wbcincy and guys OK with the Cincinnati flooding?***

Well mich posted today so we can assume he's alright. Cincy's probably holed up preparing his annual analysis for the Buccos.
Yes, I'm far enough north of the Ohio River that we haven't had any problems at all. I appreciate your concern though.

And nits74, the analysis is simple this year. Bucs are winning 93 and the NL Central!
Yes --- though this does give me an opportunity to go on a rant

the River is high --- yesterday's crest was the highest the Ohio River has been since 1997 --- but it's not like this is some completely unprecedented event.

There are a few smaller neighborhoods and houses getting flooded on both sides of the River. But why on Earth are they in the floodplain in the first place?!?! The River occasionally floods: that is a fact of life. The Army Corps of Engineers does a good job with controlling the river, there are numerous dams all the way from Huntington, WV down to Cairo, IL. But it can't be completely controlled. Just impossible.

Sorry, but villages like New Richmond, Ohio or California, Ohio or Bromley, Kentucky --- it's stupid to be building there in the first place. Just bring everything inland a couple thousand feet, and there are no significant issues.

Honestly, 99% of Metro Cincinnati is completely unaffected by this. I live 2 miles south of the river. I commute across the river daily and work downtown: no issues at all.
This post was edited on 3/16 8:46 PM by michnittlion
Originally posted by wbcincy:

Yes, I'm far enough north of the Ohio River that we haven't had any problems at all. I appreciate your concern though.

And nits74, the analysis is simple this year. Bucs are winning 93 and the NL Central!
Good to hear no problems. I'm with you on the Bucs, but I'd say your win total is a tad low. I say 98 wins.
I'll take the Reds finishing ahead of the Pirates

if and only if I get 19 1/2 wins in return. Yikes, the Reds could suck this year. I do like the Bucs in '15.
Re: Yes --- though this does give me an opportunity to go on a rant

As with wbcincy, good to hear you're not flooded.
ReWhy? Because they were given permits to build there.

By local douches on planning commissions and zoning boards. You live there. Do something about it.

Maybe this is why you have this "Bad Man" view of history--so you, yourself don't have to do anything. Huh.
Well, I live in Fort Thomas, Kentucky --- which is NOT flooding

what the hell am I supposed to do about a community like New Richmond, Ohio ----- which is neither a town I reside in, or even a town in the STATE I reside in?

Geez, I guess you're just going around and pouncing on my posts, but this one is extremely dumb. If I lived in New Richmond, Ohio, I'd probably "do something about it." But I don't.
Re: Well, I live in Fort Thomas, Kentucky --- which is NOT flooding

Peace my friends, peace.

Cincy, I too am expecting a Central title. And Mich, the Reds still scare me if things fall into place for them.
I love me some California, Oh I thought it was a great place, I wonder how

Washington Marina fared?? or the horse park??