USC connected to Robert E. Lee?

Well, I'm going to put what are likely my final thoughts on this here. If a community wants to take down a statue then they should, if they want to leave it up, they should. If there is irrefutable evidence that an individual statue went up to intimidate other citizens in the community, by all means bring the class action suit and have it torn down. By any of those routes it's up to the community where it resides and yahoos from all over the country should NOT descend on those places to cause mayhem. Make no mistake those that really want to push this statue issue have ulterior nefarious motives. Washington, Jefferson, Jackson, Lincoln, Wilson, Roosevelt, and Rizzo (as a local example) are next on their docket. It will be interesting to see if those supporting the confederate statue removal stand up to those flanking them on the left.

All in all there is only one statue I want to see returned, and I am guessing we all agree on that.

You keep making that claim with no proof. I googled tear down Jefferson memorial and the only results were from The Federalist, Rush Limbaugh, TheBlaze, TheDailyCaller and FoxNews. So far, everything indicates it is a made up story by right wing propagandists.
You keep making that claim with no proof. I googled tear down Jefferson memorial and the only results were from The Federalist, Rush Limbaugh, TheBlaze, TheDailyCaller and FoxNews. So far, everything indicates it is a made up story by right wing propagandists.
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Talk about rewriting history. Lee absolutely owned slaves.

Lee freed his slaves before the war began. Grant did not free his slaves until after the war, when the constitution was amended to prohibit slavery. Grant only gave up his slaves when he was legally compelled to do so.
With all these monuments and Civil War statues and memorials being torn down, I'm curious as to where the line gets drawn. Will Mount Vernon and Monticello be burned to the ground or razed? Maybe the Army will send a few M1/A2 Abrams Tanks to South Dakota's Black Hills and blow the faces off half the faces on Mt. Rushmore? For those on this board who - like this Pennsylvania boy - have lived in the south at some point during their lives, you know the pride some of the folks in Dixie take in having a great-great-great grandfather who was a Rebel in Lee's army or served under Stonewall Jackson, etc...It's gotta be a tough time for them these days. When the Washington Monument or Jefferson Memorial get torn down I think we may have a big problem.

Let them have there d@mn statues. I think there should be a Burger King type model here. Next to each and every one of those statues should be a statue or kiosk that explains there treasonous racist history. Leave it up let the world know who they really were.
He also took up arms against our nation. Again, these statues aren't being torn down, they are being moved. What most people want is that they not be given such prominent placement in town squares or on public land. They want them moved to a more historically appropriate location. Who the hell needs a giant confederate soldier at the entrance to a courthouse.

Lee took up arms to defend his state against an illegal invasion by a tyrant who effectively suspended the constitution.

Slavery was legal. Secession was legal. Lincoln murdered more than 300,000 southerners whose only offense was complying with the laws of the United States.
@Judge Smails Trying to keep this board about football and Penn State....

It was one Rizzo mural and one Rizzo statue. The Rizzo mural is the most vandalized mural in Philadelphia. Many people in Philly rightfully hate Rizzo.

so he bombed an entire city block and killed 11 people, including 5 kids.

was that so wrong?
dayum I thought that was Rizzo, but you are correct

Rizzo was mayor for the 1978 MOVE conflict that killed Ramp.

Yea, I had been working in Downtown Philly the previous 3 summers before that all went down.
IIRC I was just about ready to Graduate from PSU when that happened. And really I don't remember a lot of what happened in April and May of '85. Lets just say a lot of time was spent at The Brick House, The Train Station, Nello's and Stoney's Post House. A LOT OF TIME. LOL.
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Lee took up arms to defend his state against an illegal invasion by a tyrant who effectively suspended the constitution.

Slavery was legal. Secession was legal. Lincoln murdered more than 300,000 southerners whose only offense was complying with the laws of the United States.
Jesus....I don't know where to start with that... In a thread full of posts not understanding the intricacies of this time period in American history, this is hands down the worst post of thread.
Lee took up arms to defend his state against an illegal invasion by a tyrant who effectively suspended the constitution.

Slavery was legal. Secession was legal. Lincoln murdered more than 300,000 southerners whose only offense was complying with the laws of the United States.
Holy shiat...
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Lee took up arms to defend his state against an illegal invasion by a tyrant who effectively suspended the constitution.
Slavery was legal. Secession was legal. Lincoln murdered more than 300,000 southerners whose only offense was complying with the laws of the United States.

Mt. Nittany, Oblvi? Any thoughts?
I couldn't live further away GG. You have to give me a pass, and I'll forgive you next time you confuse FTL and WPB.
I'll give you a pass this time.
The Lenin statue is very strange. If there was a large Russian population in Seattle that wanted it to be removed, I'm sure most Seattle-ites would have no problem with it.
Lee freed his slaves before the war began. Grant did not free his slaves until after the war, when the constitution was amended to prohibit slavery. Grant only gave up his slaves when he was legally compelled to do so.
Start at 2:00 in...

"I don't know those slaves wanna leave..."
He also took up arms against our nation. Again, these statues aren't being torn down, they are being moved. What most people want is that they not be given such prominent placement in town squares or on public land. They want them moved to a more historically appropriate location. Who the hell needs a giant confederate soldier at the entrance to a courthouse.
Nonsense. Like Joe's statue they'll never go up again. Anywhere. Except a token one or two. Let's be real.
Meh, I don't know. Perhaps my history is wrong here, but did Washington or Jefferson lead an army of thousands of traitors to kill 400,000 Americans.
But I don't know, maybe my history is a bit off.
True--just a bunch of British and Tories--who were their countrymen at the time.

Had they lost, they would have been strung up like Nathan Hale.

Lincoln could have done the same. Much of his party wanted him to do that (it's why Johnson was impeached after he tried to follow Lincoln). Lincoln chose "With malice toward none--with charity toward all". He chose to treat his defeated enemy as ... Americans.
True--just a bunch of British and Tories--who were their countrymen at the time.

Had they lost, they would have been strung up like Nathan Hale.

Lincoln could have done the same. Much of his party wanted him to do that (it's why Johnson was impeached after he tried to follow Lincoln). Lincoln chose "With malice toward none--with charity toward all". He chose to treat his defeated enemy as ... Americans.

I would argue that was a mistake, lol

Lee freed his slaves before the war began. Grant did not free his slaves until after the war, when the constitution was amended to prohibit slavery. Grant only gave up his slaves when he was legally compelled to do so.

No he didn't. Not sure why you are repeating Confederate propaganda.

Documents show Lee was cruel to his slaves and encouraged his overseers to severely beat slaves captured after trying to escape. Historian Elizabeth Brown Pryor said in a 2008 American Heritage article that Lee was angry about the slaves' demands for freedom and "resorted to increasingly harsh measures to maintain control," breaking up most slave families. One slave at Arlington, Pryor noted, called Lee, "the worst man I ever see."

Grant on the Confederacy :
“That cause, I believe, is one of the worst for which a people have fought, and one for which there is the least excuse.”

Grant owned one slave and freed him in the 1850s.
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Do they have counties named after Adams, Madison, and Monroe?
Ohio does....

And Ashland County, named after the home of Henry Clay, a slave owner and one who brokered compromises that allowed slavery to continue. Carroll County named after Declaration of Independence signer and slave owner Charles Carroll. And of course counties named for Jefferson, Washington, and Franklin.

and *lots* of statues of Sherman.
No, but I think the vast majority of people of good will would agree that statues honoring any aspect of the confederacy should come down. I just don't want it done by a mob.
In cemeteries? At Gettysburg? No.

And today vandals decapitated a Confederate solider statue at Camp Chase Cemetery in Columbus. Folks also are demanding that the statue of Columbus in front of Columbus city hall be taken down. Oberlin, Ohio, today changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. New York is discussing removal of their Columbus statue in Columbus Square, and Baltimore's statue was defaced.
In cemeteries? At Gettysburg? No.

And today vandals decapitated a Confederate solider statue at Camp Chase Cemetery in Columbus. Folks also are demanding that the statue of Columbus in front of Columbus city hall be taken down. Oberlin, Ohio, today changed Columbus Day to Indigenous Peoples Day. New York is discussing removal of their Columbus statue in Columbus Square, and Baltimore's statue was defaced.
You mean this isn't about "traitors" (as we've been instructed by the nuanced), and something else altogether? Hmmm...
Racism aside they should be destroyed. Just last week, someone on the test board was talking about how the south maybe should have won and maybe this country wasn't meant to be one. That maybe the south was right.

That thinking is dangerous in my opinion and more pervasive than you think. It is VERY pervasive in the south. The confederate symbols and rewriting of history give them something to rally around. They pretend the war was about states rights, when i was about nothing more than slavery. Tear down their statues, outlaw their flags.
So when are you getting out your musket? The war ended 150 YEARS ago.

You are as bad as the French who refused to allow Belgium to issue a 2 Euro coin to honor the 200th anniversary of Waterloo.
You mean this isn't about "traitors" (as we've been instructed by the nuanced), and something else altogether? Hmmm...

It can be about one thing for some people and another for others. The world isn't black and white.
So when are you getting out your musket? The war ended 150 YEARS ago.
You are as bad as the French who refused to allow Belgium to issue a 2 Euro coin to honor the 200th anniversary of Waterloo.

Terrible analogy.
It can be about one thing for some people and another for others. The world isn't black and white.
But there's a lot of folks out there--on many different sides--who seem to be trying to make it that way.