Right, and I guess that is the problem I having trouble with. Iowa is free to recruit outside of Iowa just like everyone else. In fact, Aren't all their current studs from the great commonwealth of Pennsylvania? I've been wrong before, But I see, all current trends maintaining as they are, that Iowa will not much longer be the class of Iowa. And yes, ISU has a rich history, but they were a wasteland and the are not a wasteland anymore.and it's only be a year +. To answer the former question, if DT is struggling to stay in the top 3 and meanwhile, Pitt is nipping at our heels, I'd be anxious, as well.
Their present lineup studs and all....Marinelli is from Ohio.
125 PA
133 PA
141 PA
149 FL
157 PA
165 OH
174 IA, Kem PA inj
184 IA
197 ILL
285 MN
Hey any hawk posters....that Jeremiah Moody seems he might be a fun personality?! His team picture is great!!