tOSU and UM discussion

In 2002 with the score tied at was a third and long and you had a receiver hit the ground before securing the ball...unlike with a running play the ground can cause an was the wrong call and michigan should have gotten the ball back with good field position and plenty of time. Michigan could have won that game before...

Well a few plays later one of your receivers catches a ball and it is ruled out of bounds...that was the wrong call too and I know you guys complain you could of won the game (before it went to OT and you lost).

You guys point that out that the second call lost you the game...but here's the thing...if Michigan didn't get screwed on a play shortly before THAT PLAY NEVER HAPPENS. So at worst (for PSU) it evens out...but you guys claim it is proof of a conspiracy...smh
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How about ruling a 30 yard incompletion with only 42 seconds left a "catch" when the receivers first foot to hit the ground clearly is on the OB stripe? How about not even reviewing the call despite the b1g shiz-hole's "Instant Replay Rule" protocol saying that any play inside the last 2 minutes of the game which is even remotely close will automatically be reviewed by the "Replay Booth"? Go figure that the officiating (both field and replay booth) had all these breakdowns on "the critical call" that allowed Michigan to ruin PSU's undefeated season in 2005 - a horrendous BS call that cost PSU an undefeated seeason and a shot at the National Title Game that year....but it was all just a big double f'up horrendous butchering of an easy call by both the on-field and replay booth officials....a coinky-dink, don't you know. Go figure......
Hahaha you must've had a special angle on that one because it was a catch in bounds at least according to everyone outside the Penn state fan base. Michigan still had to make plays to win, Penn state could've made a play as well but they didn't. Regardless a bad call doesn't show that the Big Bad BIG 10
Is trying to keep Penn state down, its a bad call they happen in every game every Saturday all across college football
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If officiating isn't crooked why do we have " CONFERENCE " officials, officials should be on a national pool selected by lottery every week,and that should be their only job.





Aside from the pass interference obviously, any one of those calls, called correctly, ends the game in regulation with Ohio State up 17-14.

Oh I know exactly where the real revenue is. And the TV deal is driven by what the networks can sell advertising for, which is driven by how many people are watching the games. More people will watch the games if they're between top 10 ranked teams. More people will watch Penn State if they're competing for a national title at the end of the year. Penn State is more valuable to the Big Ten TV contracts at 12-0 at the end of the 2005 and 2008 regular seasons than Michigan and Iowa are at 7-4 and 8-4. The Big Ten would be getting a bigger contract than they're going to get if Ohio State, Penn State and Michigan had traded and played national titles over the past decade like Alabama, LSU and Auburn.

Tell me where the upside is for the Big Ten to acquire Penn State, one of the biggest brands in the sport, and systematically devalue it over two decades? You don't have depreciation to write off, you only get the value on the upside.

So why would Iowa do this? Why would they listen to the Big Ten to potentially jeopardize their season? A playoff appearance is better for Iowa than Michigan winning 9-10 games. What is the Big Ten going to do to force Iowa to release Rudock?

What was the final score of that Illinois-Ohio State game? Did Illinois score on that possession? I'll have to watch a replay of that Ohio State-Miami game.

No response on Delaney getting illegal players to play in the Bowl game? Like he'd do that for any other Big team not named UM or O$U?
A questionable pass interference call against UofM in the 2013 allowed Penn State to stay alive to score and tie the game which they ended up winning in OT

What was the final score of that Illinois-Ohio State game? Did Illinois score on that possession? I'll have to watch a replay of that Ohio State-Miami game.

No response on Delaney getting illegal players to play in the Bowl game? Like he'd do that for any other Big team not named UM or O$U?

Delaney never had any illegal player from UM play in any bowl game so I guess don't somehow lump UofM in with OSU on that
So far you have shown 1 game against UofM over 10 years ago to try to prove the big 10 is somehow trying to keep Penn state down. I simply pointed out that bitching about seconds put back on the clock goes both ways Joe Paterno did the same thing in the very same game.

I listed different situations with OSU as well. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, there is a conspiracy. But it's pretty hard to watch year after year and at least not admit there is a bias against PSU by certain officials. Again, why are other team's fans always explaining away crucial calls that were integral in wins against PSU but we never have to explain away calls that were integral in PSU winning? Let me guess, the next 22 years we will get our share of game changing calls that help us win against OSU and UM...after all, they're supposed to balance out, right?
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Which game? Are you going back to 2005? If so that time was rightfully put back on the clock but also don't forget Joe argued and had 2 seconds put back on the clock in that game. Are you saying that was incorrect as well?

Let me guess, Avant's 30 yard catch with only 42 seconds was made in-bounds too...LMFAO at how shameless you scUM b1g shizhole fans are.
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A questionable pass interference call against UofM in the 2013 allowed Penn State to stay alive to score and tie the game which they ended up winning in OT

Delaney never had any illegal player from UM play in any bowl game so I guess don't somehow lump UofM in with OSU on that

A questionable call is not the same as an outright wrong call that was upheld by replay.
A questionable pass interference call against UofM in the 2013 allowed Penn State to stay alive to score and tie the game which they ended up winning in OT

Delaney never had any illegal player from UM play in any bowl game so I guess don't somehow lump UofM in with OSU on that

No, but he did "go to bat" for Michigan in regards to Michigan's bull$hit whitewash report to the NCAA regarding the Fab5 / Ed Martin affair. The NCAA absolved scUM based on this sham b1g supported report only to be embarrassed years later when the FBI Investigation of Ed Martin proved the b1g supported report by scUM to be nothing but a pile of self-serving lies.
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Scheduling conspiracy favors Penn State.
Since Penn State joined the Big they have had open dates before the Ohio State game in 2014,2013,1998,1994,1993. Ohio State had open dates in 2010 and 1998. Penn State is also open before this years game.
Penn State also has had open dates for 4 Michigan games and will be open again in 2017.
Pretty favorable scheduling set up by the Big.
What was the final score of that Illinois-Ohio State game? Did Illinois score on that possession? I'll have to watch a replay of that Ohio State-Miami game.

No response on Delaney getting illegal players to play in the Bowl game? Like he'd do that for any other Big team not named UM or O$U?
Yes Illinois did score and defeated the #1 Buckeyes.
I listed different situations with OSU as well. I'm not saying, nor have I ever said, there is a conspiracy. But it's pretty hard to watch year after year and at least not admit there is a bias against PSU by certain officials. Again, why are other team's fans always explaining away crucial calls that were integral in wins against PSU but we never have to explain away calls that were integral in PSU winning? Let me guess, the next 22 years we will get our share of game changing calls that help us win against OSU and UM...after all, they're supposed to balance out, right?
OK my apologies I was more responding to the whack jobs saying there is some huge conspiracy in the big 10. I would say calls have went against PSU and some strange ones but you must also acknowledge calls have also went against other big 10 teams including UofM and OSU. It's an officiating problem more than anything else
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Fair enough. Many people feel bad calls even out over the course of a game. The problem with the 2014 OSU game was there were no calls which resulted in us getting a free possession or three free points. You can even look back a decade ago when OSU converted a big third down on a clearly dropped pass to the TE. It may be true none of the botched calls were intentional and the game officials are simply incompetent. If that's the case the conference should hire people who are competent - but they don't. The definition of job security is "Big Ten official".

So you are making your argument based on the 2014 game, which I will agree there were some bad calls, and then a play that happened a decade earlier?
No, but he did "go to bat" for Michigan in regards to Michigan's bull$hit whitewash report to the NCAA regarding the Fab5 / Ed Martin affair. The NCAA absolved scUM based on this sham b1g supported report only to be embarrassed years later when the FBI Investigation of Ed Martin proved the b1g supported report by scUM to be nothing but a pile of self-serving lies.
OK and? I thought this about some Big 10 conspiracy against Penn State some of you guys have concocted
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Honestly believe the fix was in a few years back with a handful of referines acting as the 12th man for Michigan. Dave Parry, David Witvoet, Dick Honig, Bill LeMonnier, among others. Makes you wonder if any of them had relationships with UM gambler/booster Ed Martin who illegally funded the Fab 5.

OSU has enjoyed a number of very fortunate calls against Penn State, but nobody's benefitted from the referines quite like Michigan. OSU doesn't seem to have the refs in their pocket outside of a handful of really egregious games against Penn State.

Today, the only one who I really suspect might be compromised beyond incompetence is John O'Neill.
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No, but he did "go to bat" for Michigan in regards to Michigan's bull$hit whitewash report to the NCAA regarding the Fab5 / Ed Martin affair. The NCAA absolved scUM based on this sham b1g supported report only to be embarrassed years later when the FBI Investigation of Ed Martin proved the b1g supported report by scUM to be nothing but a pile of self-serving lies.
Michigan took a big hit for the Martin scandal however Martin wasnt paying players to go to UofM he was giving loans as a way to launder money from illegal gambling, he gave money to kids at other schools. The reason UofM got nailed was Fisher wasn't on top of it when Martin decided to become a booster, the lack of control was the major violation. I don't see a problem with the Big Ten trying to help UofM avoid penalties. Now I'm sure you're pissed about the PSU sanctions and the Big 10's involvment but that was a difficult scenario child sexual abuse is a touchy subject
Honestly believe the fix was in a few years back with a handful of referines acting as the 12th man for Michigan. Dave Parry, David Witvoet, Dick Honig, Bill LeMonnier, among others. Makes you wonder if any of them had relationships with UM gambler/booster Bill Martin who illegally funded the Fab 5.

OSU has enjoyed a number of very fortunate calls against Penn State, but nobody's benefitted from the referines quite like Michigan. OSU doesn't seem to have the refs on their side outside of a handful of egregious games against Penn State.

Today, the only one who I really suspect might be compromised beyond incompetence is John O'Neill.
Examples please? Also ed Martin loaned money to multiple Detroit area basketball players that went to different schools not just UofM he never gave money to a player so they would go to Michigan
Scheduling conspiracy favors Penn State.
Since Penn State joined the Big they have had open dates before the Ohio State game in 2014,2013,1998,1994,1993. Ohio State had open dates in 2010 and 1998. Penn State is also open before this years game.
Penn State also has had open dates for 4 Michigan games and will be open again in 2017.
Pretty favorable scheduling set up by the Big.

No no no no. Please only post facts (or assumptions) that support the argument that all the world is against PSU.

Here's a question for the PSU fanbase. If there is a conspiracy against the N. Lions, why aren't the coaches and administrators for your school complaining? And as fans, why aren't you complaining to your school officials to try to change things? Or do you feel you are more productive by trying to champion an echo chamber for your woes on a message board?
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No no no no. Please only post facts (or assumptions) that support the argument that all the world is against PSU.

Here's a question for the PSU fanbase. If there is a conspiracy against the N. Lions, why aren't the coaches and administrators for your school complaining? And as fans, why aren't you complaining to your school officials to try to change things? Or do you feel you are more productive by trying to champion an echo chamber for your woes on a message board?

I'm not saying there's a conspiracy but if you think the coaches aren't complaining, then you haven't been listening. Paterno complained for years, which is largely what led to replay. CJF wanted to complain but said he didn't want to get fined. Believe me, it hasn't been quiet from the coaching side of things but apparently you're not listening.
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Here's a question for the PSU fanbase. If there is a conspiracy against the N. Lions, why aren't the coaches and administrators for your school complaining? And as fans, why aren't you complaining to your school officials to try to change things? Or do you feel you are more productive by trying to champion an echo chamber for your woes on a message board?
How do you think instant replay came to college football? That's the validation you've been requesting.
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How do you think instant replay came to college football? .
Because there were bad calls on both sides of the ball in the 2002 in hurt both teams...he brought light to it but it wasn't because only PSU was getting screwed.
And btw...the fact Joe Pa was a driver behind instant replay ACTUALLY proves the point there is no conspiracy against PSU and/or in favor of other teams. The B10 made made a big step because of Joe Pa...they didn't tell him to stfu and mind his own business while the cabal do you guys not connect these's really delusional
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How about conference commissioners who re-instate players who took illegal benefits to play in a bowl game so the TO$ U wouldn't be embarrassed by another SEC team trouncing them in a bowl game? Delaney would do that for every BIG team right?

Please show me where bad calls went against O $ U? Miami would love to see that too. The official crosses his arms incomplete and then eight seconds later, eight seconds later!, the same official remembers, oh wait, fix this for OlieO $ tate and then calls a bogus PI on Miami. You remember, the season where that Rhoades Scholar Maurice Clarrett played.

Bad call against Ohio State? 2007 Illinois game. It cost OSU the game.

Maurice Clarett has problems, lack of intelligence isn't one of them. He actually graduated HS early. He's a bright guy that has made some very poor decisions.
The Big11Ten told Paterno to STFU until he said it'd be a shame if Penn State had to start looking for another conference.
Whatever makes you feel better about yourself.

The Big11Ten told Paterno to STFU until he said it'd be a shame if Penn State had to start looking for another conference. one point you guys claimed Joe Pa didn't have the authority to stop the Sandusky stuff...that he was a cog and did what he could in the system and the other people in that system you are saying he had ultimate power over the BOG, president, AD etc. to take PSU to another guys are a trip
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Lol one point you guys claimed Joe Pa didn't have the authority to stop the Sandusky stuff...that he was a cog and did what he could in the system and the other people in that system you are saying he had ultimate power over the BOG, president, AD etc. to take PSU to another guys are a trip

Methinks you doth protest too much.
Bad call against Ohio State? 2007 Illinois game. It cost OSU the game.

Maurice Clarett has problems, lack of intelligence isn't one of them. He actually graduated HS early. He's a bright guy that has made some very poor decisions.

Let's not forget: Tressel had ample opportunity to have that play reviewed. For some strange reason (all the folks up in the booth had access to the replay on the ABC broadcast), Tressel declined.

Why not a review? Shouldn't at least SOME of the blame go to Tressel on that one?

The claim that "it cost OSU the game" is clearly not a statement of fact. Illinois won by 7. Fine, take away a touchdown. Still a tie-game. Why do you presume OSU would have won? Late in that game, OSU was absolutely incapable of stopping Illinois' offense from grinding the game away. Illinois literally had the ball for the last 8:30 of the game, and ended the game with the ball at the OSU 34: they could have potentially won by even MORE than 7.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But neither do I partake in revisionist history. Illinois 100% absolutely earned their victory in that 2007 OSU game.
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Let's not forget: Tressel had ample opportunity to have that play reviewed. For some strange reason (all the folks up in the booth had access to the replay on the ABC broadcast), Tressel declined.

Why not a review? Shouldn't at least SOME of the blame go to Tressel on that one?

The claim that "it cost OSU the game" is clearly not a statement of fact. Illinois won by 7. Fine, take away a touchdown. Still a tie-game. Why do you presume OSU would have won? Late in that game, OSU was absolutely incapable of stopping Illinois' offense from grinding the game away. Illinois literally had the ball for the last 8:30 of the game, and ended the game with the ball at the OSU 34: they could have potentially won by even MORE than 7.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But neither do I partake in revisionist history. Illinois 100% absolutely earned their victory in that 2007 OSU game.

I'll take back "cost them the game" because it really doesn't matter. OSU still played for the NC that year.

As for why Tressel didn't challenge....

By the time Illinois lined up for the next play, most of the television audience was screaming for an official review of the call as they could all see that Illinois running back Dan Dufrene basically attempted to lateral the ball as he fell to the ground. No question Tressel should have called for a review but he claimed at the time that he heard there was something wrong with the replay equipment and he didn’t want to waste a challenge that early in the game.
I'll take back "cost them the game" because it really doesn't matter. OSU still played for the NC that year.

As for why Tressel didn't challenge....

By the time Illinois lined up for the next play, most of the television audience was screaming for an official review of the call as they could all see that Illinois running back Dan Dufrene basically attempted to lateral the ball as he fell to the ground. No question Tressel should have called for a review but he claimed at the time that he heard there was something wrong with the replay equipment and he didn’t want to waste a challenge that early in the game.

Wow, you put it in bold - how impressive. "....most of the television audience was screaming for an official review....." - wow, such fact based "drama", LMFAO. I also like your hoo-haa about Tressell not using a challenge because "he hear there was something wrong with the replay equipment" - again LMFAO, so he didn't waste it early in the game, despite the fact that it would be equally wasted later in the game if the equipment wasn't working properly! Or did Tressel's ever awesome "coaching genius" give him the zen-like ability to just know when the "replay equipment would or wouldn't be working". Such amusing drivel from the b1g shiz-hole crowd to justify PSU getting screwed by the officials over and over in scUM and tO$U games.....dare I even point out that the OP said to name a game where tO$U was blatantly screwed over to PSU's advantage, not name an Illinois game LMFAO! I guess we're just going to forget about the Hartsock "bounced pass", the Eddie George "no called" blatant fumble, the repeated cheating of the 2014 game, etc., etc., etc... and yet you can't name a single tO$U v PSU game where tO$U was blatantly screwed over with a blatantly WRONG CALL like this - go figure!
Wow, you put it in bold - how impressive. "....most of the television audience was screaming for an official review....." - wow, such fact based "drama", LMFAO. I also like your hoo-haa about Tressell not using a challenge because "he hear there was something wrong with the replay equipment" - again LMFAO, so he didn't waste it early in the game, despite the fact that it would be equally wasted later in the game if the equipment wasn't working properly! Or did Tressel's ever awesome "coaching genius" give him the zen-like ability to just know when the "replay equipment would or wouldn't be working". Such amusing drivel from the b1g shiz-hole crowd to justify PSU getting screwed by the officials over and over in scUM and tO$U games.....dare I even point out that the OP said to name a game where tO$U was blatantly screwed over to PSU's advantage, not name an Illinois game LMFAO! I guess we're just going to forget about the Hartsock "bounced pass", the Eddie George "no called" blatant fumble, the repeated cheating of the 2014 game, etc., etc., etc... and yet you can't name a single tO$U v PSU game where tO$U was blatantly screwed over with a blatantly WRONG CALL like this - go figure!

I bolded it because they weren't my words.
What was the final score of that Illinois-Ohio State game? Did Illinois score on that possession? I'll have to watch a replay of that Ohio State-Miami game.

No response on Delaney getting illegal players to play in the Bowl game? Like he'd do that for any other Big team not named UM or O$U?
Illinois won 28-21. And yes, Illinois scored a touchdown on that possession. More on this below.

Honestly, I was out of the country when that story broke. By the time I got back I didn't dig deep into WHY they were allowed to play because I was pretty pissed off at Tressel and the program for the way it was handled. However, comparing it to Penn State and the sanctions they received, my gut reaction is that Ohio State fought to have those players included while Penn State agreed to accept everything. Maybe they did that under duress or maybe not, I wasn't in the room.
Let's not forget: Tressel had ample opportunity to have that play reviewed. For some strange reason (all the folks up in the booth had access to the replay on the ABC broadcast), Tressel declined.

Why not a review? Shouldn't at least SOME of the blame go to Tressel on that one?

The claim that "it cost OSU the game" is clearly not a statement of fact. Illinois won by 7. Fine, take away a touchdown. Still a tie-game. Why do you presume OSU would have won? Late in that game, OSU was absolutely incapable of stopping Illinois' offense from grinding the game away. Illinois literally had the ball for the last 8:30 of the game, and ended the game with the ball at the OSU 34: they could have potentially won by even MORE than 7.

I'm not a conspiracy theorist. But neither do I partake in revisionist history. Illinois 100% absolutely earned their victory in that 2007 OSU game.
It did not cost Ohio State the game, because one play or one call never determines the outcome of the game. Never. By claiming it does, you're absolving the offense or defense from blowing responsibilities on ensuing plays and forgetting all the turning point plays that come before or after. Let's hit a few in chronological order:

2003 Fiesta Bowl: If defensive holding is correctly called on the DB covering Chris Gamble, Ohio State has a first down with 2 minutes to go up 3. If a block in the back is correctly called on the ensuing punt return, Miami has the ball on their own 20 or so with 2 minutes down 3 instead of being already in field goal range. If Miami stops Ohio State on 4th and 14 in OT, the game is over and Miami wins by a touchdown. If Miami stopped Ohio State on the drive after the pass interference they get the ball back with a chance to win. If Miami scores from 1st and goal at the 2 after the pass interference, the game goes to another OT and Miami has a chance to win.

2003 Ohio State-Penn State: If the Hartsock drop is correctly called, it's 4th and 3. Ohio State still has a decent chance to convert. Regardless Ohio State ran about 8 plays after that "catch" and had to score a touchdown. If Penn State stops them, they win.

2005 Penn State- Michigan: Don't let Manningham run wide open into the endzone.

2007 Ohio State-Illinois: Illinois held possession for 12+ minutes in the 4th quarter. Ohio State could not get them off the field. THIS cost Ohio State the game.

2014 Ohio State-Penn State: Vonn Bell's Int was not a pick 6. Stop the ensuing drive. The FG is different, but it changes the entire flow of what happens next, because Ohio State probably punts. But you don't know (and neither do I) what would have happened. Ohio State might have pinned Penn State inside the 5, gotten great field position on the next drive and scored a TD. Or the game could have gone to halftime 7-0, which changes EVERYTHING about the second half. Ohio State probably doesn't come out throwing and the pick 6 doesn't happen. They definitely don't play soft at the end that allowed Penn State to drive down for a FG if it's tied or they're losing. You cannot just take 10 points off the board and say Penn State wins 17-7 because the entire flow of the game happens differently if those plays are called correctly.
Illinois won 28-21. And yes, Illinois scored a touchdown on that possession. More on this below.

Honestly, I was out of the country when that story broke. By the time I got back I didn't dig deep into WHY they were allowed to play because I was pretty pissed off at Tressel and the program for the way it was handled. However, comparing it to Penn State and the sanctions they received, my gut reaction is that Ohio State fought to have those players included while Penn State agreed to accept everything. Maybe they did that under duress or maybe not, I wasn't in the room.

It did not cost Ohio State the game, because one play or one call never determines the outcome of the game. Never. By claiming it does, you're absolving the offense or defense from blowing responsibilities on ensuing plays and forgetting all the turning point plays that come before or after. Let's hit a few in chronological order:

2003 Fiesta Bowl: If defensive holding is correctly called on the DB covering Chris Gamble, Ohio State has a first down with 2 minutes to go up 3. If a block in the back is correctly called on the ensuing punt return, Miami has the ball on their own 20 or so with 2 minutes down 3 instead of being already in field goal range. If Miami stops Ohio State on 4th and 14 in OT, the game is over and Miami wins by a touchdown. If Miami stopped Ohio State on the drive after the pass interference they get the ball back with a chance to win. If Miami scores from 1st and goal at the 2 after the pass interference, the game goes to another OT and Miami has a chance to win.

2003 Ohio State-Penn State: If the Hartsock drop is correctly called, it's 4th and 3. Ohio State still has a decent chance to convert. Regardless Ohio State ran about 8 plays after that "catch" and had to score a touchdown. If Penn State stops them, they win.

2005 Penn State- Michigan: Don't let Manningham run wide open into the endzone.

2007 Ohio State-Illinois: Illinois held possession for 12+ minutes in the 4th quarter. Ohio State could not get them off the field. THIS cost Ohio State the game.

2014 Ohio State-Penn State: Vonn Bell's Int was not a pick 6. Stop the ensuing drive. The FG is different, but it changes the entire flow of what happens next, because Ohio State probably punts. But you don't know (and neither do I) what would have happened. Ohio State might have pinned Penn State inside the 5, gotten great field position on the next drive and scored a TD. Or the game could have gone to halftime 7-0, which changes EVERYTHING about the second half. Ohio State probably doesn't come out throwing and the pick 6 doesn't happen. They definitely don't play soft at the end that allowed Penn State to drive down for a FG if it's tied or they're losing. You cannot just take 10 points off the board and say Penn State wins 17-7 because the entire flow of the game happens differently if those plays are called correctly.

You can pretty much explain away everything except why there haven't been any blatantly wrong calls against OSU or UM in favor of Penn State. Sure, you can fill the world with ifs and should haves, but the bottom line is it's the compilation of occurrences over the course of years against PSU in games against two particular teams that causes PSU fans to scream biased officiating. When we start getting our share of the "oops, we messed up" calls, then we will stop doubting the conference.
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You can pretty much explain away everything except why there haven't been any blatantly wrong calls against OSU or UM in favor of Penn State. Sure, you can fill the world with ifs and should haves, but the bottom line is it's the compilation of occurrences over the course of years against PSU in games against two particular teams that causes PSU fans to scream biased officiating. When we start getting our share of the "oops, we messed up" calls, then we will stop doubting the conference.
First, I have said that I believe there could be individual officials or team of officials that held bias. I do not believe it's a conference wide conspiracy lasting 23 years that would have to involve officials on the field, the director of officials, the commissioner and a number of deputy and associate commissioner positions to cover up. That's dozens and dozens of people over the course of decades...and not one has felt a guilty conscious? No one has let something slip? No one overheard something? Sent an email? Text message?

Second, for Ohio State games, you're talking about a handful of plays over the course of 23 games. Conservatively (100 plays per game and 10 questionable calls) we're talking about less than 0.5% of plays between the teams. The real number is almost certainly less than 0.2%. When you're losing by an average of 10 points a game over 23 games, I don't believe 0.2% of the plays would have significantly turned the tide.
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