Wendy Silverwood's excellent summary


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Dumpster Fires, Greasy Garbage & a Singular Lie

Wendy Silverwood·Thursday, June 9, 2016
A crummy Pennsylvania political dumpster fire, in the form of a prosecutor’s grand jury presentment, was wheeled up onto the steps of Old Main in November 2011. A graffiti marked trash receptacle filled with kitchen grease & burning garbage - bellowing acrid smoke - was meant to rage away at the PSU President’s Office. A Harrisburg arsonist’s effort to torch the reputations of a few faceless admins at Pennsylvania’s flagship university, gain election points and ultimately burn Dr. Spanier - the political enemy of Tom Corbett. The Fuel A Pennsylvania Investigative Grand Jury Presentment is a Prosecutor’s document. There is no Defense attorney present, there is no cross-examination, there is no exculpatory information shared. It is simply a charging document. Most citizens aren't aware of how abused it is by prosecutors, who have a license to lie, especially here in Pennsylvania - and how the Office of Attorney General, under Tom Corbett's tenure, was using that as a means to take out political enemies and gain election points. See the Bonusgate & Computergate prosecutions by this office.
The Spark Of A Singular Lie Dr. Spanier, Gary Schultz & Tim Curley were never told of a "rape in the shower" in direct contrast to that November 2011 presentment, containing that singular lie.


clip from Schultz filing

The Arsonist Frank Fina was the prosecutor supervising the Sandusky investigative grand jury. Frank Fina has been exposed as having a harassment & pornography problem at work, along with ex parte communications with Judges and other public officials and a habit of selectively leaking to the press. It has cost him his career and ripped open a constitutional crisis in our state.
The Greasy Garbage We know Frank Fina had the not-so-secret "secret emails" used to torch Penn State well before Louis Freeh was even hired. Freeh lied when he said his team found those emails. They were provided in compliance to subpoena 1179, not secret and in fact, copies were given to the law firm of Duane Morris and others. Freeh’s grandstanding July 12, 2012 press conference added more fuel to the fire, turning it into a national congflagration. The sports media goes wild.


clip from Spanier v Freeh

More Garbage Tossed In Another lie about the "Most Powerful Men at Penn State" by Louis Freeh. Penn State had 12 vice presidents and more than 40 vice provosts, deans and chancellors, whose work was in turn supported by several hundred department heads and administrative staff.

No So Innocent Bystanders The NCAA, anxious to get their foot in the door to improve their crummy optics, lies and provides an investigative blueprint for Louis Freeh. On January 7th, 2012, Julie Roe, the NCAA’s Vice President of Enforcement, travelled to State College to give a PowerPoint presentation to over a dozen FSS, FGIS, and Pepper Hamilton employees. Referred to by the NCAA as an “education session” for these governance experts, the NCAA essentially informed Freeh’s investigators what they were expected to find and therefore conclude. Louis Freeh & Pepper Hamilton lie as they are also auditioning for NCAA Compliance Investigative work as well - double dipping, as it were on Penn State’s time and Penn State’s dime.
Panic In The Crowd Letterman & Trustee Paul Suhey directed Rodney Erickson to take down Paterno’s statue to appease the NCAA. A complete lie by Rodney Erickson about the statue being a lightning rod and an impediment for "victims to heal".
More Members Of #TeamArson We know Louis Freeh along with SITF chairs Ken Frazier & Ron Tomalis were colluding in the background. Ron Tomalis is serving as Tom Corbett’s "inside man". Tomalis was nominated by former Governor Corbett to serve as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Education in January 2011. He was confirmed in April 2011 and served in this position until he resigned in May 2013. Tomalis served on the Penn State Board of Trustees in an ex-officio capacity. He was Vice Chair of the Special Investigative Task Force that hired Louis Freeh. Tomalis was exposed by the Pittsburgh press as a "ghost employee" for his position with the PA Department of Education - he's completely fallen off the radar.
The only unanswered question is what was motivating Merck CEO / PSU Trustee & Licensed Lawyer Ken Frazier to completely steamroll the constitutional right to due process? In November 2011 he could have simply told the press to back off, sit down and everyone would wait for due process to play out - but he didn't. He went along with the hiring of Freeh against his better judgment and chaired the Task Force. He publicly & vociferously supported the “facts” found in the Freeh Report which Freeh himself now claims were just “opinion”.


Freeh, Tomalis, Frazier
A Smoking, Smoldering Heap To this day, this dumpster still sits on the lawn facing College Avenue. Decision makers in Old Main, on the Board of Trustees and at the Penn State Alumni Association walk past it every day, seemingly not to notice. They sprayed a $8.5 million dollar can of FREEHbreze around it to get rid of the stench to no avail. They’ve done a lot of #handwaving to try to clear the air with no success. The larger Penn State family has been complaining for years about the smell and the hazard. It needs to be hauled off the campus and returned back to Harrisburg to be properly dealt with. Until that happens - it will continue to attract vermin and sports writers.
The Fire Marshall Current Attorney General Kathleen Kane, dealing with the resultant firestorm, the blowback to the commonwealth and the sifting thru of the ashes, remarked on the greasy corruption and garbage of politics that ooze from state offices that was the preferred accelerant:


To recap a crummy dumpster fire as it raged out of control
  1. We have a state Prosecutor in our Office of Attorney General obsessed with sex, pornography and sexual abuse towards women, prosecuting a sex abuse case involving minors and an adult that was the Executive Director of a children's charitable non-profit.
  2. We have a Governor bent on taking out a University President for petty, political reasons and out for election points. This same Governor sits on the Penn State Board of Trustees by virtue of his office.
  3. University Admins testify before the grand jury, walking into that room not knowing they are the true target of that grand jury presentment.
  4. University General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin gums things up quite nicely and becomes Queen For A Day.
  5. Our Office of Attorney General had a habit of selectively leaking to the predictable Harrisburg beat writers that value that access to Harrisburg. This is done to advance their political position, poison their targets in the court of public opinion and gain election points.
  6. That same Office of Attorney General did not factor in the unpredictable Sports Media, which holds no allegiance to Harrisburg for stories and doesn't give a flip about access.
  7. We have a dysfunctional Board of Trustees that collectively wet themselves when the Sandusky presentment came screaming down the pike. They go into radio silence and the sports media rushes in to fill that void. It's now a sports scandal.
  8. PSU Trustee Ken Frazier loudly announces that a grand jury presentment is nothing to get worked up about, as a lawyer he's got plenty of experience dealing with such, and the rest of the Board nods in agreement and throws him the reins.
  9. PSU Board Vice Chair John Surma steps over then Chair Steve Garban's body to ax Joe Paterno in an ill-timed, late night press conference, finally fulfilling a personal vendetta.
  10. The sports media flames what was supposed to be a local Pennsylvania news dumpster fire on the steps of Old Main - into a raging national firestorm.
  11. Frank Fina and Tom Corbett run for cover - the smell of gasoline still on their hands.
  12. The NCAA seizes their opportunity with a panicked & dysfunctional Board, and attempts to improve their crummy optics at the expense of the Student/Athletes they profess to care so much about.
  13. Rather than apologize for the damage they've done, these Corporate CEOs, the Office of Attorney General & the Governor find themselves in the shits - so Louis Freeh is hired to manage the message for the client - his very lucrative business model.
  14. Louis Freeh is also auditioning to be the NCAA's new bitch.
And In The End After all the damage, the destruction, the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on failed PR, lawsuits, court filings and appearances, countersuits, settlements, attorney’s fees, fines and penalties, loss of livelihoods, damages to reputations - the Office of Attorney General, who has oversight of Charitable Non-Profits in our state, has NEVER investigated Sandusky's Second Mile charity. The place where he met, groomed and accessed minors. They never felt the urge to go into Second Mile offices, kick over some filing cabinets and knock a few heads together asking relevant questions of those licensed child health & welfare professionals & board members :
“who knew what when, and what did you do about it?”.


Second Mile CEO Dr. Jack Raykovitz (C) & his wife and charity counterpart Katherine Genovese (L) & Nancy Silvis (R)


Kimberly Intorre, Monica DeCesare Thomas, Susan Beck Wilson and 4 others like this.

Janet Parkhill Kudravetz Boom.

June 9 at 7:42am

Kimberly Intorre Bam! Spot on, Wendy Silverwood!

June 11 at 5:28am

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Dumpster Fires, Greasy Garbage & a Singular Lie

Wendy Silverwood·Thursday, June 9, 2016
A crummy Pennsylvania political dumpster fire, in the form of a prosecutor’s grand jury presentment, was wheeled up onto the steps of Old Main in November 2011. A graffiti marked trash receptacle filled with kitchen grease & burning garbage - bellowing acrid smoke - was meant to rage away at the PSU President’s Office. A Harrisburg arsonist’s effort to torch the reputations of a few faceless admins at Pennsylvania’s flagship university, gain election points and ultimately burn Dr. Spanier - the political enemy of Tom Corbett. The Fuel A Pennsylvania Investigative Grand Jury Presentment is a Prosecutor’s document. There is no Defense attorney present, there is no cross-examination, there is no exculpatory information shared. It is simply a charging document. Most citizens aren't aware of how abused it is by prosecutors, who have a license to lie, especially here in Pennsylvania - and how the Office of Attorney General, under Tom Corbett's tenure, was using that as a means to take out political enemies and gain election points. See the Bonusgate & Computergate prosecutions by this office.
The Spark Of A Singular Lie Dr. Spanier, Gary Schultz & Tim Curley were never told of a "rape in the shower" in direct contrast to that November 2011 presentment, containing that singular lie.


clip from Schultz filing

The Arsonist Frank Fina was the prosecutor supervising the Sandusky investigative grand jury. Frank Fina has been exposed as having a harassment & pornography problem at work, along with ex parte communications with Judges and other public officials and a habit of selectively leaking to the press. It has cost him his career and ripped open a constitutional crisis in our state.
The Greasy Garbage We know Frank Fina had the not-so-secret "secret emails" used to torch Penn State well before Louis Freeh was even hired. Freeh lied when he said his team found those emails. They were provided in compliance to subpoena 1179, not secret and in fact, copies were given to the law firm of Duane Morris and others. Freeh’s grandstanding July 12, 2012 press conference added more fuel to the fire, turning it into a national congflagration. The sports media goes wild.


clip from Spanier v Freeh

More Garbage Tossed In Another lie about the "Most Powerful Men at Penn State" by Louis Freeh. Penn State had 12 vice presidents and more than 40 vice provosts, deans and chancellors, whose work was in turn supported by several hundred department heads and administrative staff.

No So Innocent Bystanders The NCAA, anxious to get their foot in the door to improve their crummy optics, lies and provides an investigative blueprint for Louis Freeh. On January 7th, 2012, Julie Roe, the NCAA’s Vice President of Enforcement, travelled to State College to give a PowerPoint presentation to over a dozen FSS, FGIS, and Pepper Hamilton employees. Referred to by the NCAA as an “education session” for these governance experts, the NCAA essentially informed Freeh’s investigators what they were expected to find and therefore conclude. Louis Freeh & Pepper Hamilton lie as they are also auditioning for NCAA Compliance Investigative work as well - double dipping, as it were on Penn State’s time and Penn State’s dime.
Panic In The Crowd Letterman & Trustee Paul Suhey directed Rodney Erickson to take down Paterno’s statue to appease the NCAA. A complete lie by Rodney Erickson about the statue being a lightning rod and an impediment for "victims to heal".
More Members Of #TeamArson We know Louis Freeh along with SITF chairs Ken Frazier & Ron Tomalis were colluding in the background. Ron Tomalis is serving as Tom Corbett’s "inside man". Tomalis was nominated by former Governor Corbett to serve as Pennsylvania’s Secretary of Education in January 2011. He was confirmed in April 2011 and served in this position until he resigned in May 2013. Tomalis served on the Penn State Board of Trustees in an ex-officio capacity. He was Vice Chair of the Special Investigative Task Force that hired Louis Freeh. Tomalis was exposed by the Pittsburgh press as a "ghost employee" for his position with the PA Department of Education - he's completely fallen off the radar.
The only unanswered question is what was motivating Merck CEO / PSU Trustee & Licensed Lawyer Ken Frazier to completely steamroll the constitutional right to due process? In November 2011 he could have simply told the press to back off, sit down and everyone would wait for due process to play out - but he didn't. He went along with the hiring of Freeh against his better judgment and chaired the Task Force. He publicly & vociferously supported the “facts” found in the Freeh Report which Freeh himself now claims were just “opinion”.


Freeh, Tomalis, Frazier
A Smoking, Smoldering Heap To this day, this dumpster still sits on the lawn facing College Avenue. Decision makers in Old Main, on the Board of Trustees and at the Penn State Alumni Association walk past it every day, seemingly not to notice. They sprayed a $8.5 million dollar can of FREEHbreze around it to get rid of the stench to no avail. They’ve done a lot of #handwaving to try to clear the air with no success. The larger Penn State family has been complaining for years about the smell and the hazard. It needs to be hauled off the campus and returned back to Harrisburg to be properly dealt with. Until that happens - it will continue to attract vermin and sports writers.
The Fire Marshall Current Attorney General Kathleen Kane, dealing with the resultant firestorm, the blowback to the commonwealth and the sifting thru of the ashes, remarked on the greasy corruption and garbage of politics that ooze from state offices that was the preferred accelerant:


To recap a crummy dumpster fire as it raged out of control
  1. We have a state Prosecutor in our Office of Attorney General obsessed with sex, pornography and sexual abuse towards women, prosecuting a sex abuse case involving minors and an adult that was the Executive Director of a children's charitable non-profit.
  2. We have a Governor bent on taking out a University President for petty, political reasons and out for election points. This same Governor sits on the Penn State Board of Trustees by virtue of his office.
  3. University Admins testify before the grand jury, walking into that room not knowing they are the true target of that grand jury presentment.
  4. University General Counsel Cynthia Baldwin gums things up quite nicely and becomes Queen For A Day.
  5. Our Office of Attorney General had a habit of selectively leaking to the predictable Harrisburg beat writers that value that access to Harrisburg. This is done to advance their political position, poison their targets in the court of public opinion and gain election points.
  6. That same Office of Attorney General did not factor in the unpredictable Sports Media, which holds no allegiance to Harrisburg for stories and doesn't give a flip about access.
  7. We have a dysfunctional Board of Trustees that collectively wet themselves when the Sandusky presentment came screaming down the pike. They go into radio silence and the sports media rushes in to fill that void. It's now a sports scandal.
  8. PSU Trustee Ken Frazier loudly announces that a grand jury presentment is nothing to get worked up about, as a lawyer he's got plenty of experience dealing with such, and the rest of the Board nods in agreement and throws him the reins.
  9. PSU Board Vice Chair John Surma steps over then Chair Steve Garban's body to ax Joe Paterno in an ill-timed, late night press conference, finally fulfilling a personal vendetta.
  10. The sports media flames what was supposed to be a local Pennsylvania news dumpster fire on the steps of Old Main - into a raging national firestorm.
  11. Frank Fina and Tom Corbett run for cover - the smell of gasoline still on their hands.
  12. The NCAA seizes their opportunity with a panicked & dysfunctional Board, and attempts to improve their crummy optics at the expense of the Student/Athletes they profess to care so much about.
  13. Rather than apologize for the damage they've done, these Corporate CEOs, the Office of Attorney General & the Governor find themselves in the shits - so Louis Freeh is hired to manage the message for the client - his very lucrative business model.
  14. Louis Freeh is also auditioning to be the NCAA's new bitch.
And In The End After all the damage, the destruction, the hundreds of millions of dollars spent on failed PR, lawsuits, court filings and appearances, countersuits, settlements, attorney’s fees, fines and penalties, loss of livelihoods, damages to reputations - the Office of Attorney General, who has oversight of Charitable Non-Profits in our state, has NEVER investigated Sandusky's Second Mile charity. The place where he met, groomed and accessed minors. They never felt the urge to go into Second Mile offices, kick over some filing cabinets and knock a few heads together asking relevant questions of those licensed child health & welfare professionals & board members :
“who knew what when, and what did you do about it?”.


Second Mile CEO Dr. Jack Raykovitz (C) & his wife and charity counterpart Katherine Genovese (L) & Nancy Silvis (R)


Kimberly Intorre, Monica DeCesare Thomas, Susan Beck Wilson and 4 others like this.

Janet Parkhill Kudravetz Boom.

June 9 at 7:42am

Kimberly Intorre Bam! Spot on, Wendy Silverwood!

June 11 at 5:28am

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Is that Paul Silvis' wife with Jack Raykovitz?
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nice write-up

unfortunately, nobody's listening or reading....except PSU homers.
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Reactions: TMS1950
nice write-up

unfortunately, nobody's listening or reading....except PSU homers.

That doesn't mean you give up.

Every blow can place a chink in the armor........though it sure would be nice if a few "heavy hitters" showed the same determination to fight