jeez louise I admitted I was wrong a few hours ago
get over it.
Also, while we're ripping down statues, why doesn't anyone have a problem with a giant lenin statue in Portland? The guy killed quite a few innocent people, yet he's celebrated for some reason.
You'd think Tener's next question would have been...."Well, are there any statues of Mayor Goode in Philadelphia?"
I guess if there are, he's ok with them - which is perplexing.
You'd think Tener's next question would have been...."Well, are there any statues of Mayor Goode in Philadelphia?"
I guess if there are, he's ok with them - which is perplexing.
Not really understanding the "traitors', thing. Have not heard that is the reason for taking down statues outside of this board.You mean this isn't about "traitors" (as we've been instructed by the nuanced), and something else altogether? Hmmm...
It's an exact analogy. And it really happened a couple of years ago. The French did not like another country honoring their defeat--on coins that could circulate and were legal tender in France. 200 years after the fact. So they got them banned. Belgium instead issued a 2.5 Euro coin, which is only legal tender in Belgium.Terrible analogy.
All you have to do is Google it.Not really understanding the "traitors', thing. Have not heard that is the reason for taking down statues outside of this board.
I just couldn't resist the quote....jeez louise I admitted I was wrong a few hours ago
get over it.![]()
It's an exact analogy. And it really happened a couple of years ago. The French did not like another country honoring their defeat--on coins that could circulate and were legal tender in France. 200 years after the fact. So they got them banned. Belgium instead issued a 2.5 Euro coin, which is only legal tender in Belgium.
We can agree to disagree. I think you are blowing it way out of proportion. A couple of dudes over a been maybe, but when you ask real questions about defense, taxation, infrastructure you quickly realize that it is just fun-talk (California included). Nobody is going to secede any time soon. Certainly not in our lifetimes.Racism aside they should be destroyed. Just last week, someone on the test board was talking about how the south maybe should have won and maybe this country wasn't meant to be one. That maybe the south was right.
That thinking is dangerous in my opinion and more pervasive than you think. It is VERY pervasive in the south. The confederate symbols and rewriting of history give them something to rally around. They pretend the war was about states rights, when i was about nothing more than slavery. Tear down their statues, outlaw their flags.
Not in terms of the European Union and a common currency it isn't.Belgium is a separate country. They are not a failed country of traitors, do you not see the difference? Traitors have no honor.
Perhaps a more apt analogy would be the people of Vichy France flying the nazi flag, but even that isn't quite right.
Jesus....I don't know where to start with that... In a thread full of posts not understanding the intricacies of this time period in American history, this is hands down the worst post of thread.
No he didn't. Not sure why you are repeating Confederate propaganda.
Documents show Lee was cruel to his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape. Historian Elizabeth Brown Pryor said in a 2008 American Heritage article that Lee was angry about the slaves' demands for freedom and "resorted to increasingly harsh measures to maintain control," breaking up most slave families. One slave at Arlington, Pryor noted, called Lee, "the worst man I ever see."
Grant on the Confederacy :
“That cause, I believe, is one of the worst for which a people have fought, and one for which there is the least excuse.”
Grant owned one slave and freed him in the 1850s.
Yes. All of it. I think you are certifiable.Is any part of my post untrue?
Yes. Build monuments countering their narrative.I do think Andrew Young's comments are instructive here. Former Mayor of Atlanta and close friend to Dr. King:
I think it’s too costly to refight the Civil War. We have paid too great a price in trying to bring people together…
“I personally feel that we made a mistake in fighting over the Confederate flag here in Georgia. Or that that was an answer to the problem of the death of nine people – to take down the Confederate flag in South Carolina.”
“And my daddy said, those are sick people. They’re white supremacists, and white supremacy is a sickness. You don’t get mad, you get smart. You never get angry with sick people, because you’ll catch their sickness. That’s what I worry about with our young people. Anger and this emotional militancy will give you ulcers, give you heart attacks.
“Don’t get mad, get smart. Your brain is the most important thing you have.”
All you have to do is Google it.
See this quick search I did.
Confederate statues: Honoring patriots or traitors? - Washington Times
6 days ago - Tom Lever, 28, and Aaliyah Jones, 38, both of Charlottesville, put up a sign that says “Heather Heyer Park” at the base of the Confederate ...
Were Confederate Generals Traitors? - The Daily Signal
Jun 28, 2017 - Those who label Robert E. Lee a traitor might have to label George Washington the same.
Trump's defense of Confederate traitors is more than a culture war ...
4 days ago - There's something poetic about President Donald Trump defending the treasonous generals who fought for the Confederate States of America.
Confederates Were Traitors—Deal with It - Daily Kos
Jun 19, 2015 - 150 years after the Civil War, we need to start calling the Confederates what they were. Traitors. They set out to destroy the United States.
Who Was the Traitor and Who the Patriot? | Virginia Historical Society
Pro-Confederates said they were exercising the right, enshrined in the Declaration ... or she was a patriot in the eyes of some and a traitor in the minds of others.
Opinion: Confederate flag was the flag of traitors - CNN -
Oct 25, 2013 - But the one thing you can't dispute: The Confederate flag was flown by traitors to the United States of America who slaughtered more than ...
It's Time To Change The Names Of Bases That Honor Confederate ...
Aug 15, 2017 - Confederate soldier re-enactors charge to battle during the 150th ... It's Time To Change The Names Of Bases That Honor Confederate Traitors.
Two random people. Big deal. Keep trying. I can find thousands of crazy people saying crazy things.
Not sure why you are trying to defend the statues of people who killed 400,000 Americans and then
at the same time, lump great americans who founded this country with them.
It's pretty well documented that Lee freed his slaves just prior to the beginning of the war. Your statement concerning Grant's slaves is completely false. I've actually seen the slave quarters where Grant's slaves lived. He did not free them until he was requited to by law.
You are either willfully ignorant or a liar.
That's her opinion
Bullshit. Lee didn't free his slaves. He sold his slaves in 1852. That can in no way be considered freeing his slaves. He then inherited slaves in 1857. He didn't free his inherited slaves until a year after the war started. You appear to be reading well documented bullshit.
Here is testimony from a slave named Wesley Norris.
I remained with Gen. Lee about seventeen months, when my sister Mary, a cousin of ours, and I determined to run away, which we did in the year 1859; we had already reached Westminster, in Maryland, on our way to the North, when we were apprehended and thrown into prison, and Gen. Lee notified of our arrest; we remained in prison fifteen days, when we were sent back to Arlington; we were immediately taken before Gen. Lee, who demanded the reason why we ran away; we frankly told him that we considered ourselves free; he then told us he would teach us a lesson we never would forget; he then ordered us to the barn, where in his presence, we were tied firmly to posts by a Mr. Gwin, our overseer, who was ordered by Gen. Lee to strip us to the waist and give us fifty lashes each, excepting my sister, who received but twenty; we were accordingly stripped to the skin by the overseer, who, however, had sufficient humanity to decline whipping us; accordingly Dick Williams, a county constable was called in, who gave us the number of lashes ordered; Gen. Lee, in the meantime, stood by, and frequently enjoined Williams to "lay it on well," an injunction which he did not fail to heed; not satisfied with simply lacerating our naked flesh, Gen. Lee then ordered the overseer to thoroughly wash our backs with brine, which was done.
BOOM!!! Every single example is in here.Can you give me a link to the organizations that want Washington, Jefferson and, Lincoln statues down?
And for some reason this continues to be wilfully ignored but, in all the cases I've seen so far, these groups want the statues removed from gov't property, not destroyed. Not sure why some people think they have a god given right to display confederate statues on gov't property in perpetuity.
Powerful and painful story. What is the source?
I wonder if some (not many) on this board realize that there are BLACK players on the PSU football team? How do they rationalize their thinking?
BOOM!!! Every single example is in here.
Boom!! Wrong!! Boom!! Three names were mentioned in the article. Lee, Jackson and Petain. Two were treasonous slave owners who fought against against our country to preserve the right for white people to own black people and, Petain was convicted of treason for helping the Nazis, leading thousands of Jews to their death. These people are not heros and don't deserve the honors bestowed upon them by previous generations of racists. Feel free to continue to fight for your heros. This is American and you have that right, just as others have the right to oppose you.