Vais/CP tweeted a tease ...

Tom McAndrew

Well-Known Member
May 29, 2001
that 2 freshmen are entering Flo's P4P which will be released tomorrow.

who do you think it will be?

most likely possibilities would seem to be (listed randomly):

- Nick Suriano
- Logan Massa
- Zahid Valencia
- Kollin Moore
- Matt Kolodzik
- Michael Kemerer
- Vincenzo Joseph
- Stevan Micic
- Jaydin Eierman

I don't think those redshirting can be in the P4P, but if they can he might consider Mark Hall.
It's Massa 19, Zahid 20.

Of interest:
- 125: 1 Gilman, 2 Dance, 3 Suriano, 4 Lizak, 7 Lambert, 11 Rodriguez, 12 Nicky Pitch
- 133: 1 Clark, 2 Tomasello, 6 Brock, 12 Cortez
- 141: 1 Heil, 16 Pletcher
- 149-Zain Retherford.
(2 Sorenson, 3 Collica, 5 Jordan)
- 157-Jason Nolf.
(2 Kemerer, 3 Berger, 5 Smith, 11 Short; Palacio dropped from rankings)
- 165: 1 Martinez, 2 Massa, 4 Rogers, 8 Cenzo, 13 Wanzek
- 174: 1 Jordan, 2 Epperly, 3 Zahid, 4 Realbuto, 5 Crutchmer, 6 Preisch, 11 Meyer, 14 Rasheed.
- 184: 1 Dean, 2 Bo, 3 Dudley, 4 Boyd, 5 Brooks, 8 Martin, 10 PD3 (This clearly casts the entire rankings in doubt, just ask PD2.)
- 197: 1 Cox, 2 Pfarr, 3 Haught, 4 Weigel, 5 Mouse, 6 Moore, 8 Studebaker
- 285: 1 Snyder, 2 Medberry, 3 Walz, 4 Sasquatch, 5 Kroells, 6 Nevills, 7 Stoll, 9 Schafer, 14 Jensen
I love me some Cory Clark, but it seems silly to rank him above Nato at this point knowing what we know. That match was anyone's game before Cory was injured and missed significant time-I would have to favor Nato if they wrestled now.
I love me some Cory Clark, but it seems silly to rank him above Nato at this point knowing what we know. That match was anyone's game before Cory was injured and missed significant time-I would have to favor Nato if they wrestled now.

Only thing I've never liked about NATO is his lack of offense against top competitors. He's a very good ultra-physical, defensive wrestler who can beat anyone in long as the match is called in a way that favors his style.....but is vulnerable to losing if a folk match is called in an "offensive aggressors" favor (as it is supposed to be). In any event, I would not call him a "great wrestler" in the truest sense of the word and his upside outside of "folk" is very limited imho....
157 is paper thin

149 is not much better. This is what happens when the top guy at a weight is essentially unbeatable. Guys tries to clear out. 165 may not be any better, though. The middle of the weights has a clear number one guy who most likely is not going to lose this year.

Although, at least with 165lbs guys can try to convince themselves that IMar is unproven at 165lbs. It's silly, but it's something.
Really hoping Cenzo can make a run come March. 184 is really going to be a meatgrinder