This article actually proves that masks don't work. The subjects of the study were wearing medical masks, not N95's. They talk about how masks probably reduce transmissions, but were able to prove that don't stop transmissions.I had seen references to this study a few times, and finally tracked it down.
Transmission of Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome Coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) From Asymptomatic and Presymptomatic Individuals in Healthcare Settings Despite Medical Masks and Eye Protection
Abstract. We describe 3 instances of severe acute respiratory syndrome coronavirus 2 (SARS-CoV-2) transmission despite medical masks and eye protection,
This article actually proves that masks don't work. The subjects of the study were wearing medical masks, not N95's. They talk about how masks probably reduce transmissions, but were able to prove that don't stop transmissions.
You need to reread the report. It does prove that masks don't work. Not a theory, they actually proved that the three people in the study caught the disease from different patients and that all three medical professionals were wearing masks and eye protection throughout their time spent with the patients. So three medical personnel and isn't statistically significant, is that your point? They actually proved that people with covid transmit the virus to medical professionals wearing their protective gear. What percent, doesn't matter, as it's a fact that it happens. Weren't we recently told that masks are better than vaccine? So far, and based on a massive amount of data, the vaccine is 100% when it comes to death. smh indeed.smh
that's like identifying someone that has received two doses of the Pfizer vaccine, and still contracts the virus, and stating that they prove that the Pfizer vaccine doesn't work. The Phase III testing data on the Pfizer vaccine shows that it's 95% effective at preventing the disease. Thus a rare contraction from somebody in the 5% category doesn't disprove that 95% of the folks that received the vaccine got something that didn't work.
From the actual study:
"Multiple studies report that cloth masks and medical masks are associated with fewer infections; it is therefore likely that masks lower infectious inoculum and the probability of infection but do not eliminate it.[1] Infection risk occurs along a continuum where risk is moderated by multiple factors including viral burden in the source, quantity and density of respiratory emissions, mask filtration and fit, eye protection, distance between the source and exposed individual, duration of exposure, quality of ventilation, vaccination status, and host immunity.[11] No one factor is perfectly protective (and its absence does not guarantee infection) but each component is likely additive."
(the bold was added by me)
also from the actual study:
"Limitations of our study include the lack of population level data quantifying the frequency of transmissions despite medical masks, the possibility that transmission may have taken place via fomites or self-contamination rather than via mask failure, and the chance that transmission may have taken place via unidentified intermediaries under different circumstances from the ones we describe. In each case, however, the interactions and time sequences we described are plausible and whole genome sequencing demonstrated perfect homology between source and exposed parties."
In short, the study does not prove that masks don't work.
The biggest issue is that these were all healthcare workers. Meaning they spend long shifts being exposed. Meaning they get a massive load and dose of viruses. In that scenario the masks get overloaded, people make adjustments to masks and shields, PPE gets bumped or shifted.......stuff happens.You need to reread the report. It does prove that masks don't work. Not a theory, they actually proved that the three people in the study caught the disease from different patients and that all three medical professionals were wearing masks and eye protection throughout their time spent with the patients. So three medical personnel and isn't statistically significant, is that your point? They actually proved that people with covid transmit the virus to medical professionals wearing their protective gear. What percent, doesn't matter, as it's a fact that it happens. Weren't we recently told that masks are better than vaccine? So far, and based on a massive amount of data, the vaccine is 100% when it comes to death. smh indeed.