Nevills takedown and lace for 4
Evans takedown at the edge
4-2 at the break
Mike Evans is not impressed.Nevills takedown and lace for 4 now 8-2
Push out 8-3
Takedown and lace for 6
Nick work 14-3 tech
#2022NICK LEE baby.
3 super solid TDs, a turn to be up 8-0. Then withstood an onslaught to beat Eierman to win 10-6.
Top 5 qualify.Nick wrestle Joey Lazor and AB wrestles Sammy Brooks to get to the semis. Is it Top 5 or 6 that qualifies for trials?
Either way, don't want to get caught looking ahead but if AB can beat Sammy, he's on a crash course with Zahid.