in NJ as the numbers for daily positives is like a 45 degree angle going up. NY seems pretty flat lined. Good things even though cases going up, fatality rate still holding steady and actually ticking down slightly. So definitely an outbreak occurring in NJ, I know that a local youth hockey team that my son's friend plays on literally all came down with it so it is definitely going around.
The Centers for Disease Control and Prevention revised recommendations for school settings on Friday. Among them are being able to keep 3 feet distance instead of 6 feet when everyone is wearing a mask.